Question types
1 Multiple Choices
There are
three types of multiple-choice questions in the IELTS listening exam.
A. One possible answer. (These are sometimes picturing multiple choices.)
Questions 1 and 2
Circle the correct letters A-C.
1 When did John finish the book?
A on the way to Japan
B in Japan
C on his way back from Japan.
2 What did John think about the book?
A He thought it was funny.
B He couldn’t understand it.
C He didn’t enjoy it.
B. Multiple answers for only one mark.
Questions 3 and 4
Choose TWO letters A-E.
3 John likes to read novels…
A on his way to work..
B during his lunch break..
C on his way home from work.
D after dinner.
E when he goes to bed.
4 John would like the library…
A to open on Sundays.
B to have more magazines and journals.
C to employ more staff.
D to have exhibitions.
E to do some renovations.
C. Multiple answers and one mark for each.
Questions 5-7
Circle THREE letters A-F.
What types of books does John like to read?
A Science fiction
B Thrillers
C Adventure
D Romance
E War
F Biographies
2.Short-answer questions
There are
two types of short answer questions in the IELTS listening exam.
Type 1.
Questions Questions 1 and 2
1. On which day of the week is the museum closed?
2. How old is the museum?
Type 2.
Lists Questions 3-5
THREE things which the museum has recently bought.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
3 ……………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………….
5 ………………………………………………..
3.Sentence completion Questions 1-3
Complete the sentences below.
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1.Both Hong Kong and Japan have …………………… .
2.There are more ………. ………….. visiting Japan.
3.Tourists are interested in ………………….
and ………………………. .
4.Notes/table/summary flow-chart/diagram completion
There are
two types of these completion questions in the IELTS exam.
Type 1. With a selection of possible answers. Type 2. Without a choice of possible answers. 5.Labeling a diagram which has numbered parts 6.Classification ..................
الان راح اتكلم عن التكنيك الي ممكن يسهل عليك الاجابة:
اسمع التعليمات قبل لا تجاوب لان بعض الاحيان يقولوا لك جاوب من سؤال كذا الى سؤال كذا فلازم تكون على علم كم سؤال راح تجاوبه ....... التكنيك مره مره سهل الا وهو:
Highlight the Key words in Questions and Answer as well
في اغلب الحالات او 90٪ في اختبار الاستماع يستخدمون مرادفات الكلمة ماتذكر سمعتهم استخدموا نفس الكلام الموجود في البوك ليت (ورقة الاسئلة) ... فعلشان كذا لابد وان يكون لديك عدد لا بأس من الفوكاب.
Circle the correct letters A-C.
1 When did John finish the book?
on the way to
in Japan
on his way back from
لاحظو في اللون الاخضر كلمة (اليابان) متكرره في جميع الخيارات في هذي الحالة نشوف وش الاختلاف فيه
وبما ان السؤال يتكلم عن متى ؟؟ باللون الاحمر ...والاختلاف في الفترات تلاقونه في اللون الازرق
سؤال اخر :
2 What did John think about the book?
A He
thought it was
B He
couldn’t understand it.
C He
didn’t enjoy it
وبهذي الطريقة تقدر تكمل باقي الاسئلة وتجاوب عليها بكل سهولة بأذن الواحد الاحد
The End Of Part One Of IELTS exam
August 8th, 2009, 04:49 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
دعواتكم لي بالتوفيق
اولا: خل اعتمادك على ربك بتسهل عليك كل امورك.
( الصلاة هي وسيلة الاتصال الوحيده بينك وبينك ربك )
ثانياً: بكل صراحة كنت خايف واحس نفسي غبي لما كنت في معهد ANU بس كنت واثق في ربي ثم في نفسي بأني بأجتاز الاختبار بسهولة
( الثقه بالنفس ثم الثقه بالنفس ثم الثقه بالنفس )
ثالثاً: لا تسمع لكلام الناس الي تقول ان الاختبار صعب
( سماعك لكلام الناس تقتل ثقتك في نفسك )
رابعاً: التحضير الجيد للاختبار بيساعدك بأنك تتجتازه بكل سهولة
( حضر للاختبار جيدا بفترة لا يقل عن شهر )
1- Listening Test
2- Reading Test
3- Writing Test
4-Speaking Test
Listening Test
section one
section two
section three
section four
The duration of the exam will take 40 minutes
1 Multiple Choices
There are three types of multiple-choice questions in the IELTS listening exam.
A. One possible answer. (These are sometimes picturing multiple choices.)
Questions 1 and 2
Circle the correct letters A-C.
1 When did John finish the book?
A on the way to Japan
B in Japan
C on his way back from Japan.
2 What did John think about the book?
A He thought it was funny.
B He couldn’t understand it.
C He didn’t enjoy it.
B. Multiple answers for only one mark.
Questions 3 and 4
Choose TWO letters A-E.
3 John likes to read novels…
A on his way to work..
B during his lunch break..
C on his way home from work.
D after dinner.
E when he goes to bed.
4 John would like the library…
A to open on Sundays.
B to have more magazines and journals.
C to employ more staff.
D to have exhibitions.
E to do some renovations.
C. Multiple answers and one mark for each.
Questions 5-7
Circle THREE letters A-F.
What types of books does John like to read?
A Science fiction
B Thrillers
C Adventure
D Romance
E War
F Biographies
2.Short-answer questions
There are two types of short answer questions in the IELTS listening exam.
Type 1. Questions
Questions 1 and 2
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.
1. On which day of the week is the museum closed?
2. How old is the museum?
Type 2. Lists
Questions 3-5
List THREE things which the museum has recently bought.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
3 ……………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………….
5 ………………………………………………..
3.Sentence completion
Questions 1-3
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1.Both Hong Kong and Japan have …………………… .
2.There are more ………. ………….. visiting Japan.
3.Tourists are interested in ………………….
and ………………………. .
4.Notes/table/summary flow-chart/diagram completion
There are two types of these completion questions in the IELTS exam.
Type 1. With a selection of possible answers.
Type 2. Without a choice of possible answers.
5.Labeling a diagram which has numbered parts
اسمع التعليمات قبل لا تجاوب لان بعض الاحيان يقولوا لك جاوب من سؤال كذا الى سؤال كذا فلازم تكون على علم كم سؤال راح تجاوبه ....... التكنيك مره مره سهل الا وهو:
Circle the correct letters A-C.
1 When did John finish the book?
A on the way to Japan
B in Japan
C on his way back from Japan
وبما ان السؤال يتكلم عن متى ؟؟ باللون الاحمر ...والاختلاف في الفترات تلاقونه في اللون الازرق
سؤال اخر :
A He thought it was funny.
B He couldn’t understand it.
C He didn’t enjoy it
وبهذي الطريقة تقدر تكمل باقي الاسئلة وتجاوب عليها بكل سهولة بأذن الواحد الاحد