مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
ego ha ha ha , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى not yet
, بجامعة not yet uni lool
- not yet uni lool
- not yet
- ذكر
- not yet, NT
- السعودية
- May 2010
المزيدl September 15th, 2010, 03:25 AM
September 15th, 2010, 03:25 AM
خلصت تعبئة الأبلكيشن لجامعة سيدني
لكن عشان ادفع الـ fee قال لي حط ال voucher code
حطيت رقم الكريدت كارد - فيزا
ماضبط وحطيت الثلاث ارقام اللي ورا ماضبطت
طبعا كاتبين لي
To submit your application, you will need to pay the associated Application Processing Fee (APF)
Unless you have received a valid APF waiver voucher, a non-refundable APF of $AUD100.00 must be paid with each application submitted. Applications will not be processed unless the APF payment has been processed successfully. Please complete this section of the application to submit your APF by credit card payment.
To make your payment by credit card, you will be connected to the University of Sydney online payment service. This will allow you to process and confirm your payment immediately. You will need to have a valid credit card ready to make your payment.
If you have been issued with a valid APF payment waiver voucher, you will need to enter the voucher details in the field below.
Please select to pay your APF by credit card or enter your waiver voucher number and click on the 'Continue' button to proceed.
كتبت بالموقع University of Sydney online payment service
طلع لي أقسام التسديد اونلاين
Select a transaction Pay my HECS/Fees Student Loan Pay My Customer Statement Sydney Talent Warren Centre University of Sydney Union Payment Work Research Centre NSW Bus & Coach Operator Accreditation Certificate of Transport Management SSMART Registration (US Studies Centre) Aust Archaeological Inst at Athens
مافيه منها تسديد ال APF
والله انا دفعتها قبل 4 سنوات بالفيزا من الامريكي لكن ما اتذكر
على العموم بدل ماتدفع 100 دولار ليش ماتخلي اوراقك عن طريق المكتب ( اي دي بي)
لان التكاليف بتنحذف عليك...
المهم انت ماعندك فاوتشر
لذلك لازم تدفع بالفيزا
واذا استشكلت عليك راسلنا وبنساعدك ان شاء الله
وديع September 16th, 2010, 11:00 AM
7 "
September 15th, 2010, 03:25 AM
خلصت تعبئة الأبلكيشن لجامعة سيدنيلكن عشان ادفع الـ fee قال لي حط ال voucher code
حطيت رقم الكريدت كارد - فيزا
ماضبط وحطيت الثلاث ارقام اللي ورا ماضبطت
طبعا كاتبين لي
Unless you have received a valid APF waiver voucher, a non-refundable APF of $AUD100.00 must be paid with each application submitted. Applications will not be processed unless the APF payment has been processed successfully. Please complete this section of the application to submit your APF by credit card payment.
To make your payment by credit card, you will be connected to the University of Sydney online payment service. This will allow you to process and confirm your payment immediately. You will need to have a valid credit card ready to make your payment.
If you have been issued with a valid APF payment waiver voucher, you will need to enter the voucher details in the field below.
Please select to pay your APF by credit card or enter your waiver voucher number and click on the 'Continue' button to proceed.
طلع لي أقسام التسديد اونلاين
Select a transaction
Pay my HECS/Fees Student Loan Pay My Customer Statement Sydney Talent Warren Centre University of Sydney Union Payment Work Research Centre NSW Bus & Coach Operator Accreditation Certificate of Transport Management SSMART Registration (US Studies Centre) Aust Archaeological Inst at Athens
مافيه منها تسديد ال APF