أتمنى الأخـوان يفيدوك عـاجلاً..
7 " الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
الترجمة من اللغة الانجليزية الى اللغة العربية أو العكس, لمراسلة معاهد اللغة
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4473 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- يالله يا شباب همتكم .. ترجمو للأخت دموع7 "
وبعدها انا عاد .. وشكراً مقدما
فاهم جزء من الرسالة لكن قلت اتأكد اكثر ..
Hello again from The Language Connection, a great place to study English!
You expressed interest in improving your English at St. John’s University in the past and we would like to give you current information about our program
.About The Language Connection:
- Our courses incorporate technology and focus on the English used in everyday life and in undergraduate and graduate programs
- Conditional Admission to St. John's University is available to qualified students who complete our full-time program; the TOEFL (or IELTS) is not required
- Our location: We offer two campuses in New York - Manhattan and Queens
- Our tuition is reasonably priced: $1524 for each intensive, 7-week session
- Part-time classes day ($254 each) and evening ($170 each)
- Our program provides help with obtaining the Form I-20, and completing the application for a student visa.
- وانا بعدكم ..7 "
I believe the program that would best suite your needs is our English for Academic Purposes. You can study in this program for a semester at time but you may stay as long as you need to meet the preferred level of English. The next starting day for this is January 7, 2013. As of right now this program is still open for applications, although, if the program does become full, it will close. SACM does approve students to use the financial guaranty for this program.
I hope this was helpful. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
هذي افضل ترجمة توصلت إليها للنص الذي كتبتيه :
I want to study in Sheffield Hallam University known as the fine education or the following reasons:
1-because I am his mentor in the area of housing,
2- I want to acquire knowledge skills raei, even became more effective in my current topic,
I will benefit greatly from my studies of housing several aspects, meetings, economic, political, cultural,
The basics of necessary housing which must be the student housing administration in the mm in all its aspects and all
3 - Identify the various issue housing,
4 - Identify the correct ways to the work of research
relating to housing through university lecture and training on field work on the housing
- personal and professional development of my skills through work with colleagues one work team through my experience
6 - refer to heads of state of the outcome of the large and housing in cultural and social fields
Political, economic, and application of each what I have learned on the ground, including the heads of state of the universities
benefit where I will complete such a doctorate in this area
7 - gain sufficient experience makes me
eligible to exit to the labor market in the areas of Alaska now on personality criteria and not only
لدي نصيحة اختي
هناك نماذج كثيرة لكتابه خطاب الغرض من الدراسة
ارى ان تستعيني بأحدها لتدعيم خطابك واضافة ماتريدين اليها
حتى يكون خطاب متكامل
اكثر ترجمتنا هنا لأجل المعاهد ومراسلتها ( بسيطه )
واذا اردتي ترجمه اكاديميه افضل من هذه استعيني بأحد مكاتب الترجمة المعتمدة
لأن امر هذا الخطاب مهم في وقت القبول لدى الجامعات
بالتوفيق -
الترجمة بإختصار ( الزبدة ) :
في دوراتنا يتم الدمج بين التكنلوجيا والتركيز علي اللغة الانجليزية المستخدمة في الحياة اليومية في المرحلة الجامعية .
القبول المشروط في جامعة سانت جون متاح للطلاب المؤهلين الذين اكلموا لدينا برنامج اللغة بدوام كامل
التوفل و الآيلتس غير مطلوب .
لدينا حرمين جامعيين في نيويورك مدينة منهاتن وفي مدينة كوينز
سعر الدورة المكثفة 1524$ للأسبوع .
بالتوفيق -
الترجمة :
أعتقد أن أفضل برنامج من شأنه أن يتناسب مع احتياجاتك لدينا هو اللغة الإنجليزية للأغراض الأكاديمية.
يمكنك الدراسة في هذا البرنامج في هذا الفصل الدراسي لكنك قد تبقى لوقت طويل وذلك لإنهاء المستوى المطلوب في اللغة الانجليزية .
البداية القادمة سوف تكون في 7 يناير 2013 واعتبارا من الأن هذا البرنامج لايزال مفتوحاً للتسجيل لكن اذا امتلأ سوف يتم إغلاقه من قِبل الملحقية .
اتمنى ان اكون ساعدتك ، اذا كان لديك اي استفسارات لاتتردد بطرحها .
بالتوفيق - ألف شكر لك على سرعة الاستجابه .. وعساك ع القوه7 "
- السلام عليكم7 "
انا عندي سوال ممكن يقول اشوي بعيد عن الموضوع الاساسي
في شروط المعهد مكتوب
Provide a non-refundable application fee in the form of a $50 USD International Money Order or Wire Transfer:
WELLS FARGO Physical Address - 3000 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Tx 77803
ABA# 1210-0024-8
ATT'N: CASHIERS, English Language Institute Application Fee
يعين مممكن احد يفهمني الطريقة حق دفع ال 50 $ . ؟
مشكورين - اللي فهمته انك لازم توفر رسوم غير مسترجعة قدرها 50 دولار في الاستمارة المتعلقة بتحويل النقود بالنسبة للأجانب7 "
- ابغى اعرف الزبدة من هذا الموضوع وهو بخصوص ملف البروتوفوليو الموجود في جامعة سافانا للتصميم ؟؟7 "
اتمنى تساعدوني الله يعافيكم
M.A./M.F.A., Graphic Design, 2012-2013
SCAD | Deadline: August 16, 2013 | Fee (USD): $10.00
At SCAD, graphic design education begins with design thinking, a fundamentally creative process that encourages students to see from multiple perspectives and realize how perception influences meaning. SCAD graphic design students learn motion and interaction design, brand and typeface design, environmental and wayfinding systems and more—such as exploring package design to innovate product appearance, innovating Web and digital design to develop mobile applications for social media.
Offered in: Atlanta, Hong Kong*, Savannah, eLearning
* SCAD Hong Kong courses of study are registered with the Hong Kong Education Bureau. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. Registration numbers: 261958-261971.[/COLOR]
- Forms
- Statement/Resume
- In the space below, please copy and paste your Artist Statement/Statement of Purpose:[COLOR=#666666 !important]750 word max[/COLOR]
- In the space below, please copy and paste your resume:[COLOR=#666666 !important]Please keep formatting simple, as only basic spacing will be saved.[/COLOR]
- Grad. Questions
- I am interested in attending:
- Intended graduate program:
- Intended quarter of enrollment:
- Citizenship:
- Date of Birth:[COLOR=#666666 !important]dd/mm/yyyy[/COLOR]
- SCAD ID number:[COLOR=#666666 !important]Assigned upon application. If you do not know your ID number, contact your admission counselor at 800.869.7223, 912.525.5100 or admission@scad.edu for SCAD Savannah, SCAD Hong Kong or SCAD eLearning; and at 877.722.3285, 404.253.2700 or scadatl@scad.edu for SCAD Atlanta.[/COLOR]
- Why do you want to attend SCAD?[COLOR=#666666 !important]100 word max[/COLOR]
- Do you feel your grades and/or test scores accurately reflect your potential to succeed at SCAD? If not, why?[COLOR=#666666 !important]100 word max[/COLOR]
- (If applicable) How will your professional experience impact your ability to succeed at SCAD?[COLOR=#666666 !important]100 word max[/COLOR]
- How do you plan to finance your education?
- What is your first, second, third choice for college?
- Who is your favorite artist/designer and why?[COLOR=#666666 !important]100 word max[/COLOR]
- Please describe or list any academic or artistic achievements:[COLOR=#666666 !important]100 word max[/COLOR]
- Statement/Resume
- Media
[COLOR=#666666 !important]Portfolios should concentrate on graphic design as a problem-solving methodology and demonstrate conceptual thinking skills. Additionally, work must demonstrate typographic usage as an aesthetic and communicative tool with single and multi-page projects such as annual reports, magazine spreads and/or catalogs. The portfolio should demonstrate the ability to convey complex compositional organization in single and multi-piece projects (campaign) and demonstrate the applicant's awareness of historical and contemporary image development techniques. Work samples should illustrate proficiency with the following software: Illustrator (vector imagery), Photoshop (raster imagery), Quark/InDesign (page layout) and Dreamweaver/Flash (Web authoring). Work should be submitted in digital format as a single PDF document.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666 !important]
Provide 1-20 items. Images (up to 5 MB each), Video (up to 60 MB each), Audio (up to 30 MB each) and PDFs (up to 10 MB each)[/COLOR]
- Forms