مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
كنتال , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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- السعودية
- May 2013
المزيدl May 15th, 2014, 01:31 AM
جاتني رسالة على الايميل من جامعة اركنساس
ممكن تساعدوني شو المطلوب مني أرسل لها .. والا انتظر ..
هذه نص الرسالة
طبعا معها ID >>> مشفر
Hello! We hope you are doing well. Congratulations on receiving a scholarship from Taibah University! Thank you for your application to the UA for the Statistics master’s program for the Fall 2014 term.
You were already admitted for the master’s program in Mathematics for the summer 2014. Now you are applying for the STATMS for the Fall 2014.
The document copies you sent are already on file with Admissions. They are preparing to send your file to the Math department for a decision on STATMS.
If there are other documents you need to submit for your application, we will let you know.
All graduate students must submit official GRE scores from ETS to the UA, (our institution code = 6866) No graduate student will be allowed to enroll in their graduate program until official scores are received.
Submit official GRE scores as soon as available. Thank you.
Warm regards,
لا ولا لغة
أنا أريد قبول مشروط ...
- - - مشاركة محدثة - - -
لا ولا لغة
أنا أريد قبول مشروط ...
كنتال May 15th, 2014, 01:59 AM
7 " رسالتهم غريبة صراحه
اول شئ يقولون انت انقبلت للصيف الجاي
وفي الآخير يقولون كل طلاب الدراسات العليا لازم يرسلون درجة الGRE
ارسل لهم وقول لهم ابي قبول مشروط وماعندي اختبار GRE
وشف وش يقولون لك
كنت أحبك May 15th, 2014, 03:12 AM
7 " حسب معلوماتي اذا تبي قبول مشروط لازم تكون على الاقل مختبر لغه حتى لو ماجايب الدرجه والله اعلم!!
( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
في الغربة May 15th, 2014, 05:40 AM
7 "
May 15th, 2014, 01:31 AM
جاتني رسالة على الايميل من جامعة اركنساسممكن تساعدوني شو المطلوب مني أرسل لها .. والا انتظر ..
هذه نص الرسالة
طبعا معها ID >>> مشفر
Hello! We hope you are doing well. Congratulations on receiving a scholarship from Taibah University! Thank you for your application to the UA for the Statistics master’s program for the Fall 2014 term.
You were already admitted for the master’s program in Mathematics for the summer 2014. Now you are applying for the STATMS for the Fall 2014.
The document copies you sent are already on file with Admissions. They are preparing to send your file to the Math department for a decision on STATMS.
If there are other documents you need to submit for your application, we will let you know.
All graduate students must submit official GRE scores from ETS to the UA, (our institution code = 6866) No graduate student will be allowed to enroll in their graduate program until official scores are received.
Submit official GRE scores as soon as available. Thank you.
Warm regards,