الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


.: هنـــا تجمع مبتعـثــــات ومبتعثين أستراليا :.

.: هنـــا تجمع مبتعـثــــات ومبتعثين أستراليا :.


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6518 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. امممم .. بيني و بينك بس لا تقولين لاحد

    <--- احلف .. يعيني كن محد راح يقرا الموضوع غيرنا

    انا قدمت ايام معرض الجامعات الاسترالية .. و قعدت مع مسؤول القبول في الجامعة و قمت اسولف معه و قال ما شاء الله ما تحتاج انجليش .. و عطاني قبول فاونديشين على طول .. و عندي توفل .. بالاضافة الى اني كنت عايش في امريكا ثلاث سنوات

    اذا وصلتي هناك بيختبرونك عشان يحددون مستواك و اذا مستواك كويس .. يمكن يدخلونك فاونديشين على طول
    7 "

  2. اهااا
    حتى انا رحت للمعرض
    بس ما رحت لجامعة RMIT
    الهم قاالووا لي لغتك ممتاازة
    وسألني واحد
    قالي كم جبتي بالانجليزي في "السانوية" << مت ضحك عليه وهو يقوولها
    قلت له 100
    طلعت عيوونه ابن اللزينا
    بغيت اقووله قووول ما شاءالله خخ

    بس قال لازم أدخل اختبار IELTS
    فأنا قلت اذا وصلت استراليا ان شاءالله أختبر
    لكن يااليت اختبار المعهد يكفي
    7 "
  3. Mashallah .. good 4 you Ghada

    I was supposed to get accepted at Melbourne University (Trinity College)
    I was too close to get it .. but the guy asked me what did I do since I graduated from high school .. so I was honest with him and told him about U.S.A .. he said I have to submit a transcript from the previous education provider in U.S.A .. so, I submitted the transcript and got rejected ..
    then I went to RMIT and didn't tell them about U.S.A and got accepted .. btw, I got 100 in English as well in "Sanwi" ..

    just an advice .. its better to take English there but not for long period .. so ur english could be elevated to the academic level .. u still young .. so u have plenty of time .. no need to rush ..

    Good luck
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sea_wave
    Mashallah .. good 4 you Ghada

    I was supposed to get accepted at Melbourne University (Trinity College)
    I was too close to get it .. but the guy asked me what did I do since I graduated from high school .. so I was honest with him and told him about U.S.A .. he said I have to submit a transcript from the previous education provider in U.S.A .. so, I submitted the transcript and got rejected ..
    then I went to RMIT and didn't tell them about U.S.A and got accepted .. btw, I got 100 in English as well in "Sanwi" ..

    just an advice .. its better to take English there but not for long period .. so ur english could be elevated to the academic level .. u still young .. so u have plenty of time .. no need to rush ..

    Good luck
    Why are you writing in English ?
    Don't you wanna the others to understand what you just wrote.
    7 "
  5. what's wrong with ur transcript??
    is it for Bachelor degree or what ?

    regarding my english
    I am now studying a foundation year at Prince Sultan University
    and am taking English courses

    and I know how to write an argumentative essays
    causes and effect essays
    contrast essays
    explaining essays

    thaat's enough


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