مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
جهاد الهجري , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من الإمارات العربية المتحدة
, مبتعث فى الأردن
, تخصصى معلم
, بجامعة سعود
- الرياض, استراليا
- الإمارات العربية المتحدة
- Aug 2008
المزيدl December 15th, 2010, 05:43 PM
December 15th, 2010, 05:43 PM
Male or Female:
Date of birth:
Permanent physical address in Saudi Arabia (in addition to the P.O. Box, please provide your house number and the main cross streets of your permanent home, name of the city, and zip code in Saudi Arabia):
Mailing address:
Scanned copy of your passport:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Degree and Major you are preparing for:
If you have dependents who will be accompanying you, please email us the same information and include their relationship to you.
Thank you for your patience.
For other inquiries, please see the Q & A below:
Q & A: Question: I would like to request an ESL program/change my ESL.
If you would like to change ESL programs, you may request a transfer once you arrive in the United States and have reported to the English language center.
Question: I would like to postpone my scholarship/change my scholarship date.
If you need to reschedule your scholarship, please contact MOHE.
Question: I need a university acceptance, not an English language program because I already have completed my English.
If you need an I-20 for a university acceptance, please contact MOHE. We are only in charge of I-20s for English language programs.
SACM Admissions Department
:male or female
هل انت ذكر او انثى
Date of birth:
تاريخ ميلادك
Permanent physical address in Saudi Arabia (in addition to the P.O. Box, please provide your house number and the main cross streets of your permanent home, name of the city, and zip code in Saudi Arabia):
عنون منزلك ورمزك البريدي وصندوق البريد وشوارعكم ورقم بيتكم وكل ابو شي بس اتوقع هنا يبون الي بريدهم عند باب بيتهم لنا حطيت هالخانه والي تحتها نفس الشي
Mailing address:
عنوان المراسله عشان يراسلونك عليه
Scanned copy of your passport:
صوره من الجواز انا سويته بسكنر وحولته pdf وارفقته بالأيميل
Telephone number:
رقم الهاتف
Email address:
Degree and Major you are preparing for:
degree: يعني درجه الي تنوي دراستها ماستر او بكالوريوس او دكتوراه
major: التخصص الذي تنوي دراسته
If you have dependents who will be accompanying you, please email us the same information and include their relationship to you.
اكتب جميع المعلومات السابقه عن مرافقك يعني نفس معلوماتك اكتبها بس عن مرافقك
Thank you for your patience
شكرا لإنتظارك
ترا انا الرساله الي وصلتني زايده عن رسالتك بخانة رقم الطلب
عاد انت اكتب رقم الطلب افضل وبالتوفيق
اما الخانه الأخيره Q&A
هذي اسئله واجوبه للمعلوميه يعني الأسئله الشائعه من الطلاب تقريبا مجاوبين عليها
بلاك_روز December 15th, 2010, 07:06 PM
7 " ماوصلتني هذي الراسله ؟ يأثر هذا الشي ؟ ولا يختلف من واحد لثاني
asoom.ksa December 16th, 2010, 12:29 PM
7 "
December 15th, 2010, 05:43 PM
Male or Female:
Date of birth:
Permanent physical address in Saudi Arabia (in addition to the P.O. Box, please provide your house number and the main cross streets of your permanent home, name of the city, and zip code in Saudi Arabia):
Mailing address:
Scanned copy of your passport:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Degree and Major you are preparing for:
If you have dependents who will be accompanying you, please email us the same information and include their relationship to you.
Thank you for your patience.
For other inquiries, please see the Q & A below:
Q & A:
Question: I would like to request an ESL program/change my ESL.
If you would like to change ESL programs, you may request a transfer once you arrive in the United States and have reported to the English language center.
Question: I would like to postpone my scholarship/change my scholarship date.
If you need to reschedule your scholarship, please contact MOHE.
Question: I need a university acceptance, not an English language program because I already have completed my English.
If you need an I-20 for a university acceptance, please contact MOHE. We are only in charge of I-20s for English language programs.
SACM Admissions Department