its would be very hard to get, since you're competing with people from all over the world for it, unlike local scholarships, where you are only competing with saudis.
that being said, it is not entirely impossible , however good grades and language fluency are only the minimal requirement to land such grants. they will be looking for people who are exceptionally gifted, active within their community, honor students and so on.
also, most of these grants are partial, coving only part of the tuition and usually no living expenses.
Best of luck
7 " that being said, it is not entirely impossible , however good grades and language fluency are only the minimal requirement to land such grants. they will be looking for people who are exceptionally gifted, active within their community, honor students and so on.
also, most of these grants are partial, coving only part of the tuition and usually no living expenses.
Best of luck
October 6th, 2013, 07:22 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاتهاخواني اريد ان اسالكم عن المنح الدراسية المتوفرة للطلاب الاجانب بكندا
للعلم انا متفوق بجميع المواد و اتكلم الفرنسية و الانجليزية بطلاقة و مقبل على امتحان TOEFL و CAMPUS الخاصين باللغتين الانجليزية و الفرنسية
ماهي فرصي للحصول على منحة دراسية و ما الاجراءات اللازم علي القيام بها و شكرا لكم