الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


الدليل الشامل للنيوزيلندا (كل ماتريد معرفته)

الدليل الشامل للنيوزيلندا (كل ماتريد معرفته)


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5859 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. يعيطك العافيه اخوي الماسي على الموضوع اللي اكثر من رائع..ومبين انك تعبان عليه..الشكر لك على الجهد المبذول والفايده اللي قدمتها لنا.

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Almasi
    العفو اختي وشاكر لك مرورك

    السعودية قبلنا بـ 9 ساعات.

    يعني اذا عندنا الساعه 12 الليل في السعودية تكون 3 العصر

    وكل الشكر للأخ رودي على ردوده وجزاك الله خير
    حبيت اعدل حاجه واكيد عارفها بس ماركزت فيها كثير اللي هي احنا اللي في نيوزلندا توقيتنا قبل السعوديه..يعني يدخل اليوم عندنا قبلهم.. العكس يعني

    وعذراًعلى المداخله
    7 "
  2. [quote=comme il faut;787382]
    يعيطك العافيه اخوي الماسي على الموضوع اللي اكثر من رائع..ومبين انك تعبان عليه..الشكر لك على الجهد المبذول والفايده اللي قدمتها لنا.

    حبيت اعدل حاجه واكيد عارفها بس ماركزت فيها كثير اللي هي احنا اللي في نيوزلندا توقيتنا قبل السعوديه..يعني يدخل اليوم عندنا قبلهم.. العكس يعني

    وعذراًعلى المداخله

    اولا اشكر رودي و الماسي على الرد
    ثانيا اعتقد ان نيوزلندا تسبقنا ب9 ساعات لانها شرق المملكة .......
    7 "
  3. جزاك الله الف خير على الموضوع الاكثر من رااااائع
    زوجي ازعجني عن الجامعات اللي تقبل قانون في نيوزيلاندا
    وماهي متطلباتهم ؟؟؟ووهل صحيح ان قبول القانون هناك صعب؟
    لك خااالص التحايا
    ومشكووور مره ثانيه على الموضوع الاكثر من راااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااائع
    7 "
  4. New Zealand: New Zealand consists of the Union back in 1328 e - in 1907 and includes 9 states, including two large islands in the north of the other one and a number of other small islands and New Zealand has an area of 269,000 km and its population estimates in the year 1408 e - in 1988 and a capital 3,340,000 Union (Wellington) and the estimated population in the same year 4,000 people and the largest cities (Auckland) and the population in the same year 9,000 people ..

    New Zealand are at the south-west of the Indian Ocean in the south-east of Australia, are followers of the southern half of the land like Australia.

    Discovered: Islands were discovered in the contemporary New Zealand to discover (Australia) Vakchwha (Abel Tasman) (Netherlands | Dutch) in his year in 1641 and then confirmed this disclosure (James Cook) (Britain | British) century and then march to the (colonial | colonization ) (Britain | British) and when the British arrived residents of the islands (Polynesia | Albulinirien) and hometowns (Maori | Maori) of the population of south-east Asia and make up 9% of the population of New Zealand, after the British colonial hegemony over the islands of New Zealand much the number of immigrants (Europe | Europeans ) To become the British lion's share of the population of Europeans.

    Islands of New Zealand land involved in the terrain features, Valmertfat brokered major islands, known as the South Island mountains of the southern Alps, consists of seven mountain ranges of ten high mountain close to each of the three thousand square meters, and most of the mountains of North Island volcanic origin, and takes two islands in the plains Balmertvaat , Extending the plains near the coast, the islands have Tothert Heights ice erosion.

    Climate: The climate of New Zealand belongs to a kind of island, but the moderate climatic conditions vary from place to place depending on the location and terrain of the Northern Section of the North Island, a peninsula Auckland belongs to the pattern of the Mediterranean climate and the rest of the islands belong to the type of moderate cold and rain was falling almost most of the year and more rain in areas And the West over the eastern plains below ..

    Human activity
    New Zealand wealth of plants rich in natural forests in the north sub-tropical forest, and there are oak and beech forest and pine, in addition to the wealth of grass cover large areas, New Zealand and there are areas of agriculture, however, New Zealanders are interested in more than pastoral agriculture, however, yields of wheat and barley New Zealand And corn, and the number 8 million cattle, sheep and the number of 68.7 million head.

    The capital, Wellington
    Largest city, Auckland
    English official language


    Prime Minister ownership
    Elizabeth II

    Silvep Karit
    Helen Clark

    Independence from United Kingdom
    September 26, 1907
    - Total
    - Water (%)
    268,680 km 2 (73)


    - Statistics 2005
    - Population density
    4,107,883 (120)

    15 / 2 kilometers (163)

    - GNP
    - Gross national product per capita
    96,180,000,000 $ (57)

    2523.897 ((((rankings of the gross national product per capita))))

    New Zealand dollar NZD ((((currency code))))
    The time difference
    - Summer of 12 to +13 (UTC)
    +12 To +13 (UTC)
    Internet icon. Nz
    International long-distance code 64

    ترجمته وحبيت انكم نستفيدو
    7 "
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