مع انني لم اجربه
لكن هناك تحذير بأن بعض المواقع احتياليه تقولك بفلوس واهو ببلاش
ALERT: It has come to our attention that some Earthcaller consumers have been charged a fee for a link to our site. We do not currently charge for domestic calling and we do not receive any funds from these sites. In no way are these sites associated to Earthcaller. We apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced as a result of these fraudulent sites and we have no means to refund money to anyone who has paid for a link to Earthcaller. Please report your case to the entities that collected your fees. Report and contest your fraudulent charges.
Is it really free for North American calling?
Yes! The only thing we ask is that you use the feedback link to email our team about your experience.
Is it really free for domestic?
Yes! The only thing we ask is that you use the feedback link to email our team about your experience.
Eisa April 4th, 2008, 10:06 PM
7 " مشكورين شباب على الردود و شكلنا راح نتربع قدام الكمبيوتر لوووووووووووووول
الموقع جربته و اتصلت على الملحقيه و شبك معاي بس مب عارف اذا يخصم علينا و حنا هناك و لا وشو ؟
شوفو شموخي April 4th, 2008, 11:52 PM
7 " لا ما يخصم انا مجرب المواقع كلها من كول ايرث ولا برنامج الاوفو
ما يخصم مررة ولا شي لا من اللي داق عليك ولا اللي انت داق عليه
راحت ايامك يا نمنم April 5th, 2008, 01:59 AM
7 " متاكد يا نمنم ؟؟؟
فيه ناس يقولو بتخصم في اوقات معينه !!!
يعني انت بتستعملو دايمن و لا كيف تتواصل مع اهلك ؟؟؟؟
الموقع ممتاز صراحه و يصير اهلنا يكلمونا على الجوال على طول و في اي وقت !!!
بس شغلة الواحد يجلس قدام الكمبيوتر و اهلنا في نفس الوقت شغله متعبه !
dondy April 5th, 2008, 10:22 AM
7 " في بطايق مسبقه الدفع خاصة بالاتصال على السعوديه
في واحد في فانكوفر وهو يستخدمها في بـ 5 دولار وفي بـ 10 دولار
وانا بعرف الا بـ10 دولار تعطيك 500 دقيقه لما بتتصل على تلفون ثابت
و42 دقيقه على جوال
see u
SwEet lo0ola April 5th, 2008, 04:16 PM
7 "
لكن هناك تحذير بأن بعض المواقع احتياليه تقولك بفلوس واهو ببلاش
ALERT: It has come to our attention that some Earthcaller consumers have been charged a fee for a link to our site. We do not currently charge for domestic calling and we do not receive any funds from these sites. In no way are these sites associated to Earthcaller. We apologize for the inconvenience that you experienced as a result of these fraudulent sites and we have no means to refund money to anyone who has paid for a link to Earthcaller. Please report your case to the entities that collected your fees. Report and contest your fraudulent charges.
Is it really free for North American calling?
Yes! The only thing we ask is that you use the feedback link to email our team about your experience.
Is it really free for domestic?
Yes! The only thing we ask is that you use the feedback link to email our team about your experience.