مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
najla23 , أنثى. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى رياضيات
, بجامعة aaaa
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- السعودية
- Aug 2010
المزيدl January 19th, 2011, 07:51 AM
January 19th, 2011, 07:51 AM
السلام عليكم
أرسل لي المعهد ابلكيشن اعبيه عشان يرسل لي قبول زوجي .. بس مع الابلكيشن ارسلووا
شي يسمونه "بيان تااييد" وفيه طالبين كشف ماالي وخراابيط..صرراحه مااني عاارفه وش يقصدون
هل قصدهم ضمان مالي لزوجي؟؟ بس هو مو ضماانه ع الوزااره مثلي؟؟
بلييييز بليييييز فهمووني وش الساالفه ووش اسووي بهالورقه لانهم يقولون ارسليه بالفااكس
وسؤال ثااني .. الابلكيشن اطبعه واعبيه بخط اليد وارسله بالفااكس والا اعبيه بالكمبيوتر وارسله بالايميل؟؟ لانهم ما وضحوا كيف ارسله لهم
عمومااا هذا البياان واللي فاااهم وش السااالفه بليييز يفهمني!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please print off this form, complete it, and fax it along with a bank statement to 405-810-8714. Be sure to get all of the required signatures and send the original by regular mail. All F-1 students (those that have a student visa) must prove that they have sufficient funds to support themselves in regards to education, living, and other expenses. Since F-1 students cannot work while in the United States during their first year of study, this form is required for all F-1 students. After one year of school, a student may apply for employment authorization. For this reason, each student will be asked to provide a bank statement showing at least $4,000 USD for studies for 4 week session. The total estimated figure for attending ECI English Language Program from one session (4weeks) is approximately $4,000 USD for an F-1 student; this includes housing, food, transportation, materials, and school fees. For each dependent (F-2 visa), you should figure $500 in addition to the $4,000 USD. This figure does not include travel to and from the student’s country. 1. Applicant’s Name: __________________________________________________ ______________________ Family Name Given Middle 2. Address (permanent): __________________________________________________ ______________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________ 3. Date of Birth:______/______/______ Sex: ______Male ______Female month day year 4. Marital Status: ______Single ______Married ______Divorced ______Other 5. For each dependent (F-2) that will live with you while in the U.S., please indicate the following: Full Name
Relationship to Student
Birth Date
Place of Birth
Please complete the following and attach all necessary documents. Statements from employers, banks, and governments must be on official letterhead with official representative’s signature. Family members must provide a separate letter of guarantee of financial support or sign the sponsor’s statement below. Personal Funds (attach bank affidavit)
Sponsor’s Funds (bank affidavit must be attached)
Government Loan or Scholarship (attach letter)
Other (bank affidavit must be attached)
Total available for 1 session (must be at least $1700
By signing this form, you indicate that you understand all financial and obligatory commitments to ECI English Language Program. This form will be returned to applicant if not completely filled out. þ I certify that all information that I have submitted, including this statement of support and all o the documents þ I certify that I will have at least $3,000 for each session that I study at ECI ELP þ I certify that I will have additional funds for each dependent listed ($300 per session per dependent) þ I certify that I will make all necessary transfers of funds to the United States þ I understand that I will be required to purchase the health insurance offered by ECI English Language Program if I do not have health insurance upon arrival to the school Applicant’s Signature_________________________________________ _____________ Date_____________________________________ Sponsor’s Statement: I affirm that I will make available to ______________________________________ the amount of funds indicated on this form for each session at ECI English Language Program. I certify to make all necessary arrangements to make the funds available to the student. I also certify that I have provided a certified, official document from my bank to verify my capability of supporting the student during his/her studies. Sponsor’s Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________ بليييييز احد يرد علييييييييي
najla23 January 19th, 2011, 08:23 AM
7 " اتمنى ان يفيدووونك الأعضاء
دخووول للرفع وللدعاء
الله يوفقك اخت نجلاء
abo.reema January 19th, 2011, 08:48 AM
7 " مشكوور ابوو ريماا.. يعطيك ربي الف عااافيه ^_^!
najla23 January 19th, 2011, 08:50 AM
7 " ياجمااااعه يعني ماااحد بيرد علي؟؟؟
najla23 January 19th, 2011, 03:53 PM
7 " اختي ماللك الا تكلمين الملحقية اوترسلين ايميل لهم واستفسري
انا نفس المشكله واجهتني وطبعت الابلكيشن وعبيته بخط اليد وارسلته ايميل
وبخصوص الضمان المالي يقول واحد ففي السفارة ارسل البيانات الي طالبينها منك والضمان حنا نتفاهم معهم
وهذى المشكله حاصله مع اغلب الطلبة ويمكن شفتي مواضيع كثيره عن المشكله وهومعهد els
ارجو اني افتدك اختي لوبشي بسيط
zoooom January 19th, 2011, 07:31 PM
7 " انا تراسلت مع المعهد ابغاهم يرسلولي نسخهاي تونتني لمرافقي ولكن للاسف قالولي عبي ابلكيشن ورسلولي زي
دي الفورم فيها فراغات بس ماكملت ولاشي
منتظرااااااااا فرج ربنا وتجسيييييير الزفت...........
يارب يسر ولاتعسر January 19th, 2011, 07:53 PM
7 " ارسلت للمعهد اساالهم عن الموضوع..وقالوا لي يبون ضمان مالي حق زوجي
انا خلاص بياناتي عندهم ..
بس كماااان لحد الان ما فهمت هالبينا وشلون اعبييييييييييييييييه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
najla23 January 20th, 2011, 09:55 PM
7 "
January 19th, 2011, 07:51 AM
السلام عليكم
أرسل لي المعهد ابلكيشن اعبيه عشان يرسل لي قبول زوجي .. بس مع الابلكيشن ارسلووا
شي يسمونه "بيان تااييد" وفيه طالبين كشف ماالي وخراابيط..صرراحه مااني عاارفه وش يقصدون
هل قصدهم ضمان مالي لزوجي؟؟ بس هو مو ضماانه ع الوزااره مثلي؟؟
بلييييز بليييييز فهمووني وش الساالفه ووش اسووي بهالورقه لانهم يقولون ارسليه بالفااكس
وسؤال ثااني .. الابلكيشن اطبعه واعبيه بخط اليد وارسله بالفااكس والا اعبيه بالكمبيوتر وارسله بالايميل؟؟ لانهم ما وضحوا كيف ارسله لهم
عمومااا هذا البياان واللي فاااهم وش السااالفه بليييز يفهمني!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All F-1 students (those that have a student visa) must prove that they have sufficient funds to support themselves in regards to education, living, and other expenses. Since F-1 students cannot work while in the United States during their first year of study, this form is required for all F-1 students. After one year of school, a student may apply for employment authorization. For this reason, each student will be asked to provide a bank statement showing at least $4,000 USD for studies for 4 week session.
The total estimated figure for attending ECI English Language Program from one session (4weeks) is approximately $4,000 USD for an F-1 student; this includes housing, food, transportation, materials, and school fees. For each dependent (F-2 visa), you should figure $500 in addition to the $4,000 USD. This figure does not include travel to and from the student’s country.
1. Applicant’s Name:
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Family Name Given Middle
2. Address (permanent):
__________________________________________________ ______________________
__________________________________________________ ______________________
3. Date of Birth:______/______/______ Sex: ______Male ______Female
month day year
4. Marital Status: ______Single ______Married ______Divorced ______Other
5. For each dependent (F-2) that will live with you while in the U.S., please indicate the following:
Relationship to Student
Birth Date
Place of Birth
Sponsor’s Funds (bank affidavit must be attached)
Government Loan or Scholarship (attach letter)
Other (bank affidavit must be attached)
Total available for 1 session (must be at least $1700
By signing this form, you indicate that you understand all financial and obligatory commitments to ECI English Language Program. This form will be returned to applicant if not completely filled out.
þ I certify that all information that I have submitted, including this statement of support and all o the documents
þ I certify that I will have at least $3,000 for each session that I study at ECI ELP
þ I certify that I will have additional funds for each dependent listed ($300 per session per dependent)
þ I certify that I will make all necessary transfers of funds to the United States
þ I understand that I will be required to purchase the health insurance offered by ECI English Language Program if I do not have health insurance upon arrival to the school
Applicant’s Signature_________________________________________ _____________
Sponsor’s Statement:
I affirm that I will make available to ______________________________________ the amount of funds indicated on this form for each session at ECI English Language Program. I certify to make all necessary arrangements to make the funds available to the student. I also certify that I have provided a certified, official document from my bank to verify my capability of supporting the student during his/her studies.
Sponsor’s Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________