مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
هيفاء الطموحه , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى السعودية
, بجامعة جامعة الملك سعود
- جامعة الملك سعود
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- أنثى
- الرياض
- السعودية
- Nov 2008
المزيدl May 15th, 2014, 09:03 AM
السلام عليكم
سجلت اونلاين في الجامعة وجاني انه تم التسجيل بس بغيت اسال هل ضروري ارسل ملفاتي لهم او يكفي التسجيل ؟ واذا جا القبول ارسلها ؟؟
ترجمو لي المكتوب
Thank you for your interest in SIU Graduate School. We are proud to be one of the nation’s top ranked Graduate Schools. We are happy that you are considering becoming part of the Saluki Family.
Application deadlines and admission requirements vary greatly from one department to another. Please make sure you have checked your department’s web presentation or viewed their entry into the graduate catalog. If you have any questions please contact your degree program directly.
The application must be submitted electronically with a minimum of all required questions answered. Some programs require additional information as well as the basic required sections. Failure to complete each section of the application, in additional to all required sections, will cause a delay in the processing of your application.
Once you have submitted your application, please make sure you send all required supporting documents directly to your department. If you wish to apply to more than one program, you will need to submit another application, pay a separate application fee and submit all required documents.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions or need additional information. We are looking forward to reviewing your application soon.
مافيه اي رد ؟؟
( تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث )
هيفاء الطموحه May 15th, 2014, 07:33 PM
7 " مكتوب انه ضروري التأكد من مواعيد التسجيل بكل قسم، بالاضافة ان جميع الاسالة اثناء التسجيل لازم تكون مجابة (وفيه اقسام قد يسألون اكثر بالابلكيشن)، ايضاً يجب ارسال المتطلبات لهم مثل السجل الاكاديمي والتوصيات على البريد
موفقة يارب
i will get it May 18th, 2014, 05:47 AM
7 "
May 15th, 2014, 09:03 AM
السلام عليكمسجلت اونلاين في الجامعة وجاني انه تم التسجيل بس بغيت اسال هل ضروري ارسل ملفاتي لهم او يكفي التسجيل ؟ واذا جا القبول ارسلها ؟؟
ترجمو لي المكتوب
Thank you for your interest in SIU Graduate School. We are proud to be one of the nation’s top ranked Graduate Schools. We are happy that you are considering becoming part of the Saluki Family.
Application deadlines and admission requirements vary greatly from one department to another. Please make sure you have checked your department’s web presentation or viewed their entry into the graduate catalog. If you have any questions please contact your degree program directly.
The application must be submitted electronically with a minimum of all required questions answered. Some programs require additional information as well as the basic required sections. Failure to complete each section of the application, in additional to all required sections, will cause a delay in the processing of your application.
Once you have submitted your application, please make sure you send all required supporting documents directly to your department. If you wish to apply to more than one program, you will need to submit another application, pay a separate application fee and submit all required documents.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions or need additional information. We are looking forward to reviewing your application soon.