lol no I'm especially referring to those who have something arround 4.5-5 and as for the person talking about his first attempt i came to ireland with a 7.5 and i studied for 4 months if you call that studying (i was fast tracked which is a special case) thats why im currently in RCSI and as for contacting me believe there isn't much to it ITT is a joke the first 1.5 years consider it a prolonged vacation and i promise you this anyone who comes with a 6 can get a 6.5 within the first month if he wants it lol the real horror is waiting for u in rcsi xP and good luck to all
as for the NO CLUE reference i was talking in general so dont take it personally i know A LOT of people who came into this thinking like u INCLUDING myself but again like i said wait and see ;p
rakaNATION November 27th, 2012, 03:39 AM
7 " Rakan, if i got a 6.5 or more in the first semester at the ITT would i get a fast track? if the answer is no then how did you get fast tracked?
kbk0302 November 27th, 2012, 05:12 AM
7 " No, because basically i had a foundation year (sna ola 6b in UOD with a gpa of 3.75) because i had that and i passed there english requirements i was able to be fast tracked and as for the sleeping part we all went through it so enjoy it while it lasts.
rakaNATION November 27th, 2012, 05:30 PM
7 " جاتني الرساله، يقولون القبول بيجي خلال ٢-٤ اسابيع
صحيح في المرحله الثامنه مانحتاج امر اركاب ؟ يعني مو لازم مشوره للرياض !
Dahem November 27th, 2012, 07:23 PM
7 " على حد علمي أنو في إمكانية أنو قرار الابتعاث يصدر من الايميل .. اذا كان فيه أمر ركاب مفروض يصير على نفس السياق..
طيب ما فيه مجال whatsoever أني أجيب قبول من جامعة ثانية في تخصص ثاني غير الطب؟
tedious November 27th, 2012, 07:58 PM
7 " بالايميل الي وصلكم اخ معاذ و اخت Freedom ايش كان سبب فشل الارسال ؟ الاغلب اتاكدوا من ايميل الملحقية اذا صح كاتبينه و جربوا تغيرون الصيغة لـ pdf و تأكدوا من حجم الملفات وربي يسهل لكم
alanoud abdulhamid November 28th, 2012, 02:20 PM
7 "
My question is do you mean even if i studied hard to get a good ielts score i would fail?
My english is quite good i have a 6.0 without studying and actually i slept during the test :$
Is there anyway we can talk? Blackberry or Whatsapp or something?
If you don't mind. And thanks