الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Salaaam From Melbourne

Salaaam From Melbourne


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية sea_wave

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    sea_wave أستراليا

    sea_wave , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من أستراليا , مبتعث فى أستراليا , تخصصى Student , بجامعة RMIT
    • RMIT
    • Student
    • ذكر
    • Melbourne, Victoria
    • أستراليا
    • May 2007

    June 10th, 2007, 05:37 AM

    :119: Salaaam shabab oo 9abaya

    wallah oo lkom wa7sha

    This is Sea~~~Wave writing from Melbourne

    sorry for writing in English .. I am in internet cafe

    :27:anyways .. Melbourne is great .. its very cold here

    so u better bring heavy clothes with you

    my trip to Melbourne was very good al7emdellah
    although the flight was delayed 3 hours
    due to a technical problem

    Emirates airlines is the best .. so don't think about other airlines
    .. the trip from Dubai to Melbourne was 13 hours
    they served us with 3 meals
    The on board TV was so entertaining
    they have many many movies, TV shows, and songs

    I arrived Melbourne @ 8:30 a.m.
    and the immigration officer was so nice
    you have to mention every thing you have in your bags
    in the customs form
    it took me less than 15 minutes to get out from the airport

    its better to arrange your temporary accommodation from Saudia
    I stayed at Rydges Hotel at 205 Bell St. Preston 3072
    its 15 minutes to Melbourne Uni and 20 minutes to RMIT
    and there is a free shuttle taking students there every two hours

    I don't recommend this hotel for families .. its rooms are too small

    I stayed 2 nights @ the hotel then moved to my permanent accommodationg at CBD area .. 10 minutes walk to RMIT

    I spent the last two days walking in the CBD area
    I got familiar with the area now
    the major street in CBD is Swanston St
    Its full of resturants, cafes, malls,and markets
    alot of trams are moving along the street

    the Yarra river is so beautiful
    I had the chance to walk along the river yesterday
    I took some picutres while i was walking
    there are many rowing boats you can rent
    in additon to taxi boats which carry people to
    different places on the river banks

    I opened a bank account so easily in Common Wealth Bank
    It took only 5 minutes to open the account
    all you need is your passport and $500 deposit
    I got a mobile sim card from
    Optus Company so easily as well

    To the ladies .. Don't worry ..
    Hejab is very common in Melbourne
    Alot of women wear Hejab
    there are a lot of muslim women working and living here
    I even saw a woman wearing Ne8ab
    and no body is staring at her
    :29: .. so no worries

    I will leave you with some pictures I took yesterday & todayd

    Enjoy them

    If you have any enquiries .. feel free to ask

    Best Regards
  2. [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']My Dear Brother "Sea Wave" [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Welcome in Melbourne and alhamdllah ala aslama 7bebi[/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Thank you for all the detail that you mention before it’s nice and helpful[/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Also the picture it’s very nice and cool [/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'][/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I wish all the best my dear and trgeaa lnaa beslamaa wa rafeaa alraas[/FONT]
    7 "
  3. [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']My Dear Brother “Sea Wave”[/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Welcome in Melbourne and alhamdllah ala aslama 7bebi[/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Thank you for all the detail that you mention before it’s nice and helpful[/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Also the picture it’s very nice and cool [/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT]
    [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']I wish all the best my dear and trgeaa lnaa beslamaa wa rafeaa alraas[/FONT]
    7 "

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