الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


شبااااااااااب فزعتكم

شبااااااااااب فزعتكم


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5767 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية احب العلم
    احب العلم

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    احب العلم غير معرف

    احب العلم , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. , تخصصى تربية خاصة , بجامعة خرج جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
    • خرج جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
    • تربية خاصة
    • ذكر
    • جدة, يقولها الله
    • غير معرف
    • May 2009

    May 11th, 2009, 05:35 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة اله وبركاته
    كيف الحال يامبتعثين
    عندي سوال واريد اجابته لاهنتم
    س/ انا قدم لي واحد من الشباب في عدة جامعات امريكية لتكملة ماجستير ودكتوراه بمشئة الله في تخصص تربية خاصة مسار اعاقة عقلية وقال لي من شروطهم اختبار GREوانا مسويت ولا اختبرت هاذا الاختبار طيب كيف اختبر هاذا الاختبار هل اسافر لامريكا لكي اختبر صعبة شوي صح وماهو هاذا الاختبار على ماذا يقيس من الجوانب ؟
    والله يوفق الجميع ........
  2. لآ تستعجل ع رزقك ..!

    أخوي عموري لا تلومه .. ترى من جد دايم تنحط مواضيع والتفاعل قليل وممكن ما أحد يرد الا بعد عشر أيام ..

    ويعطيك العافية على التفاعل ..

    طبعا أنا أقول هالكلام من خلال تجربتي .. ما أحد يتفاعل معي الا نادرا ...

    وكثير من المواضيع ما أحد يرد عليها الا انا .. مع إنه ما عندي زود خبرة .. بس مجرد حب مساعدة للآخرين.. ما أدري وين الأعضاء اللي لهم خبرة
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ثامر البدراني

    أخوي عموري لا تلومه .. ترى من جد دايم تنحط مواضيع والتفاعل قليل وممكن ما أحد يرد الا بعد عشر أيام ..

    ويعطيك العافية على التفاعل ..

    طبعا أنا أقول هالكلام من خلال تجربتي .. ما أحد يتفاعل معي الا نادرا ...

    وكثير من المواضيع ما أحد يرد عليها الا انا .. مع إنه ما عندي زود خبرة .. بس مجرد حب مساعدة للآخرين.. ما أدري وين الأعضاء اللي لهم خبرة

    صـآدق يآ اخ ثآمر

    لكن يفضل قبل ما ينزل عضو او شخص موضوعو انو يبحث وصدقني ح يحصل الي يبغآهـآ

    واذآ ما حصل يطرح موضوعو بقسم يكون فيلو تفآعل وحركة زي قسم آمريكآ مع انو مو القسم المناسب للموضوع

    بس عشآن يحصللو جوآب ع استفسارو وبآسرع وقت ..!


    ثلآث اربآع اقسآم المنتدى نآيمة

    انا احمل مشرفين الآقسآم هآذآ الشيء


    ان شآء الله الآخ احب العلم حصل جوآب ع استفسارتو واسئلتو ..!

    7 "
  4. http://www.mbt3th.us/vb/forum14/thread34020-3.html

    رد رقم 22 ،،

    لآ تستعجل ع رزقك ..!

    شكرررررررا على مشاركتك يخ عموووووووري والله يوفقك ان شاء الله
    بس ياحبيبي انا سوالي عن اختبار GREوليس اختبار GMAT مادري هل هي نفس بعض
    7 "
  5. أخوي عموري لا تلومه .. ترى من جد دايم تنحط مواضيع والتفاعل قليل وممكن ما أحد يرد الا بعد عشر أيام ..

    ويعطيك العافية على التفاعل ..

    طبعا أنا أقول هالكلام من خلال تجربتي .. ما أحد يتفاعل معي الا نادرا ...

    وكثير من المواضيع ما أحد يرد عليها الا انا .. مع إنه ما عندي زود خبرة .. بس مجرد حب مساعدة للآخرين.. ما أدري وين الأعضاء اللي لهم خبرة

    اهلا وسهلا اخ ثامر
    صحيح كلامك سليم وانا هدفي من السوال كيف مثلا واحد مر بخبرة الاختبار وتفاصيله وكيف تجاوزه بسهوله وعلى ماذا يقيس الاختبار من جوانب ...
    وشكرا لك على تفاعلك والله ييسر امورك ويوفقك ويوفق الجميع
    7 "
  6. سوري ع اللخبطآ ،،


    GRE® (Graduate Record Examinations® )

    Who should take it: GRE® tests are taken by individuals applying to graduate programs in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities and arts, education, business, or other fields. The tests are designed to help graduate admission committees and fellowship sponsors assess the qualifications of applicants to their programs.
    where to apply: < www.ets.org/gre for the most up-to-date information about GRE tests and services.
    Test Descriptions

    GRE General Test
    The GRE General Test measures skills that have been developed over a long period of time and are not necessarily related to any particular field of study. The test is composed of Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing sections. The Verbal section measures the ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, and recognize relationships between words and concepts. The Quantitative section measures basic mathematical skills and understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, as well as the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. There is a balance among the questions requiring arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. The Analytical Writing section measures the ability to articulate and support complex ideas, analyze an argument, and sustain a focused and coherent discussion. It does not assess specific knowledge, and there is no single best way to respond.
    The GRE General Test is offered on computer year-round at authorized testing centers in the U.S., Canada, and many other countries. In areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available, the paper-based General Test is administered in October and March.
    Structure of the Computer-Based General Test

    Verbal: 30-minute section — 30 questions
    Quantitative: 45-minute section — 28 questions
    Analytical Writing: two sections — one writing task per section
    Present Your Perspective on an Issue — 45 minutes
    Analyze an Argument — 30 minutes
    Structure of the Paper-Based General Test

    Verbal: two 30-minute sections — 38 questions per section
    Quantitative: two 30-minute sections — 30 questions per section
    Analytical Writing: two sections — one writing task per section
    Present Your Perspective on an Issue — 45 minutes
    Analyze an Argument — 30 minutes
    In addition, an unidentified Verbal or Quantitative section that does not count toward a score may be included. You should complete all Verbal or Quantitative sections since you will not know which one(s) will be counted as part of your score. An identified research section that is not scored may also be included in the computer-based General Test.
    GRE Subject Tests The Subject Tests are administered at paper-based administrations in October, November, and April, and measure undergraduate achievement in the following eight specific fields of study:
    Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology
    Computer Science
    Literature in English

    Each Subject Test assumes an undergraduate major or extensive background in the discipline. The tests are given at authorized paper-based testing centers worldwide in November, December and April.
    Because the General Test and Subject Tests have different emphases, the two types of tests are often used to complement each other in admissions decisions. Additional information about the ******* of the tests is available on the GRE Web site at www.ets.org/gre.
    Test Registration

    You can register for the GRE General Test and Subject Tests online at www.ets.org/gre/grereg.html using a credit card. You can also register for the computer-based General Test by phone, mail, or fax, and you can register for the paper-based General Test and Subject Tests by mail. Visit www.ets.org/gre for more information on how to register for the GRE tests.
    The fee to take the GRE General Test is US$140 in the United States, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico; US$175 in China (including Hong Kong), Korea, and Taiwan; and US$170 in all other locations. The fee to take a GRE Subject Test is US$130 in the United States, U.S. Territories, and Puerto Rico, and US$150 in all other locations.
    Test Preparation

    When you register for the GRE General Test or a Subject Test, you will be sent free test preparation material that describes the test in detail and provides information to help you understand the scores you earn. You can download this material free-of-charge, as well as access additional free and low-cost GRE test preparation materials and services at www.ets.org/gre/greprep.html.
    Score Reporting

    GRE® General Test Three scores will be reported on the General Test:
    A Verbal score reported on a 200-800 verbal score scale, in 10-point increments
    A Quantitative score reported on a 200-800 quantitative score scale, in 10-point increments
    An Analytical Writing score reported on a 0-6 Writing Assessment score scale, in half-point increments.Descriptions of the analytical writing abilities characteristic of particular score levels are available in the interpretive leaflet enclosed with your score report, in the Guide to the Use of GRE Scores, and on the GRE website at www.ets.org/gre/stupubs.html.
    If you don’t answer any questions in a Verbal, Quantitative or Analytical Writing section, that section will be reported as a No Score (NS). If you take the computer-based General Test, you can view your unofficial Verbal and Quantitative scores at the test center. Official Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing scores will be sent to you and your designated institutions within 10-15 days of your test administration.
    IIf you take the paper-based General Test, you will not receive any scores at the test center. Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing scores will be sent to you and the institutions you designate within four to six weeks of your test administration.
    GRE Subject Tests
    Every Subject Test yields a total score on a 200 to 990 score scale. Some Subject Tests yield subscores on a 20 to 99 score scale. Subject Test scores will be sent to you and the institutions you designate within six weeks of your test administration.
    Courtesy of Educational Testing Service. Copyright © 2008 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS, and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States
    of America and other countries throughout the world


    وهآذي مجموعة من اللنكآت فيهآ معلومآت عن كل اختبآر ،،
    ان شـآء الله تستفيدو منهآ ..!

    مـآ آطلب منكم الآ دعوآ في ظهر الغيب ،،
    7 "

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