August 16th, 2011, 07:10 PM
مايخفى عن الكل انك ماتقدر تقدم لاي برنامج دراسات عليا بدون رسائل توصيه سواءً من الدكاتره اللي درسوك او من مشرفينك او مدرائك في العمل
بعض الاخوه عندهم رسائل توصيه مكتوبه بالعربي لعدم إلمام الكاتب بالللغه الانجليزيه
لكن بما إن بعض الدكاتره مايمانع انك تجيب نموذج الرساله بالانجليزي وهو يسويها لك( يعني الدكتور يسوي cut & past)
وبصراحه كم شخص طلبني النموذج ذا ... فحبيت اسوي موضوع في المنتدى عشين الكل يستفيد
وهذه النماذج عباره عن رسائل توصيه انكتبت لي والله يوفق اللي كتبها لي دنيا واخره
وعلى فكره اخر رساله تنفع للي معدله مايبين مستواه .. يعني معدله مثلا جيد جدا منخفض زيي مثلا.... فالدكتور الله يجزاه الف خير ويوفقه دنيا واخر كتبلي ذي الرساله
I have had the pleasure of knowing ........................................ for ...... year.
He/she has been an excellent student and asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend ............. for your graduate program.
I feel confident that
he will continue to succeed in
his studies. ........... is a dedicate student and thus his grades have been exemplary. In class, he has proven to be a taken-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them.
It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendation for ....... without reservation. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me
To whom it may concern
This recommendation letter to certify that ...................... was one of my good students.
He studied the following courses with me:
His performance was excellent.
He made use of office hours to do more discussion and make sure that he understood related topics perfectly.
He is hard working and always finishes
his assigned jobs on time with minimum guidance.
I recommend
him for further studies and to continue his master degree in the field of .......
To whom it may concern
I am writing this letter of recommendation in support of .............. . On the basis of my experience I can say that
he is an elegant person who can grasp the subject matter very well.
He has more potential than that reflected by
his GPA.
He is dependable and quite friendly
August 16th, 2011, 07:10 PM
مايخفى عن الكل انك ماتقدر تقدم لاي برنامج دراسات عليا بدون رسائل توصيه سواءً من الدكاتره اللي درسوك او من مشرفينك او مدرائك في العملبعض الاخوه عندهم رسائل توصيه مكتوبه بالعربي لعدم إلمام الكاتب بالللغه الانجليزيه
لكن بما إن بعض الدكاتره مايمانع انك تجيب نموذج الرساله بالانجليزي وهو يسويها لك( يعني الدكتور يسوي cut & past)
وبصراحه كم شخص طلبني النموذج ذا ... فحبيت اسوي موضوع في المنتدى عشين الكل يستفيد
وهذه النماذج عباره عن رسائل توصيه انكتبت لي والله يوفق اللي كتبها لي دنيا واخره
وعلى فكره اخر رساله تنفع للي معدله مايبين مستواه .. يعني معدله مثلا جيد جدا منخفض زيي مثلا.... فالدكتور الله يجزاه الف خير ويوفقه دنيا واخر كتبلي ذي الرساله
I have had the pleasure of knowing ........................................ for ...... year. He/she has been an excellent student and asset to our school. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend ............. for your graduate program.
I feel confident that he will continue to succeed in his studies. ........... is a dedicate student and thus his grades have been exemplary. In class, he has proven to be a taken-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them.
It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendation for ....... without reservation. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me
To whom it may concern
This recommendation letter to certify that ...................... was one of my good students.
He studied the following courses with me:
His performance was excellent. He made use of office hours to do more discussion and make sure that he understood related topics perfectly. He is hard working and always finishes his assigned jobs on time with minimum guidance.
I recommend him for further studies and to continue his master degree in the field of .......
To whom it may concern
I am writing this letter of recommendation in support of .............. . On the basis of my experience I can say that he is an elegant person who can grasp the subject matter very well. He has more potential than that reflected by his GPA. He is dependable and quite friendly