الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مقطع جديد Abo Omar YOUTUBE اليوم

مقطع جديد Abo Omar YOUTUBE اليوم


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Move babe Move
    Good job as usual buddy

    listen u made two mistakes in your channel

    First, you wrote the word "studying" as studing and that's wrong my friend

    Second, one of your tube topics is "I'm too big to cry," and that's wrong. Actually it is "I'm too old to cry".. Whatever, good job and keep the good work up

    Thx pal for correcting me, but listen , about studing not studying that misprinted, but I Noticed it lately, and who dos not misprent? great puplications do this sometimes.

    about I'm too big to cry ( it's 100% correct coz this song is for an american and it's very famous, here is the link ans see it yourself

    Sad Poems - Sad Love Poems - I'm Too Big To Cry by J. J.

    Don't worry my friend, I have been learning English for ages, and i know many secrets are coming up on the way, thx again
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة *Abo Omar*
    Thx pal for correcting me, but listen , about studing not studying that misprinted, but I Noticed it lately, and who dos not misprent? great puplications do this sometimes.

    about I'm too big to cry ( it's 100% correct coz this song is for an american and it's very famous, here is the link ans see it yourself

    Sad Poems - Sad Love Poems - I'm Too Big To Cry by J. J.

    Don't worry my friend, I have been learning English for ages, and i know many secrets are coming up on the way, thx again
    Hi again Abo Omar
    In my humble point of view, I think "I'm too big to cry" doesn't work grammatically, eventhough it might be famous as you said. Second, the guy who wrote this song also made a grammar mistake lool. He/she said "it hurt," which is absolutely incorrect. You know its correction I guess. All the best my friend
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Move babe Move
    Hi again Abo Omar
    In my humble point of view, I think "I'm too big to cry" doesn't work grammatically, eventhough it might be famous as you said. Second, the guy who wrote this song also made a grammar mistake lool. He/she said "it hurt," which is absolutely incorrect. You know its correction I guess. All the best my friend
    thx my brohter, but i still say ( i'm very sure about what i'm saying...listen, somtimes we can say ( I'm big, in size, or imean something important, or i'm big I mean I'm older,espeically with kids, ( come on ,don't cry , you are big, ) but don't say i'm bigger than him, you should say I'm older than him, how about this( He is a big lair) it's used to emphasize how bad something is, here is an informal saying used like this( you get too big for your boots, this means to be proud of yourself,
    are you following me? shall I add more phrases and sayings? anyhow, I have a lot to say, but thx for your comments, we help one another
    7 "
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