الله يعطيك العافيه اخوي مبتعث نانايمو
اسباب الرفض
you have not satisfied me that the requirements of regulation 179:
that you would leave canada at the end of the temporary period you were authorized to enter in reaching this decision i
considered your ties to your country of residence - citizenship balanced against
factor which might motivate you stay canada
السبب الثاني
your application was incomplete and\or you have not submitted the requested documentation as requried by section16(1)of irpa
السبب الثالث
you have not satisfied me that you meet the requriements for of a study permit because
no explanation provided in ref to 4months cap between
your date of birth and your brother date of birth(( على فكره اخوي من ابوي ))
امبراطور فانكوفر April 3rd, 2010, 05:31 PM
7 "
اسباب الرفض
you have not satisfied me that the requirements of regulation 179:
that you would leave canada at the end of the temporary period you were authorized to enter in reaching this decision i
considered your ties to your country of residence - citizenship balanced against
factor which might motivate you stay canada
السبب الثاني
your application was incomplete and\or you have not submitted the requested documentation as requried by section16(1)of irpa
السبب الثالث
you have not satisfied me that you meet the requriements for of a study permit because
no explanation provided in ref to 4months cap between
your date of birth and your brother date of birth(( على فكره اخوي من ابوي ))