الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


رسالة لوازارة الخارجية الإسترالية

رسالة لوازارة الخارجية الإسترالية


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6089 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ENG.bader1980

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    ENG.bader1980 غير معرف

    ENG.bader1980 , تخصصى engineer , بجامعة QUT
    • QUT
    • engineer
    • غير معرف
    • برزبن, كونزلند
    • غير معرف
    • Jan 2008

    June 11th, 2008, 07:36 AM

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    بصراحة أنا مليت من إنتظار الفيزة وكتبة رسالة لوزارة الخارجية الإسترالية و إذا فيه أحد مثلي أرجو إنه يكتب لهم عن وضعه لأنه الموضوع ما ينسكت عنه

    وهذا نص رسالتي

    I am Mr. Bader , I am applying for a Student Visa in Australian Embassy in Dubai, included in my application was my wife to accompany me while I am studying in QUT. My Passport Number: ????? and Application Number.

    We already submitted all the required documents which Australian Embassy in Dubai acknowledged that our documents were forwarded to Visa Section on 9 April 2008. Based on your website (www.vfs-au-gcc.com) the processing of the said application will be 4 weeks but until now we did not received our Visa and its already more than two months now since they received the documents and further as I spoke with your one representative in Australian Embassy in Dubai over the telephone, he informed me that this will take three months and I need to wait until such time. For us, it was quite confusing because we don't know what to believe in for this matter

    I was already been enrolled at QUT and I paid everything for this matter. Supposedly my class will start on the 10th of June 2008 however, I was forced to request for my class to be re-schedule on the 28th of July 2008 due to time constraint and also my Visa is still under processed

    I sent couples of email recently to your Dubai Embassy verifying the status of our applications, my wife OSHC and also asking them if they can give me a certificate that our Visa is still under process and I did not received any reply from them.

    Some of your citizens who came here in Saudi Arabia campaigning/convincing us to study and patronizing your good country and I believed in them but the sad part of it was that your staffs in Dubai have a different ideas or their knowledge conflicts with what you had posted on-line regarding with the processing time for Visa which I can conclude that this is not good for it deceived us as an applicant. Not only that, a non-replies for email inquiries means a denial for us know/learn the information that we need to know regarding with our applications/inquiries.

    Even our Government here in Saudi Arabia, encourages us also to study in your country and it is around 5,000 Saudi Arabia students were already studying there. I already visited other countries and the processing of obtaining visa on their embassy takes a short time while with your embassy in Dubai take me a long time and until now I don't have any news regarding with the status of application except that it is still under process. I choose to study in Australia among many countries offering the same post graduate study not only because of its good reputation but also this is my first choice.

    Please take a look on this matter so as to ease confusions that it created not only me but also on the future visa applicants.

    Respectfully Yours,

    وإذا فيه أحد يعرف عنوان بريد مباشر لوزارة الخارجيه أرجو إنه يرسلة لي لأني ما لقية بريد مباشر للشكاوي

  2. عزيزي
    مشكوررر على هذا الخطاب الممتاز جدا ويوضح كل شي .....لكن فية ممبالغة في الانتقاد ....
    ......... الموضوعين الاخيرة كلها انتقاد لهم ...
    . وبالتوفيق للجميع

    وهذا العنوان



    وهذه إيميلات القنصلية العامة بدبي
    أرسلو لهم بالإنجليزي كمان
    وأشرحوا لهم الوضع بشكل مفصل

    (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
    dima-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

    وهذه إيميل سفارة الرياض

    (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى) :
    7 "
  3. انا اسف جدا نسيت قوانين المنتدي بس بصراحة نفسي اعرف ليش وضع الايميل مخالف ووضع رقم التلفون غير مخالف ... يا ناس هذا منتدي للمبتعثين الطلاب الذين يبحثون عن الاجابة فقط ... ارجوا من الادارة اعادة النظر في هذا المووضوع ......


    وهذه إيميلات القنصلية العامة بدبي
    أرسلو لهم بالإنجليزي كمان
    وأشرحوا لهم الوضع بشكل مفصل

    immigration.dubai @ dfat.gov.au
    qamar.afaq @ dfat.gov.au
    dima-dubai @ dfat.gov.au

    وهذه إيميل سفارة الرياض

    Immigration.Riyadh @ dfat.gov.au
    7 "

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