الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


وصلني ايميل من ELS ارجو المساعده

وصلني ايميل من ELS ارجو المساعده


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5154 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية shahoOody

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    shahoOody الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    shahoOody , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى محاسبه , بجامعة عزوز
    • عزوز
    • محاسبه
    • أنثى
    • جده, ___
    • السعودية
    • Nov 2010

    January 6th, 2011, 02:31 AM

    السلام عليكم
    كيفكم ياحلوين ان شالله بخير
    انا من البنات الي على الملحقيه ترسلنا قبولنا
    قبل يومين ارسلي عبد الحفيظ ايميل وارسلتله بياناتي
    واليوم وصلني ايميل من ELS
    بس مو عارفه ايش المطلوب مني
    ياريت الي عنده فكره يساعدني

    Greetings to you from ELS Language Centers in the USA. Congratulations on winning a place in the King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP)! ELS Language Centers runs intensive English programs on university campuses in the USA and have trained thousands of KASP scholars for English proficiency in order to succeed in their university studies.
    We are writing to you at the request of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) in Washington, D.C. SACM provided your contact information and your name to ELS in order to contact you to arrange your English studies in the USA. SACM has assigned you to the ELS center in Columbus, on the campus of Ohio Dominican University. Untitled Document
    In order to issue the Form I-20 to apply for a student visa, we need a complete application – with the center that SACM chose marked - as well as a scanned copy of your KASP Financial Guarantee letter and a copy of the biographical page of your passport. We recommend that you leave yourself at least 3 to 4 months to finalize your student visa application as well as your travels plans. Below is a link to our 2011 application in Arabic.
    This completed application should be printed and can be sent as a scan (PDF or JPG) – with your Financial Guarantee Letter and a copy of the biographical page of your passport - to admissions@els.edu or by fax to +1 609 750 3599.
    If you wish to consult with ELS about our admissions process, please write to us at admissions@els.edu. If you already have applied to study at an ELS center, you can disregard this message.
    At the request of SACM, we will send your admissions materials to the Admissions office there in Washington and SACM will forward it to Saudi Arabia.
    Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
    ELS Language Centers
  2. عبو الفورم وارسلوها مع كوبي من الجواز والضمان المالي
    طبعا الضمان الوزارة ماحتديكم لو تفحطو
    طلعو شهادات بنكية بنفسكم من البنك وارسلوها معاه
    واطلبو منهم نسخه من القبول على ايميلاتكم اول مايصدروها عشان مقابلة السفارة
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  3. أظم صوتي وياكم , وماقصرت الأخت نون ربي يعطيها العافية ... لكن! شنو حكاية الضمان؟؟؟! مو يقولون طلاب البعثة مايحتاجون ضمان مالي وان الوزارة ارسلت الظمانات للملحقية من قبل! لا والعجيب كاتبين (KASP Financial Guarantee letter) , يعني هل يقصدون ضمان مالي له علاقة ببرنامج الملك؟ من وين نجيبة؟
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  4. أنا جاتني نفس الرسالة تقريبا بس مو كاتبين في اي ولايه كأنهم يقولون أختار ؟؟الله يعطيكم العافيه الي يفهم مضمون الرسالة يعلمني , خلاص الواحد تعب من كثر التفكير ... وهاذي الرسالة :
    Greetings to you from ELS Language Centers in the USA. Congratulations on winning a place in the King Abdullah Scholarship Program (KASP)! ELS Language Centers runs intensive English programs on university campuses in the USA and have trained thousands of KASP scholars for English proficiency in order to succeed in their university studies.
    We are writing to you at the request of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) in Washington, D.C. SACM provided your contact information and your name to ELS in order to contact you to arrange your English studies in the USA. ELS has more than 50 locations for you to consider and you can see information on our program in Arabic at www.els.edu.
    If you know which ELS center suits your plans best, in order to issue the Form I-20 to apply for a student visa, we need a complete application as well as a scanned copy of your KASP Financial Guarantee letter and a copy of the biographical page of your passport. We recommend that you leave yourself at least 3 to 4 months to finalize your student visa application as well as your travels plans. Below is a link to our 2011 application in Arabic.
    This completed application should be printed and can be sent as a scan (PDF or JPG) – with your Financial Guarantee Letter and a copy of the biographical page of your passport - to admissions@els.edu or by fax to +1 609 750 3599.
    If you wish to consult with ELS about our admissions process or any location, please write to us at admissions@els.edu. If you already have applied to study at an ELS center, you can disregard this message.
    At the request of SACM, we will send your admissions materials to the Admissions office there in Washington and SACM will forward it to Saudi Arabia.
    Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
    ELS Language Centers

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