مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
sama-3000 , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
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, تخصصى مصمم
, بجامعة جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
- جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
- مصمم
- أنثى
- جدة, منطقة مكة المكرمه
- السعودية
- Jul 2010
المزيدl August 3rd, 2010, 08:22 PM
August 3rd, 2010, 08:22 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة اله وبركاته
معكم : sama~^^ *اهميه المشاركه قب لبدء فتره التدقيق *تعريف بسيط عن الموضوع : طبعا الكثير منا سجل في المرحلة السادسة لهذي السنه وراح ينتهي التسجيل يوم الجمعه 25- 8 وبعدها بكم يوم راح يبدأ فترة تدقيق البيانات ومن هذه البيانات ورقه طلب (Application for International Students )--> يعني استمارة التقديم للجامعات الأجنبيه - طبعا هذة الاستمارة كلها باللغه الانجليزية * الغرض من الموضوع : فتح حوار يساعد على تعبئه وتوضيح المقصود من بعض الفقرات الموجوده في الاستمارة (وذلك لعدم وضوح ماهو المقصود من بعض الفقرات تماما) -وعدد صفحاتها 4 صفحات- أرجو التعاون ممن سبق لهم تعبئتها
*وهذه هي الاستماره *
*ملاحظه مهمه: يجب طباعة النسخه الاصليه من موقع برنامج المرحله السادسه وليس من هنا لانها منسوخه ~~^^ Application for International Students
Section A: Enrollment Applying for: Seeking Degree: Bachelor Master’s Doctorate Medical Fellowship. Study Major: Section B: Personal Information Please write your name as it appears in your passport. Family Name: First Name(s): Middle Name: E-mail Address: Date of Birth: Day: Month: Year: Gender: Male: Female: Place of Birth: City: Country: Country of Citizenship: Passport No.: Issuing date: Expiration Date: Section C: Student’s Home Country Address Street Address: City: Province/Country: Postal Code: Telephone: Email: Section D:Mailing Address This is the address to which your acceptance package will be mailed. Street address: City: Province/Country: Postal Code: Telephone: Email: Section E: Dependent information If you intend to bring dependent(s) with you, please provide the following information for each dependent: Last Name
First Name
Middle Name /
Middle Initials
Date of Birth
Country and City of Birth
Country of Citizenship
Gender M/F
Section F: Educational Background Master’s Major: GPA: ( / ) (for example 4.0/5) If applicable. Undergraduate Major: GPA: ( / ) (for example 4.0/5). List the most recent high schools, and/or all colleges and universities you have attended: Name of School or Institution
Date Attended
Graduation date
Major and Degree
Mo. Yr.
Mo. Yr.
If you have taken any of the following tests, please report score and test date. TOEFL: Score: Date: GRE: Score: Date: GMAT: Score: Date: (Include copies of test score reports, if available). Section G: Career Experiences List your previous work experience or past short courses and training programs attended in the past: Company
Job Title
Short Course Name
Date Attended
Mo. Yr.
Mo. Yr.
Section H: Recommendations List of recommenders Name Institution 1. 2. 3. Waiving the right to view letters of recommendation: I wave the right. I don’t wave the right. Section I: Emergency Contact In the case of an emergency who should we contact? Name: Relationship: Phone: Email: Section J: Student Visa § What type of Visa are you currently holding? None. Student (F-1) Exchange (J-1) Visitor (B-1/B-2) Other: § Currently, which Country are you living in? Saudi Arabia. Other:
Section K: Living Arrangements I need housing arrangement for: Dormitory. Homestay Family. Private Apartment. I need arrangement for airport pickup. Section L: Authorization Statement I hereby certify that all the information contained in this application is true and correct. I understand that Saudi Arabian Ministry of Higher Education is relying on this certification to arrange my placement in an institution of higher education. I hereby authorize the Ministry or any organization duly appointed by the Ministry to complete, sign and submit, on my behalf, any and all documents and forms required to obtain acceptance to an institution of higher education and to receive direct notification of the results of said application. I also authorize the Ministry or its affiliated organization to determine the location of my English program. / / Signature of Applicant طيب مجرد سؤال الجدول اللي فيه وين درست الثانويه
لو حطيت ثانويه وحده ما غيرها عادي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
سرجيف August 4th, 2010, 06:11 PM
7 " تسلمين عسوله سما عالموضوع
وان شاءالله الاعضاء اللي مقدمين عالبعثه يستفيدون من اعضاء السنوات اللي فاتت
Nadja August 4th, 2010, 08:46 PM
7 " شكرا لك الله يستر عليك............
الطامح للمعالي August 5th, 2010, 10:31 AM
7 "
August 3rd, 2010, 08:22 PM
*اهميه المشاركه قب لبدء فتره التدقيق
*تعريف بسيط عن الموضوع : طبعا الكثير منا سجل في المرحلة السادسة لهذي السنه وراح ينتهي التسجيل يوم الجمعه 25- 8 وبعدها بكم يوم راح يبدأ فترة تدقيق البيانات ومن هذه البيانات ورقه طلب (Application for International Students
)--> يعني استمارة التقديم للجامعات الأجنبيه - طبعا هذة الاستمارة كلها باللغه الانجليزية
* الغرض من الموضوع : فتح حوار يساعد على تعبئه وتوضيح المقصود من بعض الفقرات الموجوده في الاستمارة (وذلك لعدم وضوح ماهو المقصود من بعض الفقرات تماما) -وعدد صفحاتها 4 صفحات- أرجو التعاون ممن سبق لهم تعبئتها
*وهذه هي الاستماره *
Section A: Enrollment
Applying for:
Seeking Degree: Bachelor Master’s Doctorate Medical Fellowship.
Study Major:
Section B: Personal Information
Please write your name as it appears in your passport.
Family Name:
First Name(s):
Middle Name:
E-mail Address:
Date of Birth: Day: Month: Year:
Gender: Male: Female:
Place of Birth: City: Country:
Country of Citizenship:
Passport No.: Issuing date: Expiration Date:
Section C: Student’s Home Country Address
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Section D:Mailing Address
This is the address to which your acceptance package will be mailed.
Street address:
Postal Code:
Section E: Dependent information
If you intend to bring dependent(s) with you, please provide the following information for each dependent:
Section F: Educational Background
Master’s Major: GPA: ( / ) (for example 4.0/5) If applicable.
Undergraduate Major: GPA: ( / ) (for example 4.0/5).
List the most recent high schools, and/or all colleges and universities you have attended:
If you have taken any of the following tests, please report score and test date.
(Include copies of test score reports, if available).
Section G: Career Experiences
List your previous work experience or past short courses and training programs attended in the past:
Section H: Recommendations
List of recommenders
Waiving the right to view letters of recommendation:
I wave the right.
I don’t wave the right.
Section I: Emergency Contact
In the case of an emergency who should we contact?
Relationship: Phone:
Section J: Student Visa
§ What type of Visa are you currently holding?
Student (F-1) Exchange (J-1) Visitor (B-1/B-2) Other:
§ Currently, which Country are you living in?
Saudi Arabia.
Section K: Living Arrangements
I need housing arrangement for:
Dormitory. Homestay Family. Private Apartment.
I need arrangement for airport pickup.
Section L: Authorization Statement
I hereby certify that all the information contained in this application is true and correct. I understand that Saudi Arabian Ministry of Higher Education is relying on this certification to arrange my placement in an institution of higher education. I hereby authorize the Ministry or any organization duly appointed by the Ministry to complete, sign and submit, on my behalf, any and all documents and forms required to obtain acceptance to an institution of higher education and to receive direct notification of the results of said application. I also authorize the Ministry or its affiliated organization to determine the location of my English program.
Signature of Applicant