مبتعث مميز Characteristical Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
معيده ومبتعثه , أنثى. مبتعث مميز Characteristical Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى .....
, بجامعة california
- كيفي ماحقول اسمها .., california
- السعودية
- Sep 2011
المزيدl July 8th, 2014, 09:52 AM
Dear Valued Student,
This is an important message about your attendance and immigration status.
In agreement with ACCET (our accrediting body), and the Department of Homeland Security, Embassy English determines a student’s immigration status based on attendance. If you have an F (Student) visa, you must have an attendance percentage of 80% or higher to be "In-Status".
This email is to advise you that your attendance percentage as of Friday July 4 was below 80%. If you have not completed your program, please be advised that you are at risk of completing your program "Out-of-Status".
If you have an F (Student) visa and have completed your program, then you are currently "Out-of-Status" and your I-20 will be terminated. Please be advised that you are not eligible for your 60-Day Grace Period and have 15 days from your final day of class to either depart the US or apply for reinstatement at another school.
Note: All students must have an attendance rate of 80% or better when they complete their program to receive a Certificate.
Please do not respond to this email. If you have any questions, please come to Academics.
Best regards,
هل الرسالة تعني تهديد ام تنبيه بإلغاء الآيتوني والطرد من أمريكا او انهم خلاص ألغوا الآيتوني وموضوعها خلص ..
جزاكم الله ألف خير ويعطيكم العافية وألف شكر مقدماً على الرد ..
July 8th, 2014, 09:52 AM
Dear Valued Student,This is an important message about your attendance and immigration status.
In agreement with ACCET (our accrediting body), and the Department of Homeland Security, Embassy English determines a student’s immigration status based on attendance. If you have an F (Student) visa, you must have an attendance percentage of 80% or higher to be "In-Status".
This email is to advise you that your attendance percentage as of Friday July 4 was below 80%. If you have not completed your program, please be advised that you are at risk of completing your program "Out-of-Status".
If you have an F (Student) visa and have completed your program, then you are currently "Out-of-Status" and your I-20 will be terminated. Please be advised that you are not eligible for your 60-Day Grace Period and have 15 days from your final day of class to either depart the US or apply for reinstatement at another school.
Note: All students must have an attendance rate of 80% or better when they complete their program to receive a Certificate.
Please do not respond to this email. If you have any questions, please come to Academics.
Best regards,
هل الرسالة تعني تهديد ام تنبيه بإلغاء الآيتوني والطرد من أمريكا او انهم خلاص ألغوا الآيتوني وموضوعها خلص ..
جزاكم الله ألف خير ويعطيكم العافية وألف شكر مقدماً على الرد ..