مبتعث جديد New Member
اللهلوب , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من الإكوادور
, مبتعث فى الأرجنتين
, تخصصى تأمين
, بجامعة موناش
- ملبورن, فكتوريا
- الإكوادور
- Oct 2008
المزيدl November 29th, 2008, 09:58 AM
November 29th, 2008, 09:58 AM
السلام عليكم
الصراحة من الأسئلة اللي شاغلة بالي هي التأمين الطبي، أنا أعرف إن مبتعثي التعليم العالي يمكن ما عندهم مشكلة لأن الوزارة تنسق لهم مع الجامعة والضمان المالي ... إلخ.
بالنسبة للمبتعثين الآخرين، هل فيه أحد يقول لنا تجاربه مع هذا التأمين وكيف دفع فلوسه؟
عندي تأمين طبي دولي من نوع MEDEX لكن لما سألت عنه قالوا لي ما ينفع للسفارة وهذا الرد اللي جاني:
Dear Mr Hamdan,
Thank you for your enquiry dated 19 November 2008 regarding Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) requires overseas students to maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the time they are in Australia. You will need to purchase OSHC before you come to Australia to cover you from when you arrive.
The private health insurers offering OSHC have entered into a deed with the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA), which sets out the formal arrangements for the provision of OSHC. The average cost of OSHC is $340 for 12 months of single cover. The cost of OSHC family cover ranges between $630 and $740 for 12 months of cover.
Private health insurers offering OSHC are subject to regulatory requirements set out by the Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC). This is because the Australian Government wants to be able to monitor and regulate insurers covering people living temporarily in Australia. The Government is not able to protect the interests of people insured by overseas companies in the same way.
In this context, Medex is not considered to be an adequate arrangement for health insurance.
Four registered Australian health insurers currently offer OSHC. Any level of OSHC provided by the following insurers will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of your student visa regardless of its cost or the level of cover it provides:
Medibank Private,
Lysaght Peoplecare Limited, subcontracting to OSHC Worldcare,
Australian Health Management.
The following link will take you to the Private Health website where you can find more general information about OSHC, which you may find useful:
I hope this information has been of assistance to you.
Kind regards
لأسف ما عندي عنه اي خبر لكن حنا هنا لما وصلنا المعهد اعطانا التامين
واللي ما عنده تامين يقدر يجيب اي تامين بعد ما يوصل لاستراليا والملحقية تعوضه
لكن تاكد اكثر عشان ما تتورط ولو تبي نصيحتي راسل مكتب زي الاي بي دي وخذ منه الاستفسار
hisho November 29th, 2008, 11:21 AM
7 " مرحبا أخوي هيشو
ألف شكر على المعلومات القيمة، الصراحة أنا ما عمري تعاملت مع مكاتب كل شيء أسويه بنفسي ..واإلى الحين الحمدلله ماشي..
الأخت فوق النخل:
مشكورة بعنف وبصراحة المعلومات جدا مفيدة ..
أنا طلبت من مؤسستي إنهم يشيرون في الضمان المالي إن المؤسسة راح تتكفل بمصاريف التأمين الطبي، كله عشان الجامعة تعدل على CoE ويقولون إنه في ترتيبات سويتها عشان التأمين الطبي، ولما أروح استراليا ان شاء الله أشتري البطاقة وبعدين أروح للملحقية معي خطاب من الجامعة يثبت إني ما دفعت الرسوم قبل كذا عشان يعوضوني الملحقية.
اللهلوب December 2nd, 2008, 02:05 PM
7 "
November 29th, 2008, 09:58 AM
السلام عليكمالصراحة من الأسئلة اللي شاغلة بالي هي التأمين الطبي، أنا أعرف إن مبتعثي التعليم العالي يمكن ما عندهم مشكلة لأن الوزارة تنسق لهم مع الجامعة والضمان المالي ... إلخ.
بالنسبة للمبتعثين الآخرين، هل فيه أحد يقول لنا تجاربه مع هذا التأمين وكيف دفع فلوسه؟
عندي تأمين طبي دولي من نوع MEDEX لكن لما سألت عنه قالوا لي ما ينفع للسفارة وهذا الرد اللي جاني:
Thank you for your enquiry dated 19 November 2008 regarding Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) requires overseas students to maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the time they are in Australia. You will need to purchase OSHC before you come to Australia to cover you from when you arrive.
The private health insurers offering OSHC have entered into a deed with the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA), which sets out the formal arrangements for the provision of OSHC. The average cost of OSHC is $340 for 12 months of single cover. The cost of OSHC family cover ranges between $630 and $740 for 12 months of cover.
Private health insurers offering OSHC are subject to regulatory requirements set out by the Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC). This is because the Australian Government wants to be able to monitor and regulate insurers covering people living temporarily in Australia. The Government is not able to protect the interests of people insured by overseas companies in the same way.
In this context, Medex is not considered to be an adequate arrangement for health insurance.
Four registered Australian health insurers currently offer OSHC. Any level of OSHC provided by the following insurers will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of your student visa regardless of its cost or the level of cover it provides:
Medibank Private,
Lysaght Peoplecare Limited, subcontracting to OSHC Worldcare,
Australian Health Management.
The following link will take you to the Private Health website where you can find more general information about OSHC, which you may find useful:
I hope this information has been of assistance to you.
Kind regards