الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


.: هنـــا تجمع مبتعـثــــات ومبتعثين أستراليا :.

.: هنـــا تجمع مبتعـثــــات ومبتعثين أستراليا :.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6518 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. شوفو ا هذا آخر رقم اتصلت فيه ..... igc اعتقد كذا اسمه و الحين يقول لي مو من دنا انتي تبع خادم الحرمين قلت ايه قال لي مو عندنا عند الوزارة

    و اللي قهرني ان مكتب aate-ksa هو اللي قال لي انه هو المكتب الرابع يا قهررررررررررررري
    7 "

  2. والحل ياااااااااااهو .. انا لو اعرف بس انهم ما يصرفون ..

    المشكله وزاره اعطب من ايه ..

    والا حاله الطلب .. ل ايش والايميلات ليش

    المفروض حطوا قائمه زي القائمه حقت الترشيح

    رقم الترشيح واسم المكتب .. وحطوا اعلان هام طلاب استراليا ونيوزيلاندا

    صعبه يعني

    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Alienated

    اخيراً عرفت اسمي

    هذا رقم المكتب شوي واتهاوش انا وياة بالعافية يعطيني المعلومات كاني اشحت منه

    هذا الرقم

    جامعة نيوكاسل
    وين هذا والله حوسه
    الف الف مبروك اخوي وعقبال بقيت الشباب
    عموماً ياسيدي الجامعة في مدينة نيوكاسل تبعد عن سدني حوالي 180 كيلومتر وهي تقع في ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز
    وهذه معلومات مبسطة عن الولاية
    نيو ساوث ويلز ومدينة سيدني

    يمكن تقسيم ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز إلى المناطق الأربع التالية: الشريط الساحلي، وشريط "جريت دافيدنج رانج" الجبلي الذي يمتد بعمق 100 كيلو متر تقريبا إلى الداخل، ومنطقة جبال البلو ماونتنز التي تقع غرب مدينة سيدني، ومنطقة جبال سنووي ماونتنز في الجنوب. وتقع المنطقة الريفية التي يزاول السكان فيها النشاط الزراعي غرب شريط "جريت ديفيدنج رانج" الجلبي: وهي تضم العديد من السهول الجافة التي تغطي ثلثي مساحة الولاية. وتمتد هذه السهول عبر المناطق النائية الواقعة في أقصى الغرب، حيث تصل درجات الحرارة في فصل الصيف إلى ما يزيد على 40 درجة مئوية. ويعد كل من نهر موراي ونهر دارلينج النهرين الرئيسيين في هذه المنطقة، وهما يخترقان منطقة السهول باتجاه الغرب. وفي فصل الشتاء، تتراكم الثلوج على منطقة جبال سنووي ماونتنز لتصير هذه الجبال قد أصبحت بالفعل اسمًا على مسمىً.
    تتمتع مدينة سيدني بطقس لطيف حيث يندر أن تنخفض درجة الحرارة عن 10 درجات مئوية ليلا، ويبلغ متوسط درجات الحرارة في فصل الصيف حوالي 25 درجة مئوية، ألا أنها قد ترتفع في الصيف لتصل إلى 40 درجة مئوية مع ارتفاع في نسبة الرطوبة مما يؤدي إلى زيادة الإحساس بالحرارة، غير أن سقوط الأمطار الغزيرة في الفترة من شهر أكتوبر حتى شهر مارس يؤدي إلى إحداث انخفاض كبير في درجة الحرارة. ويتسم الطقس في فصل الشتاء بالبرودة المعتدلة ولا يصل إلى حد البرودة الشديدة. أما في شهري مارس وأبريل وفي شهري أكتوبر ونوفمبر، فيكون الطقس رائعًا حيث يتميز بالصفاء والدفء نهارا وبالاعتدال ليلاً

    The University of Newcastle (UoN)


    The University of Newcastle is a large and diverse institution with three campuses - Callaghan, Newcastle and Ourimbah. The University's Conservatorium of Music and Graduate School of Business is located in the central business district of Newcastle. Situated halfway between Newcastle and Sydney is the University's Ourimbah Campus, which offers state-of-the-art facilities for students studying in such disciplines as food science and technology, marine science, information technology, and hotel and hospitality management.
    العنوان التفصيلي للطلاب الأجانب

    العنوان البريدي:The University of Newcastle (UoN)
    University Drive
    Callaghan NSW 2308
    AUSTRALIAرقم الهاتف:612 4921 6595رقم الفاكسميلى:612 4960 1766بريد إلكتروني:international-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)الموقع على الشبكة:http://www.international.newcastle.edu.au/
    التاريخ والملامح الخاصة

    Since its establishment in 1965, the University of Newcastle has provided innovative and leading edge research and education to the world. It is renowned for its problem-based learning methods, which encourage students to tackle new disciplines, develop problem-solving skills and become strategic thinkers. Our focus on problem-based learning has attracted international recognition and our graduates are highly sought by employers.

    The main Callaghan Campus is situated 10km west of the city of Newcastle - Australia's sixth largest city. Newcastle is situated on a breathtaking stretch of Australia's Pacific Ocean coastline, approximately 160km north of Sydney.
    أعداد الطلاب وهيئات التدريس

    The University of Newcastle has a student body of over 20,000 studying in 150 undergraduate and graduate programs on the Callaghan Campus, Ourimbah Campus and in the city of Newcastle. Approximately 1,500 students come from over 65 different overseas countries.
    الكليات / مجالات الدراسة

    Programs available include:
    accounting; anthropology; applied information technology; applied management; arts; aviation; biological sciences; biomedical science; biostatistics; biotechnology; building; business administration; business; chemistry; Chinese; clinical epidemiology;
    commerce; communications; computer science; construction management; development studies; drama; early childhood teaching; economics; education; educational administration; engineering; English; environmental science; epidemiology; film; finance; fine art; food technology; forensic science; French; gender studies; geology; German; graphic design; health sciences; history; hospitality management; hotel management; human nutrition; hydrology; industrial design; information technology; Japanese; journalism; law; leisure studies; linguistics; management; marine science; mathematics; media studies; medical radiation science; medicine; music; nursing; nutrition and dietetics; occupational health and safety; occupational therapy; philosophy; photography; physics; political science; psychology; science; social change and development; social work;
    sociology; speech pathology; statistics; surveying; sustainable resource management; teaching; tourism; trade and development; video; visual arts; visual communications; and womens studies.
    دورات اللغة الإنجليزية

    Since 1988, the University's Language Centre has offered ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) to applicants whose English proficiency does not meet University requirements. All of the Centre's courses are accredited by the National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme, and the Centre is a member of the ELICOS Association and the University Language Centres of Australia. The Centre is also an official test centre for IELTS.

    High quality services are available to all students through the excellent facilities of the Centre (purpose designed language, video and computer laboratories, private study and resource areas), the range of programs offered, the experience of staff in teaching international students from a large range of overseas countries, and their close liaison with University academic staff.

    The Centre's ELICOS programs consist of 5 week or 10 week sessions beginning with an Elementary Course which leads to Intermediate English, Advanced English, and English for Academic Purposes. Each course has a minimum of 25 hours tuition a week. Textbooks for all these courses are lent free of charge to students during their period of study. Initial entry into these courses is determined by a placement test at the time of enrolment at the Language Centre.

    Further information regarding the Language Centre and the programs offered can be accessed through the University's homepage.
    شروط القبول والتسجيل

    To enrol in a Bachelor degree program, students must have successfully completed either: an appropriate high school-leaving examination or other recognised post-secondary qualification. Admission to a graduate program generally requires a Bachelor degree or *****alent from a recognised institution. The minimum English language proficiency requirements are: IELTS 6.5 (and no sub-test score less than 6.0); or TOEFL 550 (and a TWE minimum score of 4.5); or C-TOEFL minimum score of 213 (with a minimum score of 4.5 Essay Rating); or successful completion of an English for Academic Purposes course at the University's Language Centre with an overall score of a minimum of 65%; or other recognised test of English.
    إجراءات ا الالتحاق

    Prospective international students interested in applying for admission to a University of Newcastle degree program can either apply directly to the University through International Admissions, or through a University of Newcastle overseas representative. Detailed below are six stages in the application process.

    Stage One - Applying for a Place in a Program
    - Decide on the specific program(s) you wish to study and complete the application form included in this publication. If an application form is not available, contact International Admissions in Newcastle or an official representative of the University in your country. Alternatively, an application form is also available through the University's website.
    - Complete all relevant sections of the application form and attach certified copies of all academic transcripts and any other items you may wish to include.
    - Send the completed application form directly to International Admissions at the University or to an official representative of the University in your country.

    Stage Two - Wait for a Response
    - Successful applicants will receive from International Admissions an 'Offer of a Place' which will provide information on the tuition fees, health insurance fees, date of payment of such fees, and the date of commencement of the program of study. [If an application is unsuccessful, you will receive an explanatory letter.]

    Stage Three - Payment of Fees
    - In order to accept the 'Offer of a Place' in a program, you are required to pay one semester's fee in advance. The payment should be in the form of an international bank draft/cheque made payable to The University of Newcastle. Please write your full name on the back of the draft/cheque. The bank draft/cheque can either be sent directly to International Admissions at the University or an official representative of the University in your country.
    - Once payment has been received by the University, you will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment, which is required for completing your application for a Student Visa at the Australian Diplomatic Post in your country. You will also receive a copy of "Next Stop - Newcastle, Australia", which contains essential information regarding the services which you may wish to use before, during, and after arriving in Australia.

    Stage Four - Applying for a Student Visa
    - In order to apply for a Student Visa at an Australian Diplomatic Post, you will need to obtain a student Visa application form, either from the Australian Diplomatic Post or an official representative of the University in your country.
    - You will need to complete all relevant sections of the student Visa application form and attach and submit all relevant documentation and Visa application fee.

    Stage Five - Arranging Accommodation in Newcastle
    - The University strongly suggests that you book an air ticket as soon as you receive the Confirmation of Enrolment. In the publication "Next Stop - Newcastle, Australia", you will find the Reception Service Form. Complete it and either send it directly to the University or to the
    University's official representative in your country. Alternatively, the Reception Service Form can be completed electronically on University's website.
    - Decide on the type of accommodation you wish to have at Newcastle. Information regarding the many types of available accommodation are described in the publication "Next Stop - Newcastle, Australia". Additionally, the information is available on the University's website.

    Stage Six - Arriving in Newcastle, Australia
    - When you arrive in Sydney, you will need to transfer (either by air, rail or bus) to Newcastle or Ourimbah, depending upon where you will be studying. Information on how to transfer from Sydney to Newcastle is described in "Next Stop - Newcastle, Australia". University staff will meet you upon arrival. This service is free of charge.
    - The day following your arrival, University staff will ensure that you visit the bank (to open up an account) and meet with members of the International Student Support team.

    All international students are expected to participate in the University's Orientation program, which usually occurs one, or two weeks before classes begin. An Orientation program for newly arrived international students has been purposefully designed and includes information on enrolment, campus facilities and associations, public transport, shopping and recreational activities, guide to the City of Newcastle, and various social functions.
    التواريخ المهمة/ العام الدراسي الأكاديمي

    Semester Dates for 2005
    Semester 1: Monday 21 February to Friday 10 June 2005
    Mid Year Examinations: Tuesday 14 June - Friday 1 July 2005 Semester 2: Monday 18 July to Friday 4 November 2005 End of Year Examinations: Monday 7 November - Friday 25 November 2005

    Semester Dates for 2006
    Semester 1: Monday 20 February to Friday 9 June 2006
    Mid Year Examinations: Tuesday 13 June - Friday 30 June 2006 Semester 2: Monday 17 July to Friday 3 November 2006 End of Year Examinations: Monday 6 November - Friday 24 November 2006

    الدراسات التأسيسية

    The University of Newcastle has developed a special preparatory/foundation program - Unipath - to cater for students with a minimum of 10 years education who seek admission to a Bachelor's degree in a range of different disciplines.

    Unipath is generally a 1 year (two semesters) program comprising 80 credit points. [However, students commencing their program in the July semester may opt to continue their studies in the summer term in order to commence their degree program in the February semester of the following year.] In order to gain admission to a degree program, students are required to successfully complete a set of compulsory courses. Students wishing to undertake studies leading to a degree in music or the creative arts, must undertake a specially designed program relevant to the specific degree.

    For details of these courses for the respective Bachelor degrees please contact the international office or visit our web site.

    Up to five (5) scholarships of Aus$2,000 are awarded to students each year based entirely on performance in the Unipath program. These scholarships have been awarded annually since 1996 and have provided outstanding students with recognition of their achievements.
    خدمات ووسائل الدعم

    The University of Newcastle provides a range of services to its students, including:
    - Arrival/Reception Service; Orientation Program;
    - Accommodation Placement Service (for both on- and off-campus, including Homestay);
    - Learning and Support (including libraries, computing facilities and full internet access, disabilities service, study support);
    - Student Support (including a health service, counselling, welfare); and
    - Clubs and Associations (including the student union, sports union, over 50 sporting clubs and associations, student associations).

    Shops, banks, bookshops, hairdresser, post office, and cafes are all available on campus.

    تكاليف السكن

    The Residential Accommodation Unit provides all students with a range of free and confidential services to assist students in their search for accommodation both on- and off-campus. On campus, there are several residential colleges accommodating approximately 950 students - mostly in single bedrooms. Students residing on campus can opt to be self-catered, semi-catered (4 meals per week) or fully catered (14 meals per week). Off-campus, there are a range of options from which students may choose, including residing in Univille (a University managed residential unit). Further information regarding accommodation can be obtained via the University's website.
    جمعية خريجي الجامعات

    Alumni associations for the University of Newcastle can be accessed by contacting the University's Development Unit on the University's homepage.
    7 "
  4. وربي تصريف في تصريف

    القهر انا مادقيت من جوالي وقال لي الاعمه بعد ماعصبت عليه

    والحين ابي اخزن الرقم بجوال احصله مخزن عندي وداق عليه من جوالي وربي شي يقهر
    تدري شنو تقوليله قولي الوزارة هي الي اعطتني رقمكم وقالت اسمي عندكم
    7 "
  5. اتصلت يا فيصل مره ثانيه

    وقلت له الرقم .. وانو عندكم .. قال ابدا والله مو عندنا اخر رقم عندنا اخره 73 ومدري ايه

    قلت طيب والحل .. كل المكاتب تقول لا ..

    قال انا عندي kas 281 و kas280 بس رقمك مو من ضمنهم ..

    راجعي الوزاره .. احسن لك ..
    7 "
  6. و الله يا فيصل اني تعبت و لا عاد داقه كفايه ان اللي يرد رجال قسم بالله بالقوة اكلمه يا اتلخبط لخبطه كأن عمر ابوي ما عندي جوال و لا عايشه بعصر جدتي

    و الحين ما فيه امل اتصل ابد >>>>

    انجوي يا قلبو كلنا بالهوا سوا .. شو رأيك نخلي ابو محمد يطلع لنا قبول ببرزبن و نرتاااح

    >>>> استخف دمي
    7 "
  7. سلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااام
    كيف الحلوووووووين
    طيبووووون انشالله
    بس يالغالي منو جهاد ؟؟ ما اذكر اني عرفت احد بدنيتي اسمه جهاد بصراحه

    بالنسبه لتغيير التخصص بآخر محاضره جا الدكتور ( الموسى ) وقال اللي يبي يغير تخصصه يروح لنفس المكتب اللي اخذ القبول منه وهم يجيبون لك قبول مره ثانيه ( وهنا فيه فرصه انك تختار المدينه والجامعه اللي تبي )

    اما سالفه ان المكتب من دبي فما عتقد يالغلا .. امكن انت قريت العنوان اللي جا عليه القبول في دبي وظنيت ان المكتب في دبي

    يا طويل العمر لو اخذت القبول من المكتب اللي كان واقف على اليسار فهذا الـ idp

    اللي بالنص AAET _ KSA

    اللي عالـ يمين IGEC
    الله يعافيك انشالله
    ياخي انت مو منذ مدة نزلت موضوع عن انك رحت وتهاوشت مهم
    المصدر طبعا باحث >>>>>>>>> وينك
    اما بالنسبة لقبول انا اخذته يوم الثلاثاء متاخر يوم قالو ا في قبولات بالوزارة راح نجيبها لكم
    وانا اخذت القبول من اطرف واحد باليمين مو من الهندي ولا الطويل الي يشبه بشار الاسند من الثانثن وسالتهم وقالوا القبولات هذي مو من عندنا حنا فزعنا نوزعها
    وعلى كلام الشباب ان في مركز قبول جاء الاربعاء وزعوا ويقلون مقرهم حي الغدير
    مادري والله
    7 "
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