الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


عاجل /حبايبي اتمنى اللي يقدر يساعدني في information report about festival مايبخل علي

عاجل /حبايبي اتمنى اللي يقدر يساعدني في information report about festival مايبخل علي


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4651 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية foo7foo

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    foo7foo أستراليا

    foo7foo , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى أستراليا , تخصصى management of information system , بجامعة Latrobe
    • Latrobe
    • management of information system
    • أنثى
    • melbourne, Victoria
    • السعودية
    • Apr 2012

    April 21st, 2012, 11:32 AM

    ياحلوين مثل ماهو مكتوب في العنوان ..اختباري هذا الاثنين 23 April ..عن ال information report about festival ..في 400 كلمه
    والتيتشر ماعجبة اللي سويته خلال الكلاس ..وابي من يفيدني
    بحثت في قوقل لكن لم اجد مايتفق مع structure استاذي (اللي بيجنني)يبيه مرفق مع عناوين جانيبه..وانا متعوده ع الessay..وهو مايعرف يشرح
    ادري طولت عليكم..لكن الله يزوج الللللي يجاوبني <<<<<الكل بيساعدني
  2. باك..ليش مافهمت سؤالي..اوكي ياعزيزي..سؤالي كالأتي<<<<ابي تقرير يكون عن ال festivalمثلا العنوان >>>>>>>>>>>المهرجان الموسيقي

    2/ العرض (لكن العرض بيكون تقريبا 3 برقرافات مع 3 عناوين جانبيه ..كل عنوان عن شي يخص المهرجان..ومن ثم نشرحه وندعمه بمثال )........للتوضيح{اول برقراف عنوانه >>>>الطعام ..والبرقراف الثاني عنوانه>>>> الفعاليات..وهكذا الثالث ..الرابع}
    اتمنى تكونو فهمتو..انا متعوده اكتب essay..لذا عملتها essay مع عناوين جانبيه..ومقدمه وخاتمه..بس يقولي غلط التقرير يختلف ..واستاذي العبقري ما فهمني وش الاختلاف..واختباري بعد بكره
    7 "
  3. اتوقع من خلال كلامك أن المطلوب هو تقرير معلوماتي عن مهرجان معين .. يعني لازم تحددي اسم أي مهرجان أولاً .. وبعدها تشرحي مقدمة بسيطة عن المهرجان وسبب اقامته ومين يستهدف لحضوره ..
    وبعده يجي تقرير عن البرامج والأنشطة في المهرجان .. وشرح موجز عنها ..
    بس الخاتمة .. مني عارف ايش مطلوب منها!!
    جداً مهم أنك تحددي هل المطلوب تقرير عن مهرجان سيقام؟ .. أو تقرير عن فعاليات مهرجان اقيم وانتهى؟!! لأانه بصراحة راح يفرق كثير ..
    لو عندك الورقة اللي فيها تفاصيل الواجب ممكن تحطيها لنا وراح نساعدك فيه بالضبط ..
    7 "
  4. كلامك صح 100%..هوا يبيه كذا ..اللي كتبناه مع التيتشر كان تقرير معلوماتي عن احد المدار الانجليزية..بس انا سألت كذا طالب عادو هالفل كذا مره قالو الاختبار عن فستفل يحصل في ملبون سنويا ..وبيعطينا معلومات بسيطه عنه ..ومن ثم احنا نكتبها بطريقة تقرير وندعمها..انا ابي احد يساعدني في كتابته..
    هذي معلومات انا جمعتها
    this festival enables visitors to sample food from all over Europe. Food is served on tables and a few of the delicacies., artwork and clothes are also on offer, making it an ideal event for those looking for great presents other than food and wine.

    Food plays a very important part in any celebrations and what better way can one celebrate but by enjoying rich and colorful occasions with special tasty dishes.


    Not only do Northern Irish people have a fondness for eating, but there’s always an excuse to celebrate food too!

    Variety is the spice of life - eat somewhere different every time and discover new foods.

    Beer festivals are held in a number of countries.

    in this festival opportunities to eat, drink and share fun activities centered on the pleasures of the table; and to sit down together to enjoy communal meals of local and locally sourced food and drink in a unique atmosphere of community and international friendship.

    Food Festival celebrates food in all its different and tasty forms
    Food Festival is working with a number of local food providers to offer a wide variety of food from flatbread to gelato.

    Eating sardines and

    Drinking RC Cola or other
    , and a seafood master class with celebrity chefs, offers the chance to taste variations of food and drink

    The number of festivals that take place in the UK has increased significantly in recent years.

    Ticket Prices

    During the same period of time that licensed capacity has increased by c.60%,
    ************************************************** ***
    A festival or gala is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community and the Festival.
    Spring festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and western people. Because of the different culture, there are different ways to celebrate


    People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve.

    Festivals, of many types, .. .

    Festivals, of many types, serve to meet specific needs, as well as to provide entertainment. These times of celebration offer a sense of belonging for religious, social, or geographical group

    This art festival takes place in central Ohio and has been going on for over 40 years.

    These are the things that make Oklahoma City unique, the attractions and events that people come to see.

    There are many opportunities to volunteer
    Who are your sponsors
    a great feeling of joy and happiness. you can see the beautiful colours foods. in this festival all our family members spend splendid time together and keep unforgotten memories in their minds for years. all family members spend splendid time together and make very memorable time together when festival over, everyone keep unforgotten memories in their minds for years.


    Attended by hundreds of tourists each year,
    Activities begin on Friday at 10:00 am. It finishes after lunch. During the

    events that are of interest to visitors to the area and that are organized or sponsored by Non-Profit or community based organizations.

    The festival celebrated its

    Lots and lots of people attend; from near and far >>

    Children must be supervised by a parent at all times .
    There will be a variety of fun things for the kids, including face painting, games, and music and dance to enjoy during the daytime

    where families and food lovers can enjoy food demonstrations, tastings and browse stalls. Other enjoyable activities at the festival include kayaking, seashore rambles, a photography competition, an art display, river cruises
    from contests and giveaways, to amusement park rides and games, there's something for everyone at this five day celebration.

    Enjoy fireworks, parades, pageants and music with friends and family.

    The festival's focus is on celebrating with music styles. This annual event provides wholesome family entertainment. You can enjoy styles of Jazz, Jug Music and Celtic . For the kids, there's a large area of FREE rides, games and live entertainment. ALL entertainment is FREE and FUN

    where families and food lovers can enjoy food demonstrations, tastings and browse stalls. Other enjoyable activities at the festival include kayaking, seashore rambles, a photography competition, an art display, river cruises

    Activities begin on Friday at 10:00 am. It finishes after lunch. During the weekend family have choice of activities, day and evening: swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing, horseback riding*, crafts, archery, climbing wall, hiking, tennis, basketball, ping pong, tennis, songs around the campfire, and skits. Single parent families are encouraged to attend. Costs include all food, lodging, and programs, except horseback riding.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((

    Music Festival brings artists from around the world to a classical music concert series in **************

    poetic tales, musicians often composed love songs to entertain the masses

    اسم الموقع is place for all activities, entertainment and things to do outdoor

    Music everywhere

    7 "
  5. تقريبا مو واضح اللي ارسلتيه

    بس ممكن تتبعي نفس طريقة ويكبيديا اذا يبغى عن ريق الهدينج
    Culture of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    مثلا زي Culture of Saudi Arabia
    اول براقرف تعطي انترودكشن عنها
    واول بدي براقرف مثلا عن music and dance

    تحطيته كعنوان وتبدي تتكلمي عنه وتعطي امثلا
    ثانيا براقرف dress
    تبدي تتكلمي مع ذكر امثلا

    واخر شي الكونجلوجن
    تعطي مخلص وتعطي رايك

    نفس الشي راح يكون عن festival
    اتمنى يكون استفدت شي من مثالي
    7 "

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