الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


اللغــة الإنجـليــزية تـتـحدث !!! تفضل بـ الدخـــول ...

اللغــة الإنجـليــزية تـتـحدث !!! تفضل بـ الدخـــول ...


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5168 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bright mind
    thank you dear for your nice comment
    You are welcome

    Any way just I wrote the trueth

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bright mind
    let us participate in more questions , beside the two questions of the writer I have one more question which was according to the request of one of the members here to develope the topic to be more useful and benefic
    my question is >>>>
    what will you say when you enter any restaurant for example in Canada or any other country
    how to ask for your meal
    tell us any sentence that may help you
    in the restaurant
    I gonna say

    << Excuseme can you get me
    << hereI gonna say the name of my meal

    And the drink I would like to drink lemon jouice amm what else

    Can you give me ostro & nabkens please

    in the end of lunch I will say <<< give me the bill please

    sure they gonna say to me would you like the foods here ?

    My answer will be yeah I really like it it was dilicious

    Thanks for your service

    سوف أقول لو سمحت هل يمكن ان تعطيني ,,,,,,,,,,,, واسم الوجبة

    وبالنسبة للعصير أرغب بشرب عصير الليمون

    مذا ايضا , هل يمكن ان تعطيني مزاز و بعض المناديل

    في نهاية العشاء هل يمكن أن تعطيني الفاتورة

    راح يسألني عن الطعام

    كان شهيا شكرا لخدمتكم
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Darko
    awwh thank you X3

    I'm not sure if I got what you said right,basically we help each other improving our English skills?

    Anyway I think this might be kinda helpful;we all know that watching stuff in English is one way to improve ours,right?

    So,I just found this awesome channel on youtube yesterday,where teachers are explaining stuff like:Calculus,Chemistry,Biology,Algebra... I admit that I'm not good in Chemistry :P I just started watching it,it's called ThinkwellVids
    though it's kinda old & the blue background is annoying -.-"

    How about we talk about our week points in English,how do we plan to work on it and let others help us with ways to improve it?
    Wooo0ow great link

    Thanks a lot bro

    scince we tallks about improve the English language my way is reading every thing in every where
    Such as : novels,newspaper , magazenes , everything which written in the bottle of jouice or champo or on bodylution

    So in this way when I found any word that I don't know what does it mean I always searching about it and gonna translate it so fast
    also via watching movies
    also talking English with any one as you can

    that's it ^_*

    اللنك لليوتوب عظيم ,,

    اذا راح نتكلم عن تطوير اللغة الانجليزية طريقتي القراءة , قراءة كل شي روايات جرايد مجلات

    الكلام الي على الغرشات مثل العصيرات الشامبو الكريمات

    بذي الطريقة احصل اي كلمة ما اعرف معناها و اترجمعا بسرعة و مشاهدة الأفلام والتحدث قدر استطاعتك بالانجليزي مع اي شخص*_^

    وهذي طريقتي *_^

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة uni_uk
    w0w thats watta` i`m talkin` about , yeah! we need stuff like this and chatting improve our language and any other info. can help us ,,, lets stick together and do something ,good
    You are right

    I donnow why Saudis people when you open Arabicchat they never be sailant

    sure they gonna talk 24 / 24 hours

    but in English chat that's gonna be diferent ow meeen
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حلم123

    You are right

    I donnow why Saudis people when you open Arabicchat they never be sailant

    sure they gonna talk 24 / 24 hours

    but in English chat that's gonna be diferent ow meeen

    awwwwwwwwwww when i saw your name its some dust showed up loooo0l , i was search your replies < because i miss you ... then i saw you here im my topic , thank god you still with us , keep it like that ... you are the wandering butterfly in the forest and increase it beauty and splendor ^^
    7 "
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