alsalam alikoum everyone
fist things first
i want to thank every one in this amazing website that help people to educate them self
thank you all
exceuse me, i would lie to say it english
my english is hamble but , you will find a way to feel me
my name is ahmed im 26 years old,Sudanese
first of all i don't want to say my life story or something but in shot lines i want to explain to you why im texteing you , so you can help me continue my education.
i lived in Libya from 1989 to 2007, have returned from Libya to Sudan after I suffered a lot of family problems but stopped in the end after my parents divorced
I returned to Sudan and I found myself in front of a big challenge to look after my mother and four sisters
I started working as a labor in one of the metal workshops and at the same time began to study in high school as long as it was my dream to be a doctor but the work was very hard and I could not find enough time to study and when I sat for the exam only gain 67%
I stopped after that study found that the one-time work is not enough
so it continued to working in 3 different jobs.
i lost 8 years of my life working.
now that three of my sisters got married it eased the responsibility for my shoulders and I want
The complete my studies and I want to start again
I want to become a doctor
I want to study high school in America, and I can study and work at the same time in order to afford the school fees
I want you to help me and show me how I can I continue my studies in the USA
someone would ask me why you chosed USA
brothers i realy need to work and study , the problem of 8 years that i lost , it cant be solved here & thats my dream,
please help me out
any idea would help
thank you all
July 12th, 2015, 07:59 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهصبـاح / مساء
اخواني انا كانت عندي بعثة في ايرلندا وابغى اغيرها لـ امريكا ..
بس المشكلة اني مااعرف اي شي في امريكا
يمكن موضوعي في مكان خطأ أو مكرر .. بس والله ماعرف شي عن البلد فحبيت اشوف ردودكم ..
ايش افضل المدن القريبة من جو ( جدة ) + معاهد مميزة للغة الانجليزية + ماجستير ادارة هندسية + ماجستير تسويق
ايش الفيزا اللي احتاجها ( طالع لوحدي ) .. كم تجلس الفيزا عبال ماتطلع ؟
كم مكافأة المبتعث في امريكا ؟
مدة اللغة حتكون سنة أو اقل ؟
تنصحوني أبقى في ايرلندا ولا أحوّل لأمريكا ؟
ياليت تعطوني نبذة بسيطة عن امريكا