الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


طلاب الماستر:صيغة مراسلة الدكتور للاشراف على الرسالة

طلاب الماستر:صيغة مراسلة الدكتور للاشراف على الرسالة


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5535 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. Dear Andrew,
    I am an international student from Saudi Arabia. I have completed a bachelor degree in (Islamic Law) from Immam University and a master degree in (International Business and Law) from the University of Sydney.
    I have a profound interest to pursue a PhD in Law. That interest has always fueled my efforts to seek distinction and put every effort to turn my dreams into reality. The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has provided me with a list of distinguished and recommended universities, among which was your university. They also granted me with a full scholarship to study in the UK in one of these highly esteemed schools.
    I have completed a research proposal in International Business Law and granted unconditional offer from one off (UK Law Schools). One of my friends has advised me to seek admission form (Leeds Law School). In fact, he mentioned your name in particular. Subsequently, I went through your profile and I was amazed with all accomplishments you achieved.
    In Addition, I wrote my research proposal nine months ago and after working in a law firm, my interest has changed significantly. At the present, I want to write “a Cooperation Analysis Between two Different Systems on Penalty clauses in contracts”. The problem is I do not have the time to write a new proposal since I am working as a Legal Advisor in a Law firm “all day long”. I am seeking your advice and willingness of supervise my potential research.
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    P.S please see attachment of all required documents.
    Kind regards
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abo Alwaleed
    Dear Andrew,
    I am an international student from Saudi Arabia. I have completed a bachelor degree in (Islamic Law) from Immam University and a master degree in (International Business and Law) from the University of Sydney.
    I have a profound interest to pursue a PhD in Law. That interest has always fueled my efforts to seek distinction and put every effort to turn my dreams into reality. The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has provided me with a list of distinguished and recommended universities, among which was your university. They also granted me with a full scholarship to study in the UK in one of these highly esteemed schools.
    I have completed a research proposal in International Business Law and granted unconditional offer from one off (UK Law Schools). One of my friends has advised me to seek admission form (Leeds Law School). In fact, he mentioned your name in particular. Subsequently, I went through your profile and I was amazed with all accomplishments you achieved.
    In Addition, I wrote my research proposal nine months ago and after working in a law firm, my interest has changed significantly. At the present, I want to write “a Cooperation Analysis Between two Different Systems on Penalty clauses in contracts”. The problem is I do not have the time to write a new proposal since I am working as a Legal Advisor in a Law firm “all day long”. I am seeking your advice and willingness of supervise my potential research.
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    P.S please see attachment of all required documents.
    Kind regards

    ما قصرت يالذيب ، والله أنك جبتها على الجامعة و التخصص ... اشكرك و بقوة ... راح استفيد من خطابك مع إجراء
    بعض التعديلات فيه

    7 "
  3. اختي ماشاء الله عليك هل يتم مراسلة الاساتذة من الحين ؟

    انا اعرف الجامعة عندنا سنة نجيب قبول ،، ولسى بدري جدا على الرسالة؟ والمشرف

    يعني بصيغة اخرى هل هذا ضروري من الان ؟ واحنا لسى ندرس الدورة ومابعد عرفنا اي شي غير الدولة؟
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة kind4ever
    اختي ماشاء الله عليك هل يتم مراسلة الاساتذة من الحين ؟

    انا اعرف الجامعة عندنا سنة نجيب قبول ،، ولسى بدري جدا على الرسالة؟ والمشرف

    يعني بصيغة اخرى هل هذا ضروري من الان ؟ واحنا لسى ندرس الدورة ومابعد عرفنا اي شي غير الدولة؟
    خيتو أنا الجامعة اللي قدمت عليها طلبوا مني مراسلة الدكتور قبل لا اعبي الابلكيشن
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حلمي دكتوراه
    Dear Dr. Jawad,

    My name is اسمكI am a Saudi student and I have a Master degree in

    Business Administration (MBA). I would like to joinاسم الجامعةUniversity next year , so

    I am hoping you can supervise my a proposal for my research which will be on

    تكتب عنوان الاطروحه

    I hope you will be able to supervise my proposal . I am confident that your

    acceptance will definitely change my life and put me on the verge of a bright

    future of which I hope your school will be the main thrust.

    Best wishes

    اسمك هنا

    اي شي بالون الاحمر تغيره حسب مايتوافق معك من تخصص واسم الجامعة التي ترغب الدراسة بها
    وفقك الله
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abo Alwaleed
    Dear Andrew,
    I am an international student from Saudi Arabia. I have completed a bachelor degree in (Islamic Law) from Immam University and a master degree in (International Business and Law) from the University of Sydney.
    I have a profound interest to pursue a PhD in Law. That interest has always fueled my efforts to seek distinction and put every effort to turn my dreams into reality. The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has provided me with a list of distinguished and recommended universities, among which was your university. They also granted me with a full scholarship to study in the UK in one of these highly esteemed schools.
    I have completed a research proposal in International Business Law and granted unconditional offer from one off (UK Law Schools). One of my friends has advised me to seek admission form (Leeds Law School). In fact, he mentioned your name in particular. Subsequently, I went through your profile and I was amazed with all accomplishments you achieved.
    In Addition, I wrote my research proposal nine months ago and after working in a law firm, my interest has changed significantly. At the present, I want to write “a Cooperation Analysis Between two Different Systems on Penalty clauses in contracts”. The problem is I do not have the time to write a new proposal since I am working as a Legal Advisor in a Law firm “all day long”. I am seeking your advice and willingness of supervise my potential research.
    I am looking forward to hear from you.
    P.S please see attachment of all required documents.
    Kind regards
    الآن سأبدأ بمراسلة الدكاترة
    جـــــــــــــــــــــزاكم الله خير ..ماقصرتوا
    7 "
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