15 أغسطس, 2017 - 8:36:02 مساءً
آخر تحديث : 15 أغسطس, 2017 - 8:37:58 مساءً
صحيفة مبتعث - انجازات
شارك 15 مبتعثًا سعوديًا في إدارة مؤتمر “Exchange Media”، الذي يعد أحد أشهر المؤتمرات الإعلامية التي تنظمها جامعة University Heart Sacred في ولاية كونيتيكت الأمريكية.
وتناول المؤتمر تعريف الأخبار المزيفة وتاريخ وجودها، وقدم المبتعثون أوراقًا حول إدارة المؤتمر والعمل في مساعدة الإخراج والتصوير والإنتاج، واستعرضوا جدارة ما وصل إليه المبتعث السعودي من إلمام بالساحة الإعلامية إقليميًا ودوليًا، وكيفية تعاملها مع عدد من الأزمات الإعلامية التي تواجههم.
وأشاد رئيس قسم الإعلام في الجامعة البروفيسور جوزيف اليكاسترو، بالعمل المتكامل الذي قام به المبتعثون السعوديون الذي ينم عن احترافيتهم ووعيهم، وفقًا لصحيفة “عكاظ”.
كما شارك المبتعثون في ورش العمل على مدى ثلاثة أشهر، بحضور صحف وقنوات أمريكية بينها NBC و News FOX ومنتمين لصناعة الإعلام في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
وشاركت في المؤتمر ثلاث مبتعثات هن (حنين زكري وأروى عبدالجليل وولاء سلوم) إلى جانب زملائهم حسين الغاوي ومروان الجهني ومحمد المطيري وطلال البكري وسليم حجازي وعبدالله الحمودي وآخرين.
Talal Albakri is a 30-year-old native of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He earned his undergraduate degree in Mass communication in Radio and Television from king Abdulaziz University. Talal is in the last semester of his master’s program, Communication: Digital Multimedia Production at Sacred Heart University. He is currently an intern at the International Admissions office at Sacred Heart University.
Talal is a passionate person and he just performed his first concert with Alfarabi music band in New York City this year. He had worked with several media production companies back in Saudi Arabia over the last five years. Talal has very strong production skills with a wide experience with post production. His production experience lead him to get a position at SHU Media Exchange 2017 as studio production producer.
Talal hopes to continue his career in studio production.
Abdullah Aljunaydil is currently a full-time graduate student, studying for a Master in Communication at Sacred Heart University with a concentration on Digital Multimedia Production. He has a B.A. in Marketing Communication & Advertising from Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Currently, he is an intern at public radio station WSHU as photojournalist. After graduation from the MACOMM program, Abdullah hopes to work in the production industry. He has the passion to continue developing his skills within the communications and the production industry. During Abdullah’s free time, he enjoys kayaking.
Badr Alyahya has earned a bachelor degree in public relation from King Saud University in Riyadh. Currently, he is pursuing a master degree in digital multimedia production at Sacred Heart University. He is expected to graduate in August 2017.
He has recently worked with Diocese of Bridgeport as an editor, as well as a volunteer photographer the southern New England locale. He hopes to become a photojournalist or videographer after graduation.
Some fun facts about Badr are that he enjoys playing soccer, tennis, and basketball as well as watching movies.
Hanin Zakari is an international student from Saudi Arabia. She received her Bachelor of Art in Mass Communication with a specialization in Journalism at King Abdulaziz University; currently, she is pursuing her last semester in Communication: Digital Multimedia Production at Sacred Heart University.
Hanin also works with the International Admissions office at Sacred Heart University as a Marketing and Communications expert. Back in Saudi Arabia, she had the chance to work with Jeddah’s Radio Station as a Radio Preparation Programmer. The knowledge she accumulated from her Bachelor and Master degrees, combined with her professional experience, has grown her skills formidably in both image and video capture and production, as well as her capabilities in the editorial and communications field.
Hanin is passionate about her field, and she desires to pursue a career in media production.
source: link
صحيفة مبتعث - انجازات
شارك 15 مبتعثًا سعوديًا في إدارة مؤتمر “Exchange Media”، الذي يعد أحد أشهر المؤتمرات الإعلامية التي تنظمها جامعة University Heart Sacred في ولاية كونيتيكت الأمريكية.
وتناول المؤتمر تعريف الأخبار المزيفة وتاريخ وجودها، وقدم المبتعثون أوراقًا حول إدارة المؤتمر والعمل في مساعدة الإخراج والتصوير والإنتاج، واستعرضوا جدارة ما وصل إليه المبتعث السعودي من إلمام بالساحة الإعلامية إقليميًا ودوليًا، وكيفية تعاملها مع عدد من الأزمات الإعلامية التي تواجههم.
وأشاد رئيس قسم الإعلام في الجامعة البروفيسور جوزيف اليكاسترو، بالعمل المتكامل الذي قام به المبتعثون السعوديون الذي ينم عن احترافيتهم ووعيهم، وفقًا لصحيفة “عكاظ”.
كما شارك المبتعثون في ورش العمل على مدى ثلاثة أشهر، بحضور صحف وقنوات أمريكية بينها NBC و News FOX ومنتمين لصناعة الإعلام في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
وشاركت في المؤتمر ثلاث مبتعثات هن (حنين زكري وأروى عبدالجليل وولاء سلوم) إلى جانب زملائهم حسين الغاوي ومروان الجهني ومحمد المطيري وطلال البكري وسليم حجازي وعبدالله الحمودي وآخرين.
Talal Albakri is a 30-year-old native of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He earned his undergraduate degree in Mass communication in Radio and Television from king Abdulaziz University. Talal is in the last semester of his master’s program, Communication: Digital Multimedia Production at Sacred Heart University. He is currently an intern at the International Admissions office at Sacred Heart University.
Talal is a passionate person and he just performed his first concert with Alfarabi music band in New York City this year. He had worked with several media production companies back in Saudi Arabia over the last five years. Talal has very strong production skills with a wide experience with post production. His production experience lead him to get a position at SHU Media Exchange 2017 as studio production producer.
Talal hopes to continue his career in studio production.
Abdullah Aljunaydil is currently a full-time graduate student, studying for a Master in Communication at Sacred Heart University with a concentration on Digital Multimedia Production. He has a B.A. in Marketing Communication & Advertising from Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Currently, he is an intern at public radio station WSHU as photojournalist. After graduation from the MACOMM program, Abdullah hopes to work in the production industry. He has the passion to continue developing his skills within the communications and the production industry. During Abdullah’s free time, he enjoys kayaking.
Badr Alyahya has earned a bachelor degree in public relation from King Saud University in Riyadh. Currently, he is pursuing a master degree in digital multimedia production at Sacred Heart University. He is expected to graduate in August 2017.
He has recently worked with Diocese of Bridgeport as an editor, as well as a volunteer photographer the southern New England locale. He hopes to become a photojournalist or videographer after graduation.
Some fun facts about Badr are that he enjoys playing soccer, tennis, and basketball as well as watching movies.
Hanin Zakari is an international student from Saudi Arabia. She received her Bachelor of Art in Mass Communication with a specialization in Journalism at King Abdulaziz University; currently, she is pursuing her last semester in Communication: Digital Multimedia Production at Sacred Heart University.
Hanin also works with the International Admissions office at Sacred Heart University as a Marketing and Communications expert. Back in Saudi Arabia, she had the chance to work with Jeddah’s Radio Station as a Radio Preparation Programmer. The knowledge she accumulated from her Bachelor and Master degrees, combined with her professional experience, has grown her skills formidably in both image and video capture and production, as well as her capabilities in the editorial and communications field.
Hanin is passionate about her field, and she desires to pursue a career in media production.
source: link