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7 " استفسار Anesthesia
استفسار Anesthesia
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4621 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- It depend on the University and college , put in US thy call it Anesthesia technologist or anesthesia technician7 "
- Either in the faculty of Medicne or Applied Medical Sciences7 "
Some universites may include it in Health Sciences - thanks put what did you mean by that7 "
- You have proposed your inquiry in English and we have already responded in English! One by one!7 "
Any way. Look for either faculty of Medicine or Health Scieinces...
May 31st, 2012, 05:48 PM
I wanna aske any one about where we can get BSC of Anesthesia TechnologistI mean the university and college