الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


وصلتني هذي الرساله من معهد لغة ؟؟ شو اسوي ب

وصلتني هذي الرساله من معهد لغة ؟؟ شو اسوي ب


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية SHAMSA

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    SHAMSA غير معرف

    SHAMSA , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. , تخصصى شريعه , بجامعة اكاديميه الشرطه
    • اكاديميه الشرطه
    • شريعه
    • أنثى
    • ابوظبي, ابوظبي
    • غير معرف
    • Oct 2009

    December 16th, 2009, 07:33 PM

    Dear Shamsa,

    Bienvenue à Edu-inter!

    Edu-inter offers Summer French Programs for teens, adults, teachers and groups in the beautiful city of Quebec, Canada. Edu-Inter is located in downtown Quebec City, a short 15 minute walk from Old Quebec, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the only major city in Canada that offers a 100% French environment, making it the ideal location for learning French. It is also recognized for being an exceptionally safe city within Canada. Finally, Quebec City is a relatively inexpensive city, even by Canadian standards. Quebec City is one of the outstanding tourist destinations in North America.

    The school features exceptional facilities which include a gymnasium, an aerobics room, a library, a computer lab (30 workstations), an internet cafe, a cafeteria and a student lounge. The campus ample green space for outdoor sports and recreation activities.

    There is a maximum of 15 students per class distributed over 6 levels of French. Instructors focus on providing students with a foundation of international French that will serve them wherever they go in the future. Students undergo an evaluation on the first day of class, and are placed in the appropriate level. There are start dates on every Monday for the Intensive French program.

    In 2010, we are offering courses from January 11th to February 12th, and from June 21st to August 13th.

    The winter program includes French + Multi-activity, French + Skiing, French + Snowboarding and French + Figure Skating programs. All the programs are offered from 1 to 4 weeks in duration.

    You can choose the Intensive French program, from 1 to 8 weeks in duration, the French + Activities program of 3 or 4 weeks in duration, the French + Cooking program (4 weeks) and even the French + Circus program (2 to 4 weeks). We also offer the French for Teachers program of 2 or 4 weeks.

    I am attaching descriptions with dates and prices for these programs.


    Cultural activities include excursions to the Saguenay for whale-watching, to Montreal to visit La Ronde theme park and the Montreal Jazz Festival. Activities are available in packages or individually.


    Edu-Inter offers the following options for accommodation: Homestay (with or without meals), residence (university residence) or apartment. Host families consist entirely of local francophone families, security checked and selected to ensure an optimal, culturally rich experience.

    Please take the time to check-out our website ( Learn French in Quebec City | Study French in Canada | Quebec City French Immersion Courses | Quebec City French Language School ) where you will find photos, the activities programs and class timetables for each program.

    Early Registration Discount

    There are a couple of early registration discounts that you can take benefit from.

    On package programs, you can obtain a $200 discount when you register and pay 50% of the program during 2009 (that balance must be paid by May 31st 2010), or a $300 discount if you register and pay the entire program fee in 2009.

    On the Intensive French program, you can obtain a 10% discount on tuition when you register and pay 50% of the program during 2009 (that balance must be paid by May 31st 2010), or a 15% discount on tuition if you register and pay the entire program fee in 2009.

    Please confirm you've received this email and if you have any questions. If you would like to receive a call, please specify a phone number where you can be reached and a time range that is convenient for you.

    ہ très bientôt!

    Carl Granger
    Learn French in Quebec City | Study French in Canada | Quebec City French Immersion Courses | Quebec City French Language School


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