الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


حوار (( تجمّع طلاب المرحلة الثامنة / بكالوريوس طب / في إيرلندا ))

حوار (( تجمّع طلاب المرحلة الثامنة / بكالوريوس طب / في إيرلندا ))


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4476 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rakaNATION
    lol ok fair enough you got 7 i got 8.5 and thats still nothing , and NO ONE WHO GETS ACCEPTED was ever a slacker back in Saudi were all A class students BUTTT the system in Ireland isn't

    like anything you're used to which is why I said slacker and yes we are slackers except the handful of people who are the rare EXCEPTIONS

    please dont comment about something you have no clue in wait untill you come here and you'll see for your self
    Hello Rakan,
    My question is do you mean even if i studied hard to get a good ielts score i would fail?
    My english is quite good i have a 6.0 without studying and actually i slept during the test :$

    Is there anyway we can talk? Blackberry or Whatsapp or something?
    If you don't mind. And thanks
    7 "
  2. lol no I'm especially referring to those who have something arround 4.5-5 and as for the person talking about his first attempt i came to ireland with a 7.5 and i studied for 4 months if you call that studying (i was fast tracked which is a special case) thats why im currently in RCSI and as for contacting me believe there isn't much to it ITT is a joke the first 1.5 years consider it a prolonged vacation and i promise you this anyone who comes with a 6 can get a 6.5 within the first month if he wants it lol the real horror is waiting for u in rcsi xP and good luck to all

    as for the NO CLUE reference i was talking in general so dont take it personally i know A LOT of people who came into this thinking like u INCLUDING myself but again like i said wait and see ;p
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة rakaNATION
    lol no I'm especially referring to those who have something arround 4.5-5 and as for the person talking about his first attempt i came to ireland with a 7.5 and i studied for 4 months if you call that studying (i was fast tracked which is a special case) thats why im currently in RCSI and as for contacting me believe there isn't much to it ITT is a joke the first 1.5 years consider it a prolonged vacation and i promise you this anyone who comes with a 6 can get a 6.5 within the first month if he wants it lol the real horror is waiting for u in rcsi xP and good luck to all

    as for the NO CLUE reference i was talking in general so dont take it personally i know A LOT of people who came into this thinking like u INCLUDING myself but again like i said wait and see ;p
    MANY THANKS TO YOU! never thought that ITT is really a joke
    i'm planning to get more than 6.5 on the first few months so i could go to the RCSI as fast as possible
    staying in bed here in saudi arabia really sucks
    the ministry shouldn't have let us like this :\
    el Shkwa 3la allah bs xD Mwfg 7beebi w shukran 3la el m3lomat w elT7feez. 5leek m3ana we need someone that has informations like this
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة nick name
    غيري صيغة المرفقات خليها GIF
    و صغري حجمها قدر المستطاع
    أنا كنت زيك بعدين ضبط الوضع

    هل ظبط معك اختي فريدوم لاني لما الرسلتلهم طلع لي نفس مشكلتك
    والمشكله اني جاتني ظروف بعد الملتقى وما ارسلت اوراقي وامس جاني ايميل من الملحقيه بان اليوم اخر فرصه لارسال المستندات
    بليز شباب نوروني ايش العمل
    7 "
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