الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


ماافضل الجامعات لدراسة الطب ؟؟

ماافضل الجامعات لدراسة الطب ؟؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6364 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية الـــبـــدر

    مشرف سابق على ملتقى أوروبا

    الـــبـــدر بولندا

    الـــبـــدر , ذكر. مشرف سابق على ملتقى أوروبا. من السعودية , مبتعث فى بولندا , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة university of warsaw
    • university of warsaw
    • طالب
    • ذكر
    • WaRsAw, NaLeWkI
    • السعودية
    • May 2007

    July 18th, 2007, 08:40 PM



    .. س / ماافضل الجامعات لدراسة الطب بكندا ؟؟ وتكوون معترف فيها ؟
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شد بلد
    كندا ما تدرس البكالريوس للطلاب الاجانب

    هي مو مسألة ما تدرس..لكن الشغلة شبه مستحيلة

    اول شي يالغالي..

    دراسة الطب في كندا تتطلب يكون عندك بكالريوس في آحد العلوم (٤ سنوات)
    ثم دراسة الطب ( ٤ سنوات).

    و للمعلومية..
    حتى لو تخرجت و معاك بكالريوس في احد العلوم..مسألة القبول مع الاسف شبه مستحيلة نظرا لأن الاولوية للي من الولاية..فما بالك الي جاي من خارج البلد؟

    راح احط لك الرسائل و المعلومات الي حصلت عليها من الملحقية الثقافية في كندا.. الحين
    7 "

  3. Dear Mr. Abussaud,

    Thank you for your recent email concerning undergraduate medical education Canada.

    As you probably know, the system of medical education in Canada does not follow the same as the one in Saudi Arabia. To gain admission to medical schools in Canada, applicants must already have a Bachelor of Science degree, preferably in one of the sciences. Therefore, it is much too early to apply to medical schools in Canada.

    I am attaching a document which I think you will find helpful. I also recommend you visit the following website: http://www.afmc.ca/docs/2006_admissions_book.pdf where you will find more comprehensive information about admission requirements for each of the 17 medical schools in Canada.

    If you are interested in a medical education systems similar to Saudi Arabia, I would suggest you consider medical education in England, Australia, or New Zealand.

    Sincerely yours,
    R. Gordon Trueblood, MA, MPH, Ph.D.
    Academic Advisor
    Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau
    99 Bank Street, Suite 1144
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Canada K1P 6B9
    Tel: (613) 238-5555
    Fax: (613) 563-9010
    Email: gordon@saudibureau.org

    7 "

  4. Dear Zeid,

    Applying for a Bachelor of Science degree at most Canadian universities is
    not so difficult as long as you have a good overall average at the end of
    your high school work. The major problem is for those people who do not
    meet the English language requirements of Canadian universities. In that
    case, we must seek a conditional acceptance into the Bachelor of Science
    program. The conditional acceptance will allow you to come to Canada to
    study English before starting the Bachelor's degree.

    Since you will have graduated from a non-English language institution, you
    should take the TOEFL test before applying to a Canadian university. If you
    make the required score, then you will be admitted directly into the
    Bachelor of Science program without having to do English proficiency courses

    We have an agreement with McMaster University to take 15 students each year
    into the Bachelor of Health Science program. Since this is a written
    agreement between McMaster University and the Ministry of Higher Education
    in Riyadh, you should contact the Ministry to see if you qualify for that
    particular program. If not, there are other Bachelor of Health Science
    programs in several Canadian universities. All of these programs meet
    medical school admission requirements.

    When you come to Canada, if you happen to be in Ottawa, we would be glad to
    meet with you and discuss the options available to you. You can find me

    R. Gordon Trueblood, MA, MPH, Ph.D.
    Academic Advisor
    Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau
    99 Bank Street, Suite 1144
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Canada K1P 6B9
    Tel: (613) 238-5555
    Fax: (613) 563-9010
    Email: gordon@saudibureau.org

    Please note that the main offices of the Embassy are located elsewhere in
    Ottawa. If you only need to meet with us, you go to the address above.

    If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Sincerely yours,
    Gordon Trueblood
    Academic Advisor

    Sincerely yours,
    Gordon Trueblood

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Zeid Abussaud" <zeid@zeid.org>
    To: "Gordon Trueblood" <gordon@saudibureau.org>
    Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:48 AM
    Subject: Re: undergraduate medical education in Canada

    Dear Sir,

    I'm really thankful and grateful for your kind assistance and valuable
    information you have sent to me.
    May I get some information about the steps needed to apply for Bachelor
    of Science degree.
    And I would be grateful if you sent me your contact number or address
    because I'm visiting Toronto this summer and I might pass by the embassy
    in order to get some information.

    Best Regards,


    7 "
  5. انا انشا الله بدرس طب ومعي قبول العلوم فجامعة ميموريال , اذا انت تحب الطب وعندك مقدرة تتفوق عالطلاب الاجانب توكل

    انا سالت طلاب كثير منهم نصحوني اقعد فالسعوديه ومنهم قالوا اطلع , اغلب الدكاتره والطلاب اللي درسوا طب فالسعوديه نصحوني ادرسه برا.

    واللي خلاني ما افكر فالطب هنا , خلصت السنه التحضيريه وكانت من اسواء السنوات اللي مرت علي ,,,,

    بالتوفيق اخوي ولاتنسى تستخير
    7 "

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