First he will need to complete an application and pay the application fee ($95) and express mail fee ($55) online:
Texas Intensive English Program - [Application].
حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
" اول شي يبغاه يكمل الابلكيشن ويدفع رسومه , ورسوم البريد السريع الممتاز على الرابط اللي حاطه "
You have sent us his passport copy and his brother’s bank statement, so we can issue the I-20 for him as soon as we receive the application and fees. Unfortunately we will not be able make his I-20 as long as yours because he does not show sufficient funding on the bank statement for a full year of study. We can create the I-20 for our March 8-week session (as you will do) and summer 10-week session and then if he would like to study longer, we can extend his I-20 while he is here.
حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
عليك ان ترسلي نسخه من الجواز مع الشهاده البنكيه لـ اخوه , وانه الاي تويني ماراح ياخذ وقت مثل وقت الاي تويني حقك لأنه الشهاده البنكيه مافيها تمويل كافي لـ سنه كامله من الدراسه وعلى هالشهاده البنكيه يقدر يسوي الاي تويني ويكون يدرس مارش 8 اسابيع , والصيف عشر اسابيع بس وبعدين اذا يبغى يمدد الدراسه يقدر يمدد وهو هناك
I know that you mentioned that the Ministry of Higher Education is his sponsor, but if this is the case, we need to see a scholarship letter with his name on it instead of the bank statement that you sent.)
حفاظاً على حقوق الكاتب نرجو عدم حذف المصدر مبتعث
يقول يدري انك ذكرتي انه وزاره التعليم العالي هو المتكفل فـيه واذا كان كذا , فـ ارسلي له رساله تثبت انه الوزاره متكفله فيه مثل ضمان مالي اواي شي وفيها اسمه عوضا عن الشهاده البنكيه , اللي رسلتيها ,
فصلت لك كل كلمه قدرت اترجمها لك , والعذر والسموحه على التقصيرر ,,
" ألله يساعدني اذا كنت صايب , والله يسامحني اذا الجهدد ماصاب , "
الله يسهل علـيك يأرب ..
مجرد.مبتعث January 5th, 2011, 11:39 PM
7 "
January 5th, 2011, 09:33 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتهاليوم راسلت للمعهد عشان مرافقي اجبله قبول وارسل لي هذا الشي انا ماني فهمه ايش يعني
It’s nice to hear from you and we look forward to welcoming you to Austin soon! I will be happy to explain how your brother can apply to our program and come to study with you in March.
First he will need to complete an application and pay the application fee ($95) and express mail fee ($55) online:
You have sent us his passport copy and his brother’s bank statement, so we can issue the I-20 for him as soon as we receive the application and fees. Unfortunately we will not be able make his I-20 as long as yours because he does not show sufficient funding on the bank statement for a full year of study. We can create the I-20 for our March 8-week session (as you will do) and summer 10-week session and then if he would like to study longer, we can extend his I-20 while he is here.
(I know that you mentioned that the Ministry of Higher Education is his sponsor, but if this is the case, we need to see a scholarship letter with his name on it instead of the bank statement that you sent.)
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
الله يسعدكم ايش يعني انا ابغا مرافقي يدراس بدوام كامل علما اني ارسلت جوزاه وكمان الشهادة البنكيه