الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Meicine in Holland

Meicine in Holland


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية a-aj

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    a-aj هولندا

    a-aj , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى هولندا , تخصصى Medicine , بجامعة University of Groningen
    • University of Groningen
    • Medicine
    • ذكر
    • جده, مكه المكرمه
    • السعودية
    • Feb 2011

    June 13th, 2012, 11:24 PM

    Al salam alaikum
    ,excuse me for writing in English but my I can't right in Arabic in this laptop

    : I will explain briefly the situation regarding studying in Holland

    the goverment told us that Holland was the best choice among other available countries and we do agree of course, and I will explain why :

    if you went to German, you will study 1 year, for German language, and then 1 year for prep year, and if you passed it, your seat isn't assured, you will still compete with other international students, so there is a chance you won't get it and would have wasted 2 years of your life. and you study from 1st year in GErman in German, there is NO English. as far as I know.

    : 2nd of all, Holland have 2 universities


    which they said that the entire studying is in English but now it changed to 3 years Englih and 3 years in Dutch, like Groningen, Maastricht has LESS (worse) in ranking than Groningen, also the Saudi
    students in Maastricht study in a Saudi class for all those years, so they are seperate than other international students, and they require 6 in IELTS by the end of pre-medicine year.

    is also 3 years in English and 3 years in Dutch, it has higher (better) ranking than Maastricht, you study the pre-medicine year with Saudis, then once you start Medicine, you get to study in international classes, like any other dutch student, they require 6.5 in IELTS by the end of pre-meidicine year, which I don't think its a problem because they prepare you very well in the pre-medicine year, last year students just had their IELTS exam and most of them got over 7 mashallah, (they came here with 5 in IELTS) s

    what Maastricht and Groningen is both common at, they both require 5 in IELTS to get accepted into
    also if you passed your pre-medicine year, your seat is assured and you will take it for granted, unlike German.

    also there is a small chance you could get in, in this year(تنظم مع الدفعه السابعه)
    in Groningen, if you spoke to our supervisor (of Groningen) , Arno is his name, but make sure you have 5 in IELTS.

    I hope I was in any help to you and that I gave you an over-view of the situation.

    if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

    good luck all and may God bring the best for you
  2. انا ان شاءالله جايكم في هولندا عشان اصير محترف كورة
    عاد الدراسة منيب حريص عليها

    ما انت بعاقل ياسنايدر ..

    الف شكر لك a-aj
    حبيت اسئل عن الاقامه في هولندا لفتره 4-6 اشهر لحضور مؤتمرات وورش عمل في عدد من الجامعات لدعم الـ CV
    هل تشوف انها فكره جيده بحكم اني ابيها بالانقلش ماهو
    Nederlands ولا اشوف دوله ثانيه ،

    والله يجزاك الف خير .
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1XOXO

    ما انت بعاقل ياسنايدر ..

    الف شكر لك a-aj
    حبيت اسئل عن الاقامه في هولندا لفتره 4-6 اشهر لحضور مؤتمرات وورش عمل في عدد من الجامعات لدعم الـ CV
    هل تشوف انها فكره جيده بحكم اني ابيها بالانقلش ماهو
    Nederlands ولا اشوف دوله ثانيه ،

    والله يجزاك الف خير .

    wsh d3wa a5oi 1XOXO,
    wallah 23thrni ma 3ndi 5lfya 3an this subject
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 1XOXO
    معليه انا اسف بس يعني بشكل عام اقصد الحياه فتره 6 اشهر للي يتكلم انقلش بس يعني ماراح يكون فيها صعوبات في اللغه ؟؟ وبشكل عام الحياه عندك حلوه او فيه مشاكل ..

    واسف مره ثانيه ٫ بالتوفيق
    if you meant, if Netherlands (Holland) people talk English or not, like 95% if not all of them talk English, anyone who isn't very old, speak English I guess, I had no trouble at all, they all were helpful when I Asked them in English, and I live in Groningen, and it's a beautiful place
    I had no troubles what so ever, so far, I haven't been here for long though, and other Saudis who have been here for years didn't complain.

    no need to applogize, I am glad to help anytime
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة a-aj
    and also anyone who is planning to come to Holland should take an IELTS exam as soon as possible and work on teir English to make it up to atleast 5 in IELTS,
    Thank you for the information
    I just want to to ask about the Qdrat and Tahsyle
    How many deegres should i supposed to take to be sure that i will be in Holland ?
    Do all the students in Holland got over 90 or just they got normal deegres ? What the average of the deegres ?
    Do u have any idia about how many students study in holland now from the last year?
    Thank u
    7 "

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