الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مساعدة أين اجد جامعات كندية معقولة السعر (Networking Major or Information Security)

مساعدة أين اجد جامعات كندية معقولة السعر (Networking Major or Information Security)


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Networking-Geek

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Networking-Geek كندا

    Networking-Geek , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى None , بجامعة None
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    • السعودية
    • Jan 2012

    January 1st, 2012, 05:38 AM

    Hi guys

    I've been searching for a long time about universities that offer a major related to Networking, or IS (Information Security, or Networking Security)

    All that I found was Computer Science major which I'm trying to avoid for now

    Also, I'm studying on my own for a bachelor's degree, so I'm looking for a university that I can afford as well

    and if you know some good and "not very expensive" universities for Computer Science. Please tell me about them just in case I can't find Networking or IS

    Thank you so much
    السلام عليكم

    يا جماعة الخير انا ابحث عن جامعة كندية معقولة السعر يعني عارف كلهم غاليين لكن نوعاً ما أرخص من غيرها ولديها تخصصات شبكات او أمن الشبكات والأنترنت وبصفة عامة تخصصات علوم الكميوتر اذا ماكان لديكم معلومات عن تخصصات الشبكات لأنه نوعاً ما تخصص نادر

    يعطيكم العافية ومشكورين مقدماً وإن شاء الله القي مساعدة في هذا المنتدى ..

  2. its hard to find a bachelor degree in networking at a university level if you want to really learn about networking i highly suggest going to a community college that offer diploma in networking for two years
    and then transfer to a university and get a bachelor degree in computer science
    and for your information most if not all computer science programs have networking courses
    as of tuition fees the the university that has the lowest fees for international student is the University of Brandon in Brandon , Manitoba the fees are
    about 3500 dollar a semester other universities and colleges fees are at least around 5000-6000 a semester

    my best wishes
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Arj
    بس انت ماحددت بكالريوس ولا ماستر؟

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nasa2009
    its hard to find a bachelor degree in networking at a university level if you want to really learn about networking i highly suggest going to a community college that offer diploma in networking for two years
    and then transfer to a university and get a bachelor degree in computer science
    and for your information most if not all computer science programs have networking courses
    as of tuition fees the the university that has the lowest fees for international student is the University of Brandon in Brandon , Manitoba the fees are
    about 3500 dollar a semester other universities and colleges fees are at least around 5000-6000 a semester

    my best wishes
    Yeah I'm fully aware that the major is a little rare it is sorta new but that is what I like to study

    I found the major for bachelor at the UAE in 2 universities and one of them is a Canidian one! here Canadian University of Dubai - CUD

    so why can't I find it in Canada itself ?

    There must be a university that offers something at least similar to that Major. It is ok if it is called Computer Security, Computer Forensics or Information Security.

    All that i care about is the program should focus on the Security field.

    I found a college that offers an interesting program, but again it is only diploma 3 years: Computer Security and Investigations - Courses & Descriptions : Fleming College

    I would go to this college if it was bachelor .. I'm upset it is only an advanced Diploma. Same one with bcit BCIT : : British Columbia Institute of Technology

    The problem with computer science is that the major is old, and not really fun at least for me
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Networking-Geek


    Yeah I'm fully aware that the major is a little rare it is sorta new but that is what I like to study

    I found the major for bachelor at the UAE in 2 universities and one of them is a Canidian one! here Canadian University of Dubai - CUD

    so why can't I find it in Canada itself ?

    There must be a university that offers something at least similar to that Major. It is ok if it is called Computer Security, Computer Forensics or Information Security.

    All that i care about is the program should focus on the Security field.

    I found a college that offers an interesting program, but again it is only diploma 3 years: Computer Security and Investigations - Courses & Descriptions : Fleming College

    I would go to this college if it was bachelor .. I'm upset it is only an advanced Diploma. Same one with bcit BCIT : : British Columbia Institute of Technology

    The problem with computer science is that the major is old, and not really fun at least for me
    i know what you mean , but even the programs you have mentioed have programming courses , porgramming a fundemdntal skill in all computer realted stuides so if you dont like programming you should consider your choices , i suggest you enroll in a diploma program at a community college for 2-3 years then trasnfer to a university and obtian your degree in a year or 2 so you will have a diploma plus a degree in computer science
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة قوطي فاضي
    Canadian Universities, Colleges, Higher Education and Employment in Canada

    Find Out


    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nasa2009
    i know what you mean , but even the programs you have mentioed have programming courses , porgramming a fundemdntal skill in all computer realted stuides so if you dont like programming you should consider your choices , i suggest you enroll in a diploma program at a community college for 2-3 years then trasnfer to a university and obtian your degree in a year or 2 so you will have a diploma plus a degree in computer science
    yeah true but I do not mind programming as long as they are some courses given within Networking

    Usually Networking comes with Object Oriented Programming & Web based which are much easier than CSs and more limted as well

    CSs always comes with Intro1 and sometimes 2 then C++ , Programming I - II - III , web based which is a lot, and I do not need to know all of this.

    I'm not going to work in a programming corportation when i get back to Saudi arabia because simply they are not any

    so why would i bother going through all of this headache in CS ? see why i do not want to go for CS - it is a lot of effort that may go into waste when you get your degree

    and thanks for your suggestion

    7 "

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