• You must successfully complete your Graduate Certificate and achieve a grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 in order to progress to a Master's program within the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering. Units studied in the Graduate Certificate will not be granted as credit in the Master's program.
على ما اظن ان الملحقيه ما تقبل هذا الشرط
• You must provide a certified/notarised copy of your final academic records and award certificate/confirmation of course completion letter from Universite des Science et de la Technologie Mohamed Boudiaf d’Oran for your Bachelor of Engineering.
انك ايضا تجيب السجلي الاكاديمي حق البكالريوس
• You must provide a certified/notarised copy of your final academic records and award certificate/confirmation of course completion letter from Universite de Ouargla for your Diploma in Exact Sciences and Information Technology.
• You must achieve an English language test result of at least IELTS 6.0 with no subscore lower than 6.0, or successful completion of the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program at QUT International College. This IELTS (Academic) test must have been taken within two years of your intended course start date
مطلوب منك 6 باليلتس افرح ياحبيبي سهله مرررره
باذن الله تجيبها في فتره بسيطه دايم يطلبو 7 و7 ونص وسته ونص من طلاب هالجامعه ....
Please note that as an applicant assessed by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) as an Assessment Level 3 or 4 for the purposes of obtaining a student visa, you will be required to undergo a Preliminary Visa Assessment (PVA). Immediately upon receipt of this offer, please proceed with pre-visa assessment at your nearest Australian Diplomatic Mission. We recommend that you submit your Acceptance of Offer form and make payment to QUT once you have a positive assessment from the Australian Diplomatic Mission.
يقولون طال عمرك لا تدفع اللا لين تاخذ الموافقه من الكيوتي
This offer replaces any preceding offers you may have been issued prior to the date of this offer. If you defer your commencement of the above courses to a future date, your eligibility will be re-assessed against the entry requirements of the course for the revised commencement intake. New conditions may apply if entry requirements have changed for the revised commencement.
القبول يمكن تتغير شروطه اذا مفلحت في الانجليزي في التاريخ المحدد النقطه هذي ما ني متاكد منها ياليت احد متمرس باللغه يشرحها
Course fees are based on a pro-rata charge (per credit point) and the semester fee(s) quoted is based on the standard 48 credit point semester load. Tuition fees are reviewed annually. You will be required to pay the published fee applicable for the year in which you commence your program and thereafter the published annual course fee for future years. The latest course fees can be found at : http://www.international.qut.edu.au/.../courseandfee/
For course information, please go to: Queensland University of Technology - Australia Please note some classes are offered in the evening. Information about class timetables can be obtained from: QUT | Class timetables
For course information, please go to: Queensland University of Technology - Australia Please note some classes are offered in the evening. Information about class timetables can be obtained from: QUT | Class timetables
We recommend that you allow 2 weeks prior to your course commencement to make accommodation arrangements and settle into life in Brisbane. A compulsory Orientation is held prior to your commencement at which time you will learn about the University and its services, prepare yourself for tertiary study and meet with your Faculty to determine your enrolment program. Information on Orientation is available at: QUT | International Student Services | Orientation.
يقترح عليك القدوم قبل اسبوع عشان تضبط امورك السكن الخ
الله يوفقك حبيبي تاكدمن النقطه حقت شروط معدل 4 للتخرج واذا كانك فاضي راسل مشرف الملحقيه حق الجامعه وشاوره بهذا القبول قل هل تقبله الملحقيه ولا لا
والله الموفق
October 10th, 2010, 01:55 PM
كيف حالكم يا اخواني إن شاء الله الكل باحسن حال
اردت مساعدتكم
لانه جائني قبول من كوينزلاند عبارة عن رسالة فيها شروط
و لانه مني متعود على هذه الامور
اردت ان تساعدوني فيها
لانه فيها شروط يجب ان تفهم قبل الامضاء
ساحاول ان ارفقها
لا تبخلونا من فضلكم
السلام عليكم