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المبعوث الرسمي
, تخصصى موظف
, بجامعة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
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- Sep 2007
المزيدl November 28th, 2007, 09:57 AM
November 28th, 2007, 09:57 AM
كنت قد قدمت على جامعة غرب استراليا لتحضير الدكتوراة وقد استلمت الاميل ادناه من الجامعة ............. السؤال هل يعتبر ذلك قبول مبدئي يمكنني تقديه للوزارة للحصول على الضمان ام انه يجب استكمال طلبات الجامعة ... لمن يجيبني خالص دعواتي ولكم جميعا تحياتي Dear Thank you for your application for the DBA program to commence in 2009. Information about the program can be found at the following website: www.biz.uwa.edu.au/course/higher_degrees_research/doctor_of_business_administration As you will notice, the admission requirements include the successful completion of the Master of Business Research of this University; or an undergraduate honours degree, or a masters by research. The reason is that you require extensive research training before entry into our doctoral programs. As such, a coursework Masters such as an MBA, would not qualify you for direct entry into the DBA. You would need to first complete the Masters of Business Research (MBR). The MBR is a cohort coursework degree specifically designed for entry into the DBA. During the masters program, students complete the first draft of their literature review and they defend their proposal to a panel of judges. You will find further information about the MBR at the following website: www.biz.uwa.edu.au/home/courses/higher_degrees_by_research/master_of_business_research Additionally, you need to submit a 5-6 pages research proposal summary of your proposed area of research, outlining why you are interested in the area and how you might undertake the research. Regards
Dr Julie Lee
Director - Doctoral Programs
UWA Business School ماشا ءالله الشباب ما قصرو معاك
لازم تاخد الكورسات الي مكتوبه
و كورس ال MBA
غير مؤهل عشان تدخل الدكتوراه
و بعدها كلام الاخ لامدي
Rami_imar November 28th, 2007, 11:53 AM
7 " اشكركما على المشاركة .....ملاحظة لاخي لامدي .. سيدي اعلم مضمون الرساله وقد اوضحوا لي ذلك عند التقديم بأن مدة الدراسة 4 سنوات منها 1.5 للماجستير البحثي .. ولكن السؤال الذي لا يزال قائما هل يعتبر ذلك قبول مبدئي يمكن من خلاله الحصول على الضمان من الوزارة .... اكرر شكري لك اخي لامدي
المبعوث الرسمي November 28th, 2007, 02:16 PM
7 "
November 28th, 2007, 09:57 AM
كنت قد قدمت على جامعة غرب استراليا لتحضير الدكتوراة وقد استلمت الاميل ادناه من الجامعة ............. السؤال هل يعتبر ذلك قبول مبدئي يمكنني تقديه للوزارة للحصول على الضمان ام انه يجب استكمال طلبات الجامعة ... لمن يجيبني خالص دعواتي ولكم جميعا تحياتيThank you for your application for the DBA program to commence in 2009.
Information about the program can be found at the following website:
As you will notice, the admission requirements include the successful completion of the Master of Business Research of this University; or an undergraduate honours degree, or a masters by research. The reason is that you require extensive research training before entry into our doctoral programs. As such, a coursework Masters such as an MBA, would not qualify you for direct entry into the DBA. You would need to first complete the Masters of Business Research (MBR).
The MBR is a cohort coursework degree specifically designed for entry into the DBA. During the masters program, students complete the first draft of their literature review and they defend their proposal to a panel of judges. You will find further information about the MBR at the following website:
Additionally, you need to submit a 5-6 pages research proposal summary of your proposed area of research, outlining why you are interested in the area and how you might undertake the research.
Dr Julie Lee
Director - Doctoral Programs
UWA Business School