مـجــــــــــــــلس ( منتظرين الفيزا )
مـجــــــــــــــلس ( منتظرين الفيزا )
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6007 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " - السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الأخوة الأكارم
هذه صورة مرفقة من التقديم على الفيزة الأسترالية
ولم يجد جديد حتى الأن مع اني مسوي الفحص الطبي
و مرسلينه بتاريخ 02\11\2009 ومرسل لهم كل الأوراق المطلوبة
ولكن لم يجد جديد
دعواتكم وتقبلوا خالص الدعوات
أخوكم أبو يزيد
- اخي ابا يزيد7 "
الله يفك اسر فيزنا كما تعلم انا مقدم قبلك من تاريخ 7 / 11 / 2009 سوف اعطيهم مهله الى يوم غد الاربعاء واذا لم يستجد شئ يجب ان اعمل الاتي
1- تقديم شكوى ومضمونها اننا كسعوديين تم منحنا المستوى الاول والذي من خلال تصدر الفيزا خلال 3 اسابيع فقط وراح ابين لهم ايضا ان فيزتي متوقفة على الفحص الطبي واكيد انه مكتب دبي نايم في العسل
وهذا موضوع يفيدنا عن تقديم الشكوى
2- اعادة الفحص من خلال عيادات الاون لاين
وفقنا الله واياكم - الله يسمع منك وييسسر أمرنا وأمرك7 "
ويجعل لنا في كل ضيق مخرج -
- تستاهل اخي ابا يزيد7 "
واسال الله للجميع التوفيق . وبالفعل التقديم اون لاين افضل واسلم طريقة - ودي ادقم اون لاين لكن ماعندي فيزا ولا ماستر كارد7 "
فيه حل ...؟؟؟ - هلا فيكم اخواني7 "
مادري انا داخل بالعرض او لا
انا قدمت على الفيزا من مكتب السفاره الاستراليه في الرياض في مجمع الصفوه
يوم الاثنين الموافق 7-12
وصلتي اليوم الجمعه 11-12 رساله على الايميل هذا نصها
File Number: #####
Name of Student: ***********
Passport Number: #####
Subclass: ####
Visa Validity date: 30.08.2012
Number of Visits: Multiple
I am pleased to tell you that the persons listed above have been granted a Student (Temporary) visa.
This visa entitles the holder to travel to, enter and remain in Australia until the visa validity date specified above.
Your visa is evidenced electronically and you do not require a visa label in your passport in order to travel to, enter and remain in Australia. You are not required to present this letter in order to travel to, enter and remain in Australia.
When you arrive at an airport to check-in on a flight to Australia, the airline check-in staff can electronically confirm that you can travel to Australia. If you obtain a new passport, then prior to your travel to Australia, you will need to provide these details to your nearest immigration office.
Please check the period of time for which this visa will remain in effect. Your student visa will not necessarily remain in effect for the duration of your course of study. If your student visa ceases before you depart Australia, and you do not hold another visa, you will need to apply for, and be granted a further visa in order to remain lawfully in Australia.
VISA CONDITIONS: Your visa is subject to the conditions below. If you do not comply with any of these conditions your visa may be cancelled and you may be required to leave Australia.
[8105] (1) Subject to subclauses (2) and (3), the holder must not engage in work in Australia for more than 20 hours a week during any week when the holder's course of study or training is in session.
(2) Subclause (1) does not apply to work that was specified as a requirement of the course when the course particulars were entered in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.
(3) The holder must not engage in work before the course for which the initial student visa was granted commences.
[8202] The holder must maintain enrolment in a registered course and meet the relevant education provider’s requirements of adequate attendance and course progress.
[8501] The holder must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance while in Australia.
[8516] The holder must continue to be a person who would satisfy the primary or secondary criteria, as the case requires, for the grant of the visa.
[8517] The holder must maintain adequate arrangements for the education of any school-age dependent of the holder who is in Australia for more than 3 months as the holder of a subclass 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575 or 576 visa (as a person who has satisfied the secondary criteria).
[8532] If the holder has not turned 18 and is not an AusAID student or a Defence student: the holder must stay in Australia with a person who is: a parent of the holder or a person who has custody of the holder; or a relative of the holder who: is nominated by a parent of the holder or a person who has custody of the holder; and has turned 21; and is of good character; or the arrangements for the holder’s accommodation, support and general welfare must be approved by the education provider for the course to which the holder’s visa relates, and the holder must not enter Australia before the day nominated by the education provider as the day on which those arrangements are to commence.
[8533] The holder must notify the education provider of their residential address within 7 days after arriving in Australia. The holder must notify the education provider of any change in their residential address in Australia within 7 days after the change occurs, and must notify their current education provider of a change of education provider within 7 days after they receive a certificate of enrolment from the new education provider, or, if no certificate of enrolment is required to be sent, or if a failure of electronic transmission has prevented an education provider from sending a certificate of enrolment — evidence that they have been enrolled by the new education provider.
CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES: If your circumstances change so that an answer to a question on your visa application is incorrect, you must inform an officer of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) in writing of your new circumstances. You can do this by visiting your nearest DIAC office or by writing to DIAC using Form 1022, available at: Department of Immigration & Citizenship.
CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT: Answers to frequently asked questions about Student visas are available at: Department of Immigration & Citizenship. Information on other services provided by DIAC can also be obtained via e-mail or the telephone. A full list of e-mail addresses and telephone numbers for DIAC offices in Australia and in overseas Australian missions is available at: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/index.htm/.
CHECKING YOUR VISA DETAILS: The Department has developed a new service called Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) which allows certain third parties to check your visa information with your consent. Through VEVO, you can give your consent to registered third parties such as:
• employers and labour suppliers, to help check whether your visa allows you to work in Australia;
• government agencies, to help assess your eligibility for services;
• licensing authorities, to help establish your eligibility for a licence; and
• educational institutions, to assess whether you can study in Australia.
The disclosure of your visa information by the Department is governed by the Privacy Act 1988. Therefore, the Department will disclose information about your visa to a third party only with your consent. You can consent to an inquiry about your visa entitlements by giving the third party your name, date of birth, passport number and passport country of issue. If you do not wish a third party to find out about your visa entitlements, do not give them this information. The information form 993i Safeguarding your personal information available from Immigration offices as well as the Department's website at: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/993i.pdf gives details of third parties to which you can consent to your personal information being disclosed, and how you can consent. VEVO also allows visa holders who applied online to view their current visa details. If you provided a password for VEVO in your online application, you will be able to access the service on the Department's website (Department of Immigration & Citizenship) under 'Online Services' >> 'Visa Entitlement Verification Online'.
Thank you for your interest in studying in Australia and we hope you enjoy your stay.
Visa and Citizenship Section
Australian Embassy
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
هل هذي الفيزا او لا ؟
واذا هي الفيزا وش الدبره الحين
<== بلشان
هل اطبعها او دايرت للمطار - أي نعم أخوي هذي الفيزة7 "
مبروكـ عليكـ بس أذا بغيت تسافر أطبعها من الايميل أحتااااااااااااط.
وعندي بعض الاستفسارات ياليت تقدر تبينها لي يالغالي
وهذا أيميلي
والباقي ماتغير
أنتظر الاضافة في أسرع وقت ممكن - الله يبارك فيك اخوي7 "
وتم طباعتها اكثر من نسخه حرص
ما ينعرف لهم كل يوم بنظام
وتمت الاضافه باسم كلمتين
وان شاء الله اقدر اجاوب عن استفساراتك
انا قدمت على الفيزا عن طريق المكتب الي في الرياض
بختصر عليكم السالفه
المهم جبت لهم شيك مصدق بـ 1500 ريال تقريبا و 202 ريال للمكتب اتعاب وارساليه .
المهم انا الي عبيت اوراقي وجمعتها وسويت فحص عن الحبيب تقريبا بـ 900 ريال
وارسلتها بعد يوم ارسلوا لي قالوا لازم تجيب قبول نهائي لأني مقدم لهم بالعرض وكذلك تجيب تأمين طبي تقريبا 1200 دولار
ودراستي راح تبدا شهر 2 2009