الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


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فزعتكم يا الربع


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية صوت المستقبل
    صوت المستقبل

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    صوت المستقبل أستراليا

    صوت المستقبل , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى أستراليا , تخصصى مهندس جدولة , بجامعة RMIT
    • RMIT
    • مهندس جدولة
    • ذكر
    • Melbourne, Victotia
    • السعودية
    • Nov 2007

    November 21st, 2007, 03:01 PM

    أنا حمد لله دوبني حصلت قبلول من وزارة التعليم العالي
    :94: :94: :94: :94:
    أنا خريج جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن
    تحصص:Industrial & System Engineering
    :100: :100: :100: :100:

    وأخترت engineering للماجستير
    :91: :91: :91:

    شرأيكم وشأختار الجامعة ؟ وش التخصص؟.
    :92: :92: :92:

    عالعموم أنا وضعي المادي مش ولا بد يعني أعتمادي الكامل على الله ثم المكافأة
    :111: :111: :111: :111:

    أفيدونا أفادكم الله

    :112: :112: :112:
    أبغى رأي الخبرة من طلبة استراليا الكرام

    وهذه الكورسات

    والي حاب يخدمني بزيادة هذا شرح مفصل لتخصصي
    Description of my major:

    Course Description
    SE-201 Introduction to Systems Engineering (2-0-2)
    Introduction to systems engineering, Some Areas of Industrial Engineering/Operations Research : Facility Location, Quality Control, Production Planning, and Linear Programming. Some Areas of Automation/Control: Automation, The Concepts of Automatic Control, Open and Closed Loop Control. Instrumentation, and Use of Computers in Control. Systems Approach to Engineering Problems, Integrating the Above Tools. Applications of Systems Concepts in Engineering.
    Prerequisite : MATH-102
    Textbook: Intro to Industrial Sys. Engineering 3rd Ed.1993 Turner/Naz Prentice Hall
    SE-205 Engineering Probability and Statistics (2-3-3)
    Sample space, events, random variables, conditional probability, some discrete and continuous distributions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, estimation and test of hypotheses.
    Prerequisite : MATH-201
    Textbook: Applied Statistics and Prob. for Engineers 3rd Ed. 2003 Montgomery/
    Runger Wiley
    SE-207 Modeling and Simulation (2-3-3)
    Principles of modeling, linear and nonlinear lumped parameter dynamic models. Introduction to Laplace transform and system analysis. Linearization of nonlinear models. Modeling of Mechanical and Electrical systems. Transfer function and state space models. Laboratory activities include analog and digital simulation of models.
    Prerequisites : SE-201, MATH-260, co-requisite EE-201
    Textbook: Modeling Analysis of and Dynamic Systems 3rd Ed Close, Fred Wiley
    SE-301 Numerical Methods (3-0-3)
    Roots of nonlinear equations. Solution of systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical differentiation and integration. Interpolation, extrapolation, and approximation. Least-squares approximation and regression analysis. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Introduction to error analysis. Engineering case studies.
    Prerequisites: ICS-101, MATH-201
    Textbook: Numerical Methods for Engineers 5th Ed. Chapra, Canale McGraw-Hill
    SE-302 Linear Control Systems (3-3-4)
    Linear Systems; time and frequency domain representations; open and closed loop systems; time and frequency domain analysis, stability; root locus; frequency response; compensators, output and state feedback, PID, lag, lead and lead-lag compensators. Design of simple compensators. Laboratory activities include analysis and control of physical processes as well as analog simulation.
    Prerequisite : SE-207
    Textbook: Modern Control System 10th Ed. Dorf & Bishop Prentice Hall
    SE-303 Operations Research I (3-3-4)
    New description : Modeling in Operations Research. Linear Programming : Simplex Method, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis. Network Models : Shortest Path, PERT/CPM, Maximum Flow Problems, Transportation and Assignment Problems. Elements of Queuing Models. Case Studies.
    Prerequisites: SE-201, SE-205, or STAT-315
    Textbook: Operations Research: An Introduction 8th Ed. 1997 Taha, Hamdy Prentice Hall
    SE-305 Optimization Methods (2-3-3)
    Unconstrained optimization; necessary and sufficient conditions for unconstrained minima. Derivative-free algorithm. The steepest descent and Newton algorithms. Conjugate gradient and quasi-Newton methods. Constrained optimization: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for optimality, algorithms for constrained optimization including SUMT, approximation and methods of feasible directions. Case studies in different engineering disciplines.
    Prerequisite :SE-301, co-requisite SE-303
    Textbook: Current: Engg. Optimization Methods & Applications 1983 Reklaitis, G. V. John Wiley
    New: “Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engg.”, 1999 by AD Belengundu and TR Chandrupatla
    Textbook: Digital Design 3rd Ed. Mano, M. Prentice Hall
    SE-320 Quality Control and Industrial Statistics (3-0-3)
    Statistical models for quality assurance and control. Control charts for variables and attributes and their applications in process control. Process capability studies. Quality audits. Operating characteristic curves. Acceptance sampling. Statistical analysis and design of integrated quality control systems and computer applications. Cost of quality and the effects of quality on productivity. Case studies in applied quality assurance and control.
    Prerequisites : SE-205, or STAT-315; Corequisite : SE-325
    Textbook: Intro to Statistical Quality Control 5th Ed. Montgomery Wiley
    SE-322 Manufacturing Technology (3-3-4)
    Manufacturing methods of ****ls and plastics including ****l casting, forming, machining, welding, and plastic processing. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations in material behavior, forming, casting, welding and machining operations, metrology and dimensional control Prerequisite : ME-215, CE-101
    Textbook: Introduction to Work Study 4th Rev. Ed. 1992 ILO ILO
    SE-323 Methods Engineering (2-3-3)
    History of methods design and work measurement. Methods design. Process analysis. Operation analysis. Introduction to human engineering. Standardization. Work measurement. Predetermined motion-time systems. Standard data. Work sampling. Term project.
    Prerequisites: SE-201, SE-205
    SE-325 Engineering Statistics (3-0-3)
    Review and Extension of Estimation and Test of Hypothesis and their application in Engineering. Introduction to Planned industrial experiments including Analysis of Variance, Regression and Design of Experiments, Taguchi Arrays and their Application in Quality Control.
    Prerequisites: SE-205
    Textbook: Same as SE 205
    SE-401 Computer Control Systems (2-3-3)
    Elements of Computer Control Systems, A/D and D/A, Sampling theorem, signal condiioning, anti-alias filters, sensors, actuators. Feedback, feed forward, cascade and ratio controls. DDC. Control implementation with centralized and distributed computer systems. Architecture, Communication, Sequential Control, programmable controllers. Multi-tasking environment, concurrent languages, software engineering, communication protocols, case studies of distributed control systems and programmable controllers.
    Prerequisite: SE-302, or CHE-401, or *****alent.
    Textbook: Digital Control System Analysis and Design 3rd Ed. 1995 CL Phillips/Nagle Prentice Hall
    SE-402 Production Systems and Inventory Control (3-0-3)
    Elements of functional organization. Forecasting in production systems. Product and process design considerations. Deterministic and Stochastic Inventory Systems. production scheduling and line balancing. Capacity planning. Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Computer applications in Production Control. Case studies and applications.
    Prerequisite :SE-303
    Textbook: Production & Operation Analysis 5th Ed. Nahmias McGraw Hill
    SE-405 Stochastic Systems Simulation (2-3-3)
    Basic discrete-event simulation modeling, review of basic probability and statistics, selecting input probability distributions, random-number generators, generating random variables, output data analysis for a single system, validation of simulation models. A simulation language is used to stimulate selected industrial and computer models.
    Prerequisites: SE-205 or STAT 315
    Textbook: Discrete-Event Systems Simulation (NEW TITLE) 3rd Ed. 2001 J. Banks, J. Carlson

    SE-421 Operations Research II (3-0-3)
    Advanced topics in linear programming: Integer programming, dynamic programming. Introduction to Stochastic Processes. Case studies.
    Prerequisite : SE-303
    Textbook: Same as SE 303 / SE 501
    SE-422 Facility Layout and Location (3-0-3)
    Introduction to facility planning issues. Material handling. Facility location and layout and computer-aided techniques and packages. Storage and warehousing functions, emphasizing quantitative and simulation techniques.
    Prerequisite : SE-303
    Textbook: Facilities Planning 3rd Ed. Tompkin/ White Wiley
    SE-447 Decision Making (3-0-3)
    Introduction to structuring decision problems with single and multiple criteria under certainty, uncertainty, risk and conflict. Discrete MCDM: MVT, AHP, TOPSIS and interactive methods; Expert choice. Single and sequential decision problems under uncertainty and risks static and dynamic models. Decision problems under conflict : Game theory. Case studies.
    Prerequisite : SE-205 or *****alent.
    Textbook: Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools 2001 R. Clement / T. Reilly Duxbury
    SE-465 Industrial Safety (3-0-3)
    The scope of occupational safety: human safety; environmental safety; setting safety standards; safety administration; legal aspects of industrial safety in the Kingdom.
    Prerequisite : Junior Standing
    Textbook: Industrial Safety & Health Mgt. 5th Ed. Asfahl, C. Ray Prentice Hall
    SE-490 Systems Engineering Senior Project (0-9-3)
    A design course that draws upon various components of the undergraduate curriculum. The project typically contains problem definition, analysis, evaluation and selection of alternatives. Real life applications are emphasized where appropriate constraints are considered. Oral presentation and a report are essential for course completion. The work should be supervised by faculty members. Team projects are acceptable wherever appropriate.
    Prerequisite : Senior Standing
    SE 493 Industrial Strategic Planning and Blanched Scorecard

  2. هلا أخووووي صووت المستقبل

    أولا مبرووك قبوولك :85:

    ثاانيا ً

    هذي أفضل الجااامعاااااات

    ثاالثا ً
    لا تشيل هم المكافأة تكفيييك

    رابعا ً

    يا خراااشي :106:

    شوو هيدااااااا

    Description of my major:

    Course Description

    SE-201 Introduction to Systems Engineering (2-0-2)
    Introduction to systems engineering, Some Areas of Industrial Engineering/Operations Research : Facility Location, Quality Control, Production Planning, and Linear Programming. Some Areas of Automation/Control: Automation, The Concepts of Automatic Control, Open and Closed Loop Control. Instrumentation, and Use of Computers in Control. Systems Approach to Engineering Problems, Integrating the Above Tools. Applications of Systems Concepts in Engineering.
    Prerequisite : MATH-102
    Textbook: Intro to Industrial Sys. Engineering 3rd Ed.1993 Turner/Naz Prentice Hall
    SE-205 Engineering Probability and Statistics (2-3-3)
    Sample space, events, random variables, conditional probability, some discrete and continuous distributions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, estimation and test of hypotheses.
    Prerequisite : MATH-201
    Textbook: Applied Statistics and Prob. for Engineers 3rd Ed. 2003 Montgomery/
    Runger Wiley
    SE-207 Modeling and Simulation (2-3-3)
    Principles of modeling, linear and nonlinear lumped parameter dynamic models. Introduction to Laplace transform and system analysis. Linearization of nonlinear models. Modeling of Mechanical and Electrical systems. Transfer function and state space models. Laboratory activities include analog and digital simulation of models.
    Prerequisites : SE-201, MATH-260, co-requisite EE-201
    Textbook: Modeling Analysis of and Dynamic Systems 3rd Ed Close, Fred Wiley
    SE-301 Numerical Methods (3-0-3)
    Roots of nonlinear equations. Solution of systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical differentiation and integration. Interpolation, extrapolation, and approximation. Least-squares approximation and regression analysis. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Introduction to error analysis. Engineering case studies.
    Prerequisites: ICS-101, MATH-201
    Textbook: Numerical Methods for Engineers 5th Ed. Chapra, Canale McGraw-Hill
    SE-302 Linear Control Systems (3-3-4)
    Linear Systems; time and frequency domain representations; open and closed loop systems; time and frequency domain analysis, stability; root locus; frequency response; compensators, output and state feedback, PID, lag, lead and lead-lag compensators. Design of simple compensators. Laboratory activities include analysis and control of physical processes as well as analog simulation.
    Prerequisite : SE-207
    Textbook: Modern Control System 10th Ed. Dorf & Bishop Prentice Hall
    SE-303 Operations Research I (3-3-4)
    New description : Modeling in Operations Research. Linear Programming : Simplex Method, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis. Network Models : Shortest Path, PERT/CPM, Maximum Flow Problems, Transportation and Assignment Problems. Elements of Queuing Models. Case Studies.
    Prerequisites: SE-201, SE-205, or STAT-315
    Textbook: Operations Research: An Introduction 8th Ed. 1997 Taha, Hamdy Prentice Hall
    SE-305 Optimization Methods (2-3-3)
    Unconstrained optimization; necessary and sufficient conditions for unconstrained minima. Derivative-free algorithm. The steepest descent and Newton algorithms. Conjugate gradient and quasi-Newton methods. Constrained optimization: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for optimality, algorithms for constrained optimization including SUMT, approximation and methods of feasible directions. Case studies in different engineering disciplines.
    Prerequisite :SE-301, co-requisite SE-303
    Textbook: Current: Engg. Optimization Methods & Applications 1983 Reklaitis, G. V. John Wiley
    New: “Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engg.”, 1999 by AD Belengundu and TR Chandrupatla
    Textbook: Digital Design 3rd Ed. Mano, M. Prentice Hall
    SE-320 Quality Control and Industrial Statistics (3-0-3)
    Statistical models for quality assurance and control. Control charts for variables and attributes and their applications in process control. Process capability studies. Quality audits. Operating characteristic curves. Acceptance sampling. Statistical analysis and design of integrated quality control systems and computer applications. Cost of quality and the effects of quality on productivity. Case studies in applied quality assurance and control.
    Prerequisites : SE-205, or STAT-315; Corequisite : SE-325
    Textbook: Intro to Statistical Quality Control 5th Ed. Montgomery Wiley
    SE-322 Manufacturing Technology (3-3-4)
    Manufacturing methods of ****ls and plastics including ****l casting, forming, machining, welding, and plastic processing. Laboratory experiments and demonstrations in material behavior, forming, casting, welding and machining operations, metrology and dimensional control Prerequisite : ME-215, CE-101
    Textbook: Introduction to Work Study 4th Rev. Ed. 1992 ILO ILO
    SE-323 Methods Engineering (2-3-3)
    History of methods design and work measurement. Methods design. Process analysis. Operation analysis. Introduction to human engineering. Standardization. Work measurement. Predetermined motion-time systems. Standard data. Work sampling. Term project.
    Prerequisites: SE-201, SE-205
    SE-325 Engineering Statistics (3-0-3)
    Review and Extension of Estimation and Test of Hypothesis and their application in Engineering. Introduction to Planned industrial experiments including Analysis of Variance, Regression and Design of Experiments, Taguchi Arrays and their Application in Quality Control.
    Prerequisites: SE-205
    Textbook: Same as SE 205
    SE-401 Computer Control Systems (2-3-3)
    Elements of Computer Control Systems, A/D and D/A, Sampling theorem, signal condiioning, anti-alias filters, sensors, actuators. Feedback, feed forward, cascade and ratio controls. DDC. Control implementation with centralized and distributed computer systems. Architecture, Communication, Sequential Control, programmable controllers. Multi-tasking environment, concurrent languages, software engineering, communication protocols, case studies of distributed control systems and programmable controllers.
    Prerequisite: SE-302, or CHE-401, or *****alent.
    Textbook: Digital Control System Analysis and Design 3rd Ed. 1995 CL Phillips/Nagle Prentice Hall
    SE-402 Production Systems and Inventory Control (3-0-3)
    Elements of functional organization. Forecasting in production systems. Product and process design considerations. Deterministic and Stochastic Inventory Systems. production scheduling and line balancing. Capacity planning. Material Requirement Planning (MRP). Computer applications in Production Control. Case studies and applications.
    Prerequisite :SE-303
    Textbook: Production & Operation Analysis 5th Ed. Nahmias McGraw Hill
    SE-405 Stochastic Systems Simulation (2-3-3)
    Basic discrete-event simulation modeling, review of basic probability and statistics, selecting input probability distributions, random-number generators, generating random variables, output data analysis for a single system, validation of simulation models. A simulation language is used to stimulate selected industrial and computer models.
    Prerequisites: SE-205 or STAT 315
    Textbook: Discrete-Event Systems Simulation (NEW TITLE) 3rd Ed. 2001 J. Banks, J. Carlson

    SE-421 Operations Research II (3-0-3)
    Advanced topics in linear programming: Integer programming, dynamic programming. Introduction to Stochastic Processes. Case studies.
    Prerequisite : SE-303
    Textbook: Same as SE 303 / SE 501
    SE-422 Facility Layout and Location (3-0-3)
    Introduction to facility planning issues. Material handling. Facility location and layout and computer-aided techniques and packages. Storage and warehousing functions, emphasizing quantitative and simulation techniques.
    Prerequisite : SE-303
    Textbook: Facilities Planning 3rd Ed. Tompkin/ White Wiley
    SE-447 Decision Making (3-0-3)
    Introduction to structuring decision problems with single and multiple criteria under certainty, uncertainty, risk and conflict. Discrete MCDM: MVT, AHP, TOPSIS and interactive methods; Expert choice. Single and sequential decision problems under uncertainty and risks static and dynamic models. Decision problems under conflict : Game theory. Case studies.
    Prerequisite : SE-205 or *****alent.
    Textbook: Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools 2001 R. Clement / T. Reilly Duxbury
    SE-465 Industrial Safety (3-0-3)
    The scope of occupational safety: human safety; environmental safety; setting safety standards; safety administration; legal aspects of industrial safety in the Kingdom.
    Prerequisite : Junior Standing
    Textbook: Industrial Safety & Health Mgt. 5th Ed. Asfahl, C. Ray Prentice Hall
    SE-490 Systems Engineering Senior Project (0-9-3)
    A design course that draws upon various components of the undergraduate curriculum. The project typically contains problem definition, analysis, evaluation and selection of alternatives. Real life applications are emphasized where appropriate constraints are considered. Oral presentation and a report are essential for course completion. The work should be supervised by faculty members. Team projects are acceptable wherever appropriate.
    Prerequisite : Senior Standing
    SE 493 Industrial Strategic Planning and Blanched Scorecard

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