الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Speaking Test

مــوضــوع مـتــجــدد ، IELTS Speaking Test


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5729 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ●● يــزيــد ●●
    ●● يــزيــد ●●

    عضو شرف و مشرف سابق

    ●● يــزيــد ●● الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    ●● يــزيــد ●● , ذكر. عضو شرف و مشرف سابق. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى MIS , بجامعة CGU
    • CGU
    • MIS
    • ذكر
    • Claremont, CA
    • السعودية
    • Sep 2008

    June 9th, 2009, 02:47 AM

    " اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلاً

    وأنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئت سهلاً "

    كذلك ربّانا أستاذنا وقدوتنا عليه الصلاة والسلام عندما تستصعب علينا الأمور ..

    في البداية قد يكون الأغلبية هنا متخوف من شبح الآيلتس ..

    وأنا أول واحد بصراحة

    لكن جمعت بعض المعلومات اللي أتمنى تكون مفيدة للجميع ..

    طبعاً الآيلتس يتكون من أربع أقسام أو مهارات ..


    الموضوع هذا راح يكون خاص لامتحان الـ SPEAKING بإذن الله ..

    ماراح أعيد وأكرر الكلام اللي نلاقيه في المنتديات من توضيح للامتحان وأقسامه ووو , راح نوضح هذا ولكن الأهم اللي بنوصله هو أمثلة حية وامتحانات حقيقية وراح نحللها مع بعض ان شاء الله ..

    في البداية

    General Information about the IELTS Speaking test

    What will the examiner listen for?

    Pronunciation - This is only important if it gets in the way of communication. Speak clearly and you will be all right.

    Vocabulary - Some students try to improve their speaking score by using difficult words. However, using words incorrectly will LOWER your score! Avoid using difficult words or expressions unless you are sure of how to use them.

    Sentence Structure - Using better sentences is the best way to improve your speaking score in a short time, because using better sentences is how we COMMUNICATE.

    Fluency and Coherence - Of course fluency is very important but it is useless if you are not understood (if you are not "coherent"). You do NOT have to speak quickly, but too many hesitations are bad.

    وبصورة سريعة الدرجة تحتسب على أساس أربعة معايير

    النطق وهذا ماعندنا مشكلة فيه كـعـرب ,,

    المفردات بعض الطلاب يحاول يحسن النتيجة وتحدث عن طريق استخدام الكلمات الصعبة ولكن للأسف قد يكون استخدام الكلمات غير صحيح وهذا راح ينزل من الدرجة! يعني لاتقول كلمة صعبة إلا إذا متأكد من مكانها الصحيح ,

    بناء الجملة والطلاقة والتماسك ..

    عموماً الإمتحان راح يتكون من ثلاث أجزاء ..

    الجزء الأول محادثة وأسئلة عامة مثلاً ..

    Example Questions

    Q: Where are you from

    Q: Why are you studying English

    Q: Have you visited any English speaking countries
    Q: Do you play any sports

    وهنا لازم تكون ثرثااااااااااار وراح نأخذ أمثلة كثيرة إن شاء الله .

    الجزء الثاني يعطيك ورقة وفيها موضوع معين ويعطيك دقيقة تحضر فيها أفكارك وبعدها تبدأ تتكلم من دقيقة إلى دقيقتين ,

    الجزء الثالث ..

    راح يسألونك عن كلامك في الجزء الثاني , يعني أسئلة متعلقة بالجزء الثاني ..

    الآن راح نستعرض امتحان حقيقي بالصوت والكتابة بالأجزاء الثلاثة ..

    بالتوفيق ..
  2. في البداية راح نأخذ أول امتحان ولكن هنا نصيحة قبل أن نبدأ ..

    لابد أن تضح إجابات خاصة لك أنت , بمعنى أن تحفظ ملف وورد على جهازك وتكتب جميع الأسئلة المتوقعة واللي راح تمر علينا وتكتب الإجابات الخاصة فيك أنت , وبعد كذا تعيد قراءة الملف هذا أكثر من مرة , وفي الإمتحان راح تكون جاهز بإذن الله لأي سؤال خصوصاً ان إجاباتهم تحتاج ان الواحد يطول فيها شوي ويتفلسف أكثر وأكثر , وحلوة عشان تختار بعض الكلمات الأكاديمية وتعود لسانك عليها ..

    الآن الجزء الأول ..

    Can we talk about an aspect of your home town? How easy is it to travel around where you're from?

    Ah, yes. I'm from Mitchford. The most beautiful place on earth! It's quite a small coastal city. There's about 230,000 people who live there and we have quite a good transportation system there. I'd say most people travel by car – our roads are pretty modern and well sealed but people who don't have a car usually catch a bus. The bus travels to most parts of the city and it's quite cheap. For example, to travel by bus from one end of the city to the other it costs about £2 and that's pretty cheap compared to what I pay here in England.

    Ok. Which kinds of public transport do you use most and why?

    Actually, that's a difficult question to answer because back home, I have my own car...I sure do miss that. When I was younger I used to catch the bus to school. In my city all students under 16 who lived more than four...maybe it was 3....anyway about 3 or 4 kilometres from the nearest public high school were given a bus pass which allowed them to catch the bus to school for free. The problem was there was never enough seats to allow for all the students so usually most students had to stand up in the bus all the way until they arrived at school...but it was much better than having to walk I can assure you of that! Occasionally, I caught the taxi but it was a very rare thing...taxis are about 4 or 5 times more expensive than regular bus fares so taxis were only used if there was no other option.

    But what about here? Do you use public transport here in England?

    Oh yes, here I mostly use the underground. It's totally different from back home. At Mitchford we don’t have enough people to warrant an underground rail system...at least I think that’s the reason we don’t have one. That’s been a really interesting part about living here, getting used to the rail system.

    How do you compare public transport here in England with public transport back home?

    Well, actually, back home public transport is always late. It’s not unusual for the bus to be...like 15-20 minutes late. We have a saying, “If you want to arrive on time and you’re catching the bus, prepare for one hour of travel”. Well, here the underground is always on time. It's been interesting in that it's always on time and extremely reliable.

    Ok, let’s move on to the topic of movies. Do you enjoy watching movies?

    Yes, I do enjoy movies...do you know anyone who doesn’t like movies? I don't! I must say that I’m a bit of an action person. I love action movies...I like it when the tough bad guy gets beaten. I love happy endings...the hero’s always got to win!

    How often do you watch movies?

    Well, it's actually been quite a while since I've been to the cinema to watch a movie. I think the last movie I saw was Action Force - a real action movie which I enjoyed immensely. It's actually too expensive to go to the movies these days...and besides, if I wait for a while...I can watch it at home...besides I'm too busy studying at the moment...there's really not enough time to watch movies!

    Ok. Let's talk about what you like to do in your free time. What sorts of activities do you like to do in your free time?

    Free time...we’ll I don’t have too much of that nowadays...but when I do...I enjoy reading. I mostly enjoy reading business books and magazines...my father has a business back home and once I finish my studies, I'm going to return home and help him with the running of it...I enjoy studying about business and learning about new ideas and ways of making a business more successful and effective.

    الإجابات هنا جداً متقدمة ودرجتها عالية , لذلك حلو الواحد يستفيد منها ولو ماطبقها مثلهم بالضبط ..

    السؤال الأول ..

    Can we talk about an aspect of your home town? How easy is it to travel around where you're from?

    في البداية لازم تركز على زمن السؤال وتعطيه الإجابة بنفس الزمن أيضاً , هنا السؤال والإجابة بالـ Present Simple , والسؤال عن سهولة المواصلات والتنقل في مدينة الطالب , الإجابة مطولة شوي , في البداية أعطاه كم معلومة وبعدها أعطاه الإجابةمفصلة مع ذكر مثال أيضاً , عموماً إجابته كانت "السيارة واللي ماعنده سيارة يتنقل بالباص"
    لكن الرجال جاب اسم المدينة Mitchford وقام يمدحها شوي وبالمناسبة هذي جملة حلوة مايمنع تضيفها لملف إجاباتك الخاص واللي هي "most beautiful place on earth!" وفي الإمتحان قلها وأنت تبتسم وكأنك تلطف الجو وهذي راح تعطي الاكسمنر انطباع حلة عنك ولاتنسى تأخذ الامتحان بالسهولة. بعدها وصف المدينة وأعطانا عدد السكان , وإلى الآن ماأعطى إجابة السؤال ! بعدين ذكر ان الأغلبية يتنقلون بالسيارة قام يوصف الطرق عندهم , بعدين قال ان البعض الآخر يستخدمون الباصات وتكلم شوي عن الباصات انها رخيصة وقام يحول تذكرة باصاتهم بالباوند وقارن بين مدينتهم وبين انجلترا بالنسبة لسعر التذاكر ..

    الآن انقل السؤال للملف الخاص فيك , وابدأ اصنع إجابتك بنفسك , وتذكر انه يستحسن تحفظ لك ديباجتين قبل ماتعطيه الإجابة المطلوبة والإجابة تكون مطولة غير انك تعطيه ديباجتين ثانية بعد الإجابة

    وهذا مثال مبسط لكيفية الإجابة على مثل هذا السؤال ..

    Well, I come from the capital of Saudi Arabia , Riyadh , the most beautiful place on the earth,

    هنا لازم تبتسم مالها داعي يقولون السعودي رافع خشمه

    as I told you it's a capital city ,so , you can imagin how big is it . We're more than 5 million people and we have quite a good transportation system there. I'd say most people travel by car – our roads are pretty modern and well sealed but people who don't have a car usually catch a bus. The bus travels to most parts of the city and it's quite cheap. For example, to travel by bus from one end of the city to the other it costs about £2 and that's pretty cheap compared to what I pay here in Britain

    وطبعاً حنا عندنا باصات خط البلدة حقات مناحي وعموماً مدرسنا يقول ترا معيار "الصدق" مو من معايير تقييم الآيلتس يعني خذ راحتك ههههههههههه ،

    نروح للسؤال الثاني ..

    Ok. Which kinds of public transport do you use most and why?

    يقولون لما يجيك أي سؤال لاتجاوب عليه بسرعة فلازم تقول مثل الجمل هذي ..

    Actually, that's a difficult question to answer

    وبتمر علينا بعض الجمل مثل كذا ..

    والأهم الآن انك تعتبر نفسك بامتحان حقيقي وتلاقي إجابات خاصة فيك ..
    7 "
  3. الجزء الثاني ..
    بالنسبة للجزء الثاني فمثل ماقلنا قبل انه راح يعطيك كرت السؤال وراح يطلب منك انك تحضر للإجابة لمدة دقيقة وبعدها تبدأ تتكلم من دقيقة إلى دقيقتين ..
    لا أحد يتخوف تراها سهلة ان شاء الله لكن السؤال وش اللي المفروض تسويه بالضبط ..
    راح يعطيك ورقة فاضية ، اكتب عليها عنوان الموضوع وانقل الأسئلة الأربعة كعناوين فرعية كما هو موضح بالصورة ..

    بعدها ارجع واكتب إجابات مبسطة جداً للأسئلة وأهم شيء اكتب Adjective قد ماتقدر ، وابدأ على بركة الله بالكلام ولا تتكلم بسرعة ،

    ولو حسيت انك جاوبت على الأسئلة وماوقفك الأكسمنر فايش تسوي ؟!
    عندك حلين ..
    والحلول تعتمد على سؤالك أنت ..
    الأول انك تتكلم عن الـ ( Past - Present - Future )
    والثاني انك تتكلم عن الـ ( Advantages - Disadvantages )
    وواضح في الصورة ..

    وهنا تفصيل لكيفية استعمالها ..

    نرجع لمثالنا و Part2

    حمل الملف Speaking1 Part 2

    وهذي صورة كرت السؤال ..

    Ok, good. I'm now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes. You can take notes if you want. You have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say. I want you to talk about the best holiday you have ever had.
    Ok. You have a maximum of 2 minutes to speak so if you go over 2 minutes, I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now?

    The best holiday I have ever been on is a very difficult question to answer because I’ve been on so many excellent holidays...I guess I’ve been very lucky. In the summer time back home, when I was young, my family used to go to the beach and we’d camp under the stars...that has always been an excellent memory for me. But, I'd have to say that the most wonderful holiday I've ever had was when I was 19, when I went to Minnesota in the United States for a summer camp experience. It was just so much fun! I met over 200 teenagers and we participated in some excellent camp activities!
    Let me see...we had swimming in the lake, where the camp was situated. We also had water skiing, which was excellent fun...it was really difficult to hold on to the rope while the boat pulled us around the lake! Another fun activity was camping. We...our dorm...went on a 3-day canoe trip...I think there were about 10 of us in our group...which took us to the Canadian boundary waters. There I saw some of the most beautiful alpine scenery I've ever seen in my life! The lakes were so clear and we could drink the water from them by dipping our cups as we canoed along...it was just amazing. I wish everyone could witness the incredible beauty we saw on that trip. Let’s see, what else? Ahh yes, there was basketball and volleyball which we played in the big indoor gymnasium. Some of the Americans were really good basketball players...they even had cheerleaders at some of the games! I got to know so many people, in fact I still write to some of the people I met there...you know, isn’t email a great way to keep in touch? There were other things but I can’t think of them at the moment...I will say this: I would love to go back there again in the future. Now, of course I’m too old to be a camper but it would be excellent to be a staff member, they are always looking for volunteers. If you volunteer at the camp they pay for your food and accommodation for the whole summer - and that’s around 3 months in America.

    7 "
  4. الجزء الثالث..

    مثل ماقلنا انهم راح يسألونك عن كلامك في الجزء الثاني , الآن راح نستعرض استكمال الامتحان ..

    We've been talking about the best holiday you've ever had and I'd like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this. Firstly, let's consider the effect of holidays. What effect do holidays have on people?

    I believe holidays have a big, positive effect on people. For many, I know that holidays are the highlight of the year. People wait all year - especially those who don’t like their job - they wait for the holiday periods...they plan and prepare for what they will do and they get excited by what they're going to do on their holidays. Typically people are in a good mood when they are on holiday. They're smiling and alert, they show interest in their new environment. I believe that for most people, holiday time is the best time of their year.

    Many people refer to their holidays as 'highlights' of the year. Why do you think holidays are highlights for people?

    Yes..um..well, I think holidays are highlights for people because if a person doesn't like his or her work, a holiday represents a break in what they would otherwise normally do. You know, it gives people a chance to go in a different direction, to do something they want to do...instead of being a slave to their job. Holidays allow people to re-create, to ******* their mind and body. I read somewhere recently that it's actually a very healthy thing for a person to take a complete break from what he or she normally does and then to do something different. I guess what I'm saying is, a holiday is a change. It's a change in location and activity. That reminds me of the expression, 'A change is as good as a holiday' - it's a good one, and I think it's true.

    Good. Let's talk about a related issue, the issue of tourism. Do you see any negative aspects with regard to tourism?

    Yes, absolutely. I come from a coastal town and there is a constant, steady stream of people who pour through it. These people often cause problems in the accommodation industry which is obviously related to tourism. They come in and kind of 'let their hair down' they show no respect for the facilities. Often there is damage to the places where they stay. I've heard of broken lamps and chairs, dirty marks on walls and carpets...you know, those kinds of things. They drink heavily and make a lot of noise, constantly in a 'party mode'. This has had a very negative impact upon our town and gives tourists a bad name in the minds of some of the local people.

    What could be done to stop the negative aspects of tourism from happening?

    I guess stricter laws could be introduced. If people don't obey the laws, then the consequences might be a financial penalty. You know, an expensive fine, or perhaps throw the offenders into prison for a day or two. That would certainly...I imagine...have a big effect upon the bad behaviour of people visiting a city while on holiday.

    والآن تحليل الإجابات ..

    Speaking Lab 1
    Part 1: Analysis

    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be understood. Pronunciation is clear and the candidate's vocabulary is appropriate in relation to the questions asked. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds very relaxed and friendly! At the very beginning, the candidate's personality comes through – good use of humour ('The most beautiful place on earth').
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. The answers are well structured: the question is answered and additional, related details are given. The rhetorical question, 'Do you know anyone who doesn't?' involves the examiner and demonstrates the candidate's confidence.
    *******: The responses answer the questions the examiner asks in detail (no one or two word answers!). He demonstrates a good, 'conversational' style. The candidate's personality shines through right from the very beginning making the experience an enjoyable one for both candidate and examiner.
    This is a good, confident start!

    Speaking Lab 1
    Part 2: Analysis
    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows he can communicate on the topic effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds quite relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate comes through by good use of vocal variety which made the topic more interesting.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked on the Candidate Card. The first three questions are answered quite quickly leaving most of the time to expand upon question 4 (explain why it was such a good holiday). A point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: Remember the question required the candidate to discuss:
    1. where you went
    2. when you went there
    3. what you did there and;
    4. explain why it was such a great holiday.
    All of these aspects of the question were answered. One of the interesting things about the presentation is that the candidate ran out of things to say - he had talked about the past and present and then he introduced ideas related to the future as a way of ending his presentation – which gave it a good ending. He used 'P-P-F' (See Speaking Lesson 3).
    This is a good, confident continuation of the test!

    Speaking Lab 1
    Part 3: Analysis
    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows he can communicate on each topic raised by the examiner effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate continues to sound relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate continues to come through and builds upon the rapport established through Parts 1 & 2.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. Firstly, he answers the question then conversationally, he expands upon the topic. In other words, a point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: The information presented in the conversation clearly answers the questions. Through use of idiomatic and colloquial expressions (‘a change is as good as a holiday’, 'let their hair down', ‘party mode’), the speaker demonstrates a very advanced knowledge of the language. Some good, academic words are used (eg negative impact, consequences, the offenders)
    This is a good, confident conclusion!

    7 "

  5. Can we talk about your home town? Tell me about the biggest industries in your town.
    Yes um, I’m from Mitchford which is a coastal town. We've got a lot of white, sandy beaches and a pleasant climate all year-round...so, I'm sure you can guess what our main industry is? Tourism. Each year we get about a quarter of a million visitors to our town so as a result another big industry is building and construction...so all our visitors have got somewhere to stay!
    Um...restaurants...the food industry is another big industry in my town. We have all kinds of restaurants – Indian, Thai, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, you name it, we've got it! If you like eating out, Mitchford is a wonderful place to visit. There's one restaurant called 'Curry in a Hurry' which, you can probably guess, is an Indian restaurant...if you ever visit Mitchford I highly recommend it!

    It sounds like you really like your home town. Are there any things you dislike about it?
    Mmm, that's a difficult question. Honestly, there aren't many things I dislike about Mitchford....but....I guess.....I'd have to say one of the things I dislike about Mitchford is the fact that my grandparents don't live there! My grandparents live about 9 hours away...by car, so we don't get to see them that often. It would be great if they lived in Mitchford.

    Fine. Let’s move on to the topic of food and restaurants. What kinds of foods do you like to eat?
    Food...my favourite topic! Well, that's an easy one for me to answer. Ever since I was a child, my favourite food's been Chicken Kiev. Have you tried it before? [Examiner: No, I haven’t] It's made from the leg and thigh of a chicken. The chicken is wrapped in butter and garlic. It's then covered in bread crumbs and fried. The chicken comes out golden brown and when you cut it, the butter and garlic runs out...it's absolutely delicious...probably not too healthy for you but the taste is incredible!

    What about dislike? Are there any foods you don't like to eat?
    Well, the first thing that comes to mind is Brussels sprouts! I remember the first day my mother served them for dinner. Needless to say, my brother and sisters complained loudly! They have such a sharp taste...I don't like them at all. Also, at times...um...zucchini has the same kind of sharp taste. In fact, I had zucchini on top of a home-made pizza recently and in my opinion, the sharp taste of the zucchini ruined the pizza.

    What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of home-cooked meals?
    Home cooked meals...mmm...well, the first idea that comes to mind is home cooked meals are generally healthier. The idea, I guess, is that if you're cooking the meal at home, you know what ingredients are that have gone into making it...so the food should be healthier. For example, if you're using oil to cook your meal, it will be with fresh, unused oil. I know that some restaurants reuse their oil over and over again...I don't think that's good for health.
    [Examiner: Disadvantages?] Disadvantages...um...yes...well for a start, the kitchen is left in a mess! I'm speaking from experience here! At the moment I share a flat with 2 other people and every evening around dinner time, the kitchen looks like a total mess! Pots and pans...containers half opened...the sink full of dishes and cutlery...stuff everywhere! After cooking our flat looks like a danger zone. So, related to this point is that it takes so long to clean all the mess up. Most times, I couldn't be bothered with all the hassle of cooking...I pick up some kind of fast food...it's much more convenient!
    7 "
  6. الجزء الثاني..

    Ok that was very good. I'm now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes. You can take notes if you want. You have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say. I want you to talk about a young person who has influenced your life.

    Ok. You have a maximum of 2 minutes to speak so if you go over 2 minutes, I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now?

    A young person who has had a big influence on my life is my niece...my sister's child. I'll never forget the day that I first met her...it was at the hospital and my mother and I went to visit my sister and it was only a few hours after she had the baby. She’s now six years old. Her name’s Kate. She's got blonde hair and brown eyes - she's so cute! My sister always dresses her in cute clothes and puts her hair in pig tails. She has her mother's personality too! She's quite shy and reserved around strangers but when she's around my family, she really comes out of her shell...she starts talking and talking...and my sister is actually teaching her how to sing. My sister's always asking her to sing for people...you know, 'twinkle, twinkle little star', the 'ABC/alphabet song'. My parents - her grandparents - delight in her performances; I'd say she's become the 'centre of attention' at Dad and Mum's place.

    I do miss her. In some ways, her being born reminded me that I'm growing up and...that I needed to start thinking more seriously about my own future. I suppose I began to wonder what it would be like to have my own children. For a long time, I didn't care too much about kids, but after spending time with Kate, I realized that I'd love a child or two of my own. Umm....let’s see...I’d have to say that I think there are more advantages than disadvantages with having children. I've learned that of course, it's not all easy looking after a child all day. When Kate was really young, my sister seemed to hardly get any sleep and they never seemed to go out all that much. But when you see her cute little face and her cute little smile, all that sacrifice seems to be worth it. I've never seen my sister so happy since Kate came into her life.

    7 "
  7. الجزء الثالث..

    Ok, that's great.We've been talking about a young person and I'd like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this. Firstly, let's consider attitudes. In your country, what is the attitude older people have toward younger people?

    Hmm…I think, the older generation tend to look at the younger generation as being in a hurry to go somewhere or do something. I suppose this is pretty natural considering when a person gets old, they tend not to move so quickly...you know, instead of going out, most old people tend to just stay at home. I don't mean all old people are like this, but I think it's probably true of a majority of the older generation [Examiner: Right].

    In your country, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being younger? Well, I'm young so I obviously think it's an advantage! Um, the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that technology is changing so quickly, it takes an alert, young mind to keep up with it...um...there are benefits in keeping up with technology...um...you can do things quicker. For example, if you understand email, then you can communicate faster with people...all around the world. A lot of older people may use email but they may not know all the functions...um...to use it to their best advantage. If you don't know how to properly use new computer software, you can end up wasting great amounts of time...um...the disadvantages...well...the disadvantage of being young...um....let's see... well, I think one disadvantage is that you have a little life experience. What I mean is that you don't have much wisdom, you're starting out. You might make a lot of silly mistakes in your life because you don't know any better um...that's a definite disadvantage.

    Good. Let's now consider young people and education. Can you tell me about the numbers of young people in your country studying overseas?

    I'm not too sure about that...the total numbers, that is...um...I know from my high school...er...when I graduated there were 4 or 5 students who wanted to travel and study in England. I've lost contact with them, I assume they went ahead with their plans. Considering my high school had around 1000 students...um... and we had 4 or 5 who wanted to study overseas, I assume there are a lot of students who had the same goal.

    Do young people receive any government assistance in your country when it comes to education?

    Actually, yes and no. Yes, because if they decide to study at university and they have no money - this is assuming they are accepted into a course – um, they can apply for a student loan. What happens is the government pays the money for their education – that's the good news...but the bad news - and this is the ‘no’ part of my answer - is you have to pay the money back once you get a job. I believe if you don't pay it back by a certain time, the government starts to charge you interest on the loan or something... [Examiner: Ok]

    What future changes would you like to see in your country regarding young people and education?

    Oh, that's another difficult question to answer...you sure seem to know how to ask difficult questions! [Examiner: Thank you!] Um, I guess a change I would hope for is that the student loans would not have to be paid back! I don’t think this is realistic, after all, it would be too expensive for the government...perhaps removing the repayment with interest part of the loan would be a good change for the future....oh yea...another thing that came to mind...I think education will become more ‘hands on’ – less theory and more practical. I think 'head knowledge' is fine, but it must be backed up with practical application...I'd like to see this change in the future.

    تحليل الإجابات ..

    Speaking Lab 2
    Part 1: Analysis
    Why this answer would score well...

    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be understood. Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. The candidate's vocabulary is appropriate in relation to the questions asked. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds very relaxed, friendly and confident!
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. The answers are well structured: the questions are answered and in all cases additional, related details are given.
    *******: The responses answer the questions the examiner asks in detail (no one or two word answers!). The candidate's friendly personality is evident right from the very beginning making the experience an enjoyable one for both candidate and examiner. The candidate answers the questions with good examples and involves the examiner with a rhetorical question.
    This is a good, confident start!

    Speaking Lab 2
    Part 2: Analysis
    Why this answer would score well...

    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows he can communicate on the topic effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate comes through and through the use of vocal variety, the topic is made more interesting.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked on the Candidate Card. The first two questions are answered almost immediately leaving most of the time to expand upon questions 3 & 4 (personality and influence of the person). A point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: Remember the question required the candidate to discuss:
    1. who he or she is
    2. how you met him/her
    3. what his/her personality is like
    4. explain how this person has influenced you.
    All of these aspects of the question were answered. Good idiomatic expression ('comes out of her shell') and general expression ('centre of attention').
    One of the interesting things about the presentation is that the candidate ran out of things to say. She decided to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of having children. The use of Advantages/Disadvantages was a good way to further elaborate on 'how this person has influenced you'. She used 'A-D' (See speaking lesson 3).
    This is a good, confident continuation of the test!

    Speaking Lab 2
    Part 3: Analysis

    Why this answer would score well...

    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows she can communicate on each topic raised by the examiner effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate continues to sound relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate continues to come through and builds upon the rapport established through Parts 1 & 2.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. Firstly, she answers the question then conversationally, she expands upon the topic. In other words, a point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: The information presented in the conversation clearly answers the questions. The candidate demonstrates very well that she has a diverse vocabulary on many different topics - a demonstration of a very advanced knowledge of the language. Some good, academic words are used (eg: functions, wisdom, assume, realistic, theory/practical) When she was not sure about an answer, she made a funny statement ('you seem to know how to ask difficult questions') which reduced the tension and allowed her a little more time to think about what she would say.
    This is a good, confident conclusion!

    7 "
  8. هذا الامتحان الثالث ..

    وأشوف أفضل طريقة انك تجاوب على أي سؤال قبل أن تقرأ أو تسمع الإجابة ..
    حمل الملف Speaking3 Part 1

    I'd like to talk with you about what you do. Are you a student or do you have a job?

    Actually, I’m both. I have a part-time job and I also study!

    Ok! You must be busy. Can you tell me about your job?

    Sure. I’m a waiter. It's not much...I don't do too much...it's only part time...not my ideal job but it does offer me a modest income. I'm usually on the breakfast shift. You see I work in a hotel and most of the guests of the hotel come to the restaurant for breakfast.

    What is it you like most about your job?

    I guess it's interesting to meet and greet new people. Most of the patrons of the restaurant are from overseas so the restaurant is a good place to meet people from other countries. It's a good working environment, the restaurant is air conditioned which is also a plus.

    Is there anything you don't like about your job?

    Yes, it's fairly repetitious work. There's not a lot of thought involved...you take away dirty plates and cutlery and you replace them with clean plates and cutlery and on and on the process goes. You serve coffee or tea, the rest is up to the customer...it's really a self-serve buffet. I guess I'd like to do something which involves more thinking so that's probably the main thing I dislike about my job.

    Anything else you dislike?

    No, I guess not...oh...well, the boss. The supervisor, is really quiet...in fact, he's so quiet that he seems unfriendly. I don't really understand him...he's an unusual man. [Examiner: Unusual?] Well, he's just so quiet. I like people who are a bit more friendly and show a bit more enthusiasm. He rarely smiles, he's always so serious. I guess that's what I mean by ‘unusual’.

    I see, ok. Let's change topics and talk about television. Do you like to watch television?

    Yes I do watch television but I try to mainly watch the news and documentaries. I don't like watching a lot of the shows on television because they can waste a lot of time - especially soap operas! Some people I know spend hours watching those sort of shows, especially when you get to know the characters and the story line. I do like some comedy shows though, some are hilarious!

    Tell me about your favourite television show.

    Actually I really don't have one favourite television show but I do like watching nature programs - programs about animals and birds and things. Last week I saw one on crocodiles. I didn't realise that crocodiles lay so many eggs! I also remember one show about hummingbirds. The camera showed the wings of the hummingbird in slow motion, and it was just amazing...they go so fast. These are the sort of shows I like, I wish there were more of them.

    How popular is television in your country?

    Television is very popular in my country and I imagine that nearly every home would have one. In fact, I think that many homes in my country have more than one television. Televisions are very popular when there is a big sporting event on - like a soccer match. People will invite their friends over to watch the match on television and to cheer for their team. Another popular television program which people in my country watch is the news, especially in the evening.

    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be understood. Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. The candidate's vocabulary is appropriate in relation to the questions asked. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds quite relaxed and friendly.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. The answers are well structured: the questions are answered and in all cases, additional, related details are given.
    *******: The responses answer the questions the examiner asks in detail (no one or two word answers!). The candidate demonstrates quite a wide vocabulary base: ‘work vocabulary’ (waiter): cutlery, plates, patrons, self-serve, buffet) ‘television vocabulary’: news, documentaries, soap operas, storyline, comedy. The candidate's friendly personality is quite evident right from the very beginning making the experience an enjoyable one for both candidate and examiner. The candidate answers the questions asked with good examples and involves the examiner with a rhetorical question.
    This is a good, confident start!
    7 "
  9. في الجزء هذا ياليت تجاوب على السؤال بنفسك وتسجل صوتك بالجوال مثلاً ..

    وترا دقيقتين مو كثيرة وتقدر تبدع فيها أكثر وأكثر لكن هذا بيصير مع التمرين وتوفيق الله ..

    Ok that’s good. I'm now going to give you a topic that you will need to speak about for 1-2 minutes. You can take notes if you want. You have 1 minute to prepare what you want to say. I want you to talk about something you have made which you are proud of.

    Ok. You have a maximum of 2 minutes to speak so if you go over 2 minutes, I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now?

    Something which I have made and am quite proud of is a shoe rack for my sons - a place for them to put their shoes, when they're not wearing them. Maybe you're thinking, why are you proud of a shoe rack? Well, the main reason I'm talking about it is because...honestly, my mind's gone blank and I can't think of anything else I've made! Anyway there are a number of reasons why I was proud of this thing that I made. Firstly, I'm not a carpenter! I've never made anything before with wood, and also I solved a problem... One night, about 2 years ago, my wife walked into our son's bedroom and it was a really dark night. Anyway, she nearly sprained her ankle on one of his shoes. They were always...their shoes...scattered around the bedroom. Her ankle looked quite bruised the next day. So at that time, I decided to make a shoe rack. With my oldest son, we took a tape measure and measured how long and wide it should be. Next we bought a piece of timber. Anyway, we got home and I got out my....my saw and...a pencil and ruler. We measured the lengths and then cut the pieces. Ok, we cut the lengths, then we smoothed off the rough edges with a file. Next we got some nails and a hammer and we nailed the pieces together. My oldest son, Aaron said, “Dad we need to paint it”. I agreed. We got out some...ahhh...cream-coloured paint. We put two coats of paint on that shoe rack. I was proud of what the boys and I had accomplished. We'd solved a problem and, at the same time, spent some quality time together. We still have that shoe rack. It's still helping to keep my boy's room tidy...and no more sprained ankles for my wife!

    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows he can communicate on the topic effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate sounds quite relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate comes through and through the use of vocal variety, the topic is made more interesting through the recounting of an interesting story.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked on the Candidate Card. The first three points are answered almost immediately leaving most of the time to expand upon the last point (why you were proud of it). A point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: Remember the question required the candidate to discuss:
    1. what it was
    2. why you made it
    3. when it was made
    4. explain why you were proud of it.
    All of these aspects of the question were answered. Good expression used. The vocabulary was varied and descriptive. For example,'carpentry vocabulary' [timber, saw, file, tape measure, (two coats of) paint]. He concluded the speech by returning to the original, main point (something he was proud of) and gave good reasons why he was proud ['I'm not a carpenter (but I successfully made a shoe rack), 'we solved a problem', 'we spent quality time together'] One of the interesting things about the presentation is that the candidate did not know what to say ('my mind's gone blank'). He decided to talk about a very ordinary thing but he did it in a very interesting way – he obviously quickly chose his subject material. He used the time to tell a story (the process of building the shoe rack) – an excellent way to extend the Part 2 Long Turn.
    This is a good, confident continuation of the test!
    7 "

  10. We've been talking about something that you made and I'd like to discuss one or two more questions that are related to this. Firstly, let's consider hand-made versus machine-made items. Can you comment on the popularity of hand-made versus machine-made products in your country?

    Unfortunately, these days hand-made items tend to be more expensive than machine-made and as a result machine-made items are more popular in my country...because they're cheaper. I think this is due to labour costs. If a machine can produce large quantities of products automatically, this will always be cheaper when compared to human labour. A person needs to be paid a wage, but a machine...well, it can work day and night, I guess.

    Are there any things in your country which are only made by hand?

    Only handmade...well, I know that some types of furniture are only handmade. Of course this furniture is quite a lot more expensive and generally (of) better construction than the....umm...machine made. Another thing that comes to mind is jewellery. Most women desire a unique piece of jewelry...I know my wife...when I got a ring made for my wife it was completely hand made...in fact, we gave the design we wanted to the jeweller and he made it by hand. I guess there are other things but I can't think of any others at the moment.

    Do you think in the future that handmade products will no longer be made?

    That's an interesting question. Of course we understand that machine made products are cheaper to make. The bottom line for companies is that they need to make profits. If a company can make more and more products and pay less and less to make them, then I believe that mechanisation will win over hand-made products.

    Ok. I'd like us to lastly consider creativity in general. Do you think people learn creativity or is it something that comes naturally?

    Learn creativity...do people learn creativity...mmm. Well, I know some creative people, especially artists, and I say to them, how can you draw like that? You know I can only draw 'stick figures' but they can draw in such detail. They usually say to me, I've always been able to draw and it comes naturally to me. I think that if you're good at something and if you like it, you spend time at it. So what usually happens is the naturally good artists tend to draw more so they get better and better.

    Do you think that there are more or less creative people living in your country today?

    Well...more or less creative...in my country we are often coming up with new inventions – especially in the area of ‘environmentally friendly products’. I saw in the newspaper recently that a new device for removing - or at least reducing - carbon monoxide in vehicle emissions was made available to the public. I don't remember how it worked but I remember thinking that there are still creative people around in my country so I guess I would have to say that there are still some around, but whether there are more or less than in the past, I couldn't say with any certainty.

    What might be the effects of reduced creativity in society?

    Well, if people are less creative, then I believe society as a whole suffers. We need creative people, problem solvers who are able to find problems and devise solutions. I guess if a society becomes lazy, you know, sitting all day and night in front of the television, if they have no goals or ambitions in life, nothing to drive them toward achievement, then creativity suffers and society, I believe would suffer. People would loose the spark or interest in life, it would be a terrible thing for any society to lose its creative people!

    Why this answer would score well...
    The Basics: The candidate's voice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is excellent and the candidate's use of words/vocabulary shows he can communicate on each topic raised by the examiner effectively. There are no grammatical inaccuracies.
    Presentation: The candidate continues to sound quite relaxed and confident. The personality of the candidate continues to come through and builds upon the rapport established through Parts 1 & 2.
    Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the questions asked. Firstly, he answers the question then conversationally, he expands upon the topic. In other words, a point is made and then additional, related details are given.
    *******: The information presented in the conversation clearly answers the questions. The candidate demonstrates very well that he has a diverse vocabulary on many different topics - a demonstration of a very advanced knowledge of the language. Some good, academic words are used and the candidate demonstrates his good vocabulary base by using a range of words which relate directly to the subjects asked (eg: mechanisation, of better construction, environmentally friendly, carbon monoxide, 'as a whole', to drive (people) towards achievement). He expressed ideas that were clearly his opinions and not a universal truth by saying, “I guess...”, “I believe...”, "I think" and “I would (have to) say..”
    This is a good, confident conclusion!
    7 "

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