الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


احتاج اسباب الدراسة للماستر في تخصص تسويق

احتاج اسباب الدراسة للماستر في تخصص تسويق


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5877 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية زهرة العبير
    زهرة العبير

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    زهرة العبير كندا

    زهرة العبير , أنثى. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى كندا , تخصصى تسويق , بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز
    • الملك عبد العزيز
    • تسويق
    • أنثى
    • جدة, الممكلة العربية السعودية
    • السعودية
    • Dec 2008

    January 9th, 2009, 03:22 AM

    السلام عليكم
    ابي مساعدة ياجماعة ابغى اسباب الدراسة للماستر مو مشكلة اكتبوها بالعربي وانا اترجمها واذا تسو فيا خير اكتبوها بالانكلش
    وجزاكم الله خير ويعطيكم العافية
  2. والله ياخوي هذا نــــقـــــل من واحد الله يجزاه خير لكن يلزمها بعض التعديلات عشان توافق التخصص والأسم .. إلخ

    Statement of Purpose

    My name is Mohammed Ali. I was born in 1988 in Saudi Arabia. I am single and I live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I graduated from the secondary school in 2005.
    My English language proficiency now is not up to the preferred standard. For that, I got some help to write up this statement of purpose. However, my scholarship includes coverage for ESL study, which, I am confident, will be a great chance for me to improve my ESL proficiency.
    I request to be admitted provisionally so that I can improve my ESL proficiency while I wait for my application to be considered and reviewed to pursue my B.Sc. studies in medicine at your university. I have not taken the TOEFL test until now, but I plan to take the proficiency tests offered at your ESL institute as well as the TOEFL test.
    I would like to obtain an admission to the ESL program for Spring 2006 because it is required for me in order to qualify for the scholarship. However, my sponsors and I understand that my ESL program will take a minimum of one semester so that I can be ready to join the B.Sc. program in medicine. Therefore, I hope to be admitted to your university to begin my ESL study in Spring 2006.
    I am confidant that my study at your university will allow me to prepare myself to serve my country as a physician. Graduates from your school have proven high quality standards and are proving their distinction continuously. As I indicated to my sponsors that I was interested in studying at your school, they encouraged me to apply and promised me immediate processing and approval upon admission.
    I am sure that your university will be the place for me to channel my profound interest and fulfill my dreams. I hope, by joining your medicine program, that I will achieve my professional career objectives and academic goals. My future plans include coming back to Saudi Arabia for hands-on fieldwork as a physician. Then, I look forward to going back to pursue my graduate studies.
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