الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


المعهد التابع لجامعة برتش كولومبيا

المعهد التابع لجامعة برتش كولومبيا


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6244 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. هلا والله اخوي

    بالنسبة للتسجيل انا طالب مبتعث من قبل سابك

    الشركة هي الي سجلتني ما ادري والله كيف

    بالنسبة للسؤال الثاني

    انا زي ما قلت اول في 6 مستويات

    بس ما عمري شفت مستوا رقم 1

    عشان كدا نفرض ان بدأ من مستوا رقم 2

    يعني يبغالك عشان تخلص كل المستويات 5 sessions

    1 session = 3 months

    طبعا لو شديت حيلك ممكن تنقز مستوا

    ولا تشيل في بالك لان الاختبار الي رح تاخدو في البداية راح يحدد مستواك وان شاء الله يكون تمام

    بالنسبة للتسجل كلمت واحد من العيال الي جايين على حسابهم قالي انه راسلهم على ايميلهم بس يقول ما عنده الايميل

    شوف هذا موقع المعهد بالعربي
    اتمنى اكون افدتك

    لك مني اطيب تحية
    7 "
  2. وصلني هذا الرد بخصوص بعض الاستفسارات عن المعهد و طريقة القبول

    Thank you for your interest in the UBC English Language Institute.
    All of our upcoming programs are available and we welcome applications from students who are at least 18 years of age on the first day of classes.

    We have a number of Saudi Arabian students in our school, most of whom have their fees paid through the Saudi Embassy in Canada.

    In order to register in any of our ELI programs and obtain a Letter of Acceptance, we must either receive a letter of financial guarantee from The Saudi Arabian Embassy in Canada, which specifically guarantees the tuition fees to The English Language Institute, or we must receive the application fee of $150 and a $300 deposit for each program/session you wish to register in.

    Generally the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia does not authorize the Saudi Embassy to issue such guarantees until the student has received a Letter of Acceptance from us. To get around this, and to receive their Letter of Acceptance quickly so that they can use it to apply for their visa, most Saudi students with scholarships pay the application fee and deposit(s), then claim them back from the Saudi Embassy once their guarantee is issued. Once the guarantee is received by us, we will invoice the Embassy for the balance of your fees.

    For students who intend to enter an English speaking university, the Our 12-week Intensive English Program (10 weeks in summer) is designed to help them achieve their goal. There are six levels to the program; each level covers one session consisting of 10/12 weeks of study. Students are tested on the first day of the program to determine the starting level of their studies. IEP students work on reading, writing, listening, and speaking; at the higher levels of the program, students may choose a stream of study: general English, or academic English. Students usually take one class each in Speaking and Listening, Reading and Grammar, and Writing.
    How quickly students proceed in the program is very much up to the individual. The majority of students are able to complete a level in one session. Students are not required to complete the full program; they study as much as they feel is required for their own purposes. The majority of students study with us for two consecutive sessions.
    Unfortunately, there is no automatic transfer from our programs at the English Language Institute to academic programs at UBC. All students must make a separate application to UBC for acceptance as an academic student. However, please note that students who successfully complete level six of our Intensive English program will not have to submit a TOEFL score with their undergraduate UBC application. Students applying to post-graduate programs, however, are still required to submit a TOEFL score with their application. Applicants must also meet all the other academic criteria for entrance to a UBC faculty. Please consult the University calendar or website (http://www.ubc.ca) for details.
    We recommend students apply as well in advance as possible as we register students on a “first come, first served” basis. This will also allow students enough time to make the necessary arrangements to come and study with us (e.g., visas).
    As our program deposits and application fee are non-refundable, we would strongly recommend you contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate for details about the appropriate immigration status required to come to Vancouver. You may wish to plan your studies by working back from the amount of time it takes to process your visa application and select a start date that will allow you sufficient time to make your plans.
    Students who study for 6 months or less may study on a visitor's visa. Students who study for more than 6 months need to apply for a study permit. In all cases concerning immigration status in Canada, we recommend students contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate for further details about the requirements as well as approximate processing times.
    For Child Care Services, please consult the website (http://www.childcare.ubc.ca/)
    We hope you will find this information helpful in your decision to come study with us. For more information and for an application form, please visit our web site at www.eli.ubc.ca. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    Best regards,

    Student Services
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  3. ياشباب مساكم بالخير بغيت أقولكم أنا ماشي لفانكوفر بس بغيت أسألكم انا بدرس هناك في البداية لغة انجليزيه وانقبلت في كلية كولومبيا بمدينة فانكوفر بس بغيت أسأل هل هذي الكلية معترفه بوزارة التعليم العالي او لا ارجو افادتي
    7 "
  4. الاخوة الافاضل

    بخصوص القبول في المعهد جداً بسيد ومايحتاج مكتب وسيط

    يعني قمة السهوله في الاجراءات عبي الابلكيشن اللي في الرابط

    وبالنسبه للرسوم التسجيل (550 دولار كندي ) ممكن تدفعها عن طريق الفيزا وعلى طول يجيك القبول بالبريد وصوره من القبول يرسلونها بالفاكس علشان تقدم فيها لفيزة دخول كندا

    واي استفسار بخصوص الابلكيشن انا حاضر

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