teram teram >>> teram ...! teram teram teram teram teeraaaaaaamM !!! teeraterabobo0 xD < mn 8ow el,5mo0l fe ha4a el,mw9`o3 al,jameel , enl7ast !!! lol where R U guys? !!S
7 " اللغــة الإنجـليــزية تـتـحدث !!! تفضل بـ الدخـــول ...
اللغــة الإنجـليــزية تـتـحدث !!! تفضل بـ الدخـــول ...
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5180 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- Loool That's true7 "
Truth wallah
Let's come back here to forget the waiting
ow waiting I hate it what can we do in these days? tell me - all my life is "waitinG" i hate that kind of feeling hmmmmmm maybe i will return to mY Xbox7 "
- rate my replay Up Urs7 "
- guys the topic needs you ! its very important and will help us more than you thought , but its need your activation ppl , plz we need more from you! lets kill boring !! thanksالترجمة :
and excuse me for Non-interaction , Coz i`m feeling sick this days ! i`m sorry
"يا جماعة الموضوع يحتاجكم . وهو مرة مهم وراح يساعدنا كثير لكن يحتاج دعمكم وأفكاركم النيرة ... ارجوا التفاعل والمشاركة بدل هذا الطفش الي حنا فيــة ... وشكرا
وإعذروني على عدم تفاعلي في المنتدى خلال هذة الايام , والسبب : انني امر بوعكة صحية شافانا الله وإياكـم ... تقبلوا اسفي مرة إخرى , لي معكم لقاء" - hmmm maybe shooting some zombies in black ops will help just kidding7 "
hi,I totally have no idea what you guys are talking about but hi
I think this is the perfect time to try things we always wanted to try but we never had the time you know when we were busy with school and stuff
things like making short movies,photography,reading,hanging out with friends/family
let's cut off our video games and internet time and try new things - w0w , amazing ! incredible !! beautiful !!! what a great words U said ,,, its my honor that U in mY topic ... and about wat we talkin` about...! emmmm its simple find any fresh idea that can help us for our English , like when i wanna buy some food , what can i say to the cashier , and when i`m at the airport and wanna ask about something important what can i say , and anything "great" U guys have ... i trust that u can add something useful in this topic , thanks all of U
- awwh thank you X3
I'm not sure if I got what you said right,basically we help each other improving our English skills?
Anyway I think this might be kinda helpful;we all know that watching stuff in English is one way to improve ours,right?
So,I just found this awesome channel on youtube yesterday,where teachers are explaining stuff like:Calculus,Chemistry,Biology,Algebra... I admit that I'm not good in Chemistry :P I just started watching it,it's called ThinkwellVids
though it's kinda old & the blue background is annoying -.-"
How about we talk about our week points in English,how do we plan to work on it and let others help us with ways to improve it?
- w0w thats watta` i`m talkin` about , yeah! we need stuff like this and chatting improve our language and any other info. can help us ,,, lets stick together and do something ,good
- (( لقد عملت على تطوير الموضوع لإفادتكم لما مر علية من خمول , أرجو من الجميع التفاعل والعودة بين الحين والآخر للموضوع للإفادة والإستفادة , وشكرا ))