Start Date: 17 September 2012 تاريخ بداية الدراسة
End Date: 06 September 2013 تاريخ الانتهاء
, accept the offer of a place on the above program(s) during the dates indicated. I agree to all the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure. A copy of the brochure, containing the terms and conditions can be found at: INTO Oregon State University : INTO US.
أوافق على عرض الدراسة في المعهد وعلى جميع الشروط والتعليمات المتعلقة بالدراسة بمعهد جامعة اوريغون الواردة في البروشور الإعلاني الذي يمكنك العثور عليه في الرابط المذكور
I agree to abide by the regulations and to pay promptly, all fees due to INTO Oregon State University. I understand that the deposit is only refundable in the event that I am unable to meet the visa entry requirements, subject to the receipt of an official visa rejection letter. Fees are non-refundable except where I have acted in accordance with the INTO cancellation policy in the terms and conditions.
أوافق على اتباع التعليمات والدفع الفوري لكل الرسوم الدراسية الخاصة بالمعهد، وأنا على علم بأن الرسوم لايمكن استرجاعها إلا في حالة لم أحصل على تأشيرة من السفارة الأمريكية وفي هذه الحالة يجب ارسال خطاب رفض طلب تأشيرتك لكي نعيد لك الرسوم
Please read the following. By signing this form, I agree and acknowledge:
I have checked all of the details on my offer letter and confirm that the details are correct.
I agree to all of the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure and have read and understood them.
الرجاء اقرأ مايلي ووقع عليه ، ولقد قمت بمراجعة جميع تفاصيل المتعلقة بالمعهد والدراسة وأوافق عليها وعلى صحة بياناتي
I am aware that my English language level will be reassessed on arrival at INTO Oregon State University and if I do not meet the minimum English language criteria, I may be required to revise my program of study accordingly.
I have paid the deposit amount as indicated on my statement of fees.
أنا على علم بأن مستواي في اللغة الإنجليزية سيتم تقييمه مرة أخرى عند وصولي للمعهد واذا لم احقق الحد الأدنى المطلوب قد يتم مراجعة برنامجي الدراسي وتفاصيله
Select method: □ Wire transfer (a copy of the transfer is attached) □ Credit Card (authorization attached)
Signed (by student) __________________________________________________ ___
Print Name _________________________________________________ Date______________________
طريقة الدفع : حوالة ( يجب ارفاق صورة منها ) أو بطاقة ائتمانية واسمك وتوقيعك
ملاحظة: لن يتم حجز مقعدك الدراسي الا بعد الدفع
7 " End Date: 06 September 2013 تاريخ الانتهاء
, accept the offer of a place on the above program(s) during the dates indicated. I agree to all the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure. A copy of the brochure, containing the terms and conditions can be found at: INTO Oregon State University : INTO US.
أوافق على عرض الدراسة في المعهد وعلى جميع الشروط والتعليمات المتعلقة بالدراسة بمعهد جامعة اوريغون الواردة في البروشور الإعلاني الذي يمكنك العثور عليه في الرابط المذكور
I agree to abide by the regulations and to pay promptly, all fees due to INTO Oregon State University. I understand that the deposit is only refundable in the event that I am unable to meet the visa entry requirements, subject to the receipt of an official visa rejection letter. Fees are non-refundable except where I have acted in accordance with the INTO cancellation policy in the terms and conditions.
أوافق على اتباع التعليمات والدفع الفوري لكل الرسوم الدراسية الخاصة بالمعهد، وأنا على علم بأن الرسوم لايمكن استرجاعها إلا في حالة لم أحصل على تأشيرة من السفارة الأمريكية وفي هذه الحالة يجب ارسال خطاب رفض طلب تأشيرتك لكي نعيد لك الرسوم
Please read the following. By signing this form, I agree and acknowledge:
I have checked all of the details on my offer letter and confirm that the details are correct.
I agree to all of the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure and have read and understood them.
الرجاء اقرأ مايلي ووقع عليه ، ولقد قمت بمراجعة جميع تفاصيل المتعلقة بالمعهد والدراسة وأوافق عليها وعلى صحة بياناتي
I am aware that my English language level will be reassessed on arrival at INTO Oregon State University and if I do not meet the minimum English language criteria, I may be required to revise my program of study accordingly.
I have paid the deposit amount as indicated on my statement of fees.
أنا على علم بأن مستواي في اللغة الإنجليزية سيتم تقييمه مرة أخرى عند وصولي للمعهد واذا لم احقق الحد الأدنى المطلوب قد يتم مراجعة برنامجي الدراسي وتفاصيله
Select method: □ Wire transfer (a copy of the transfer is attached) □ Credit Card (authorization attached)
Signed (by student) __________________________________________________ ___
Print Name _________________________________________________ Date______________________
طريقة الدفع : حوالة ( يجب ارفاق صورة منها ) أو بطاقة ائتمانية واسمك وتوقيعك
ملاحظة: لن يتم حجز مقعدك الدراسي الا بعد الدفع
December 8th, 2011, 05:56 PM
السلام عليكم ارغب من اعضاء المندى ترجمة رسالة المعهد لاني لم افهم شيءStart Date: 17 September 2012
End Date: 06 September 2013
, accept the offer of a place on the above program(s) during the dates indicated. I agree to all the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure. A copy of the brochure, containing the terms and conditions can be found at: INTO Oregon State University : INTO US.
I agree to abide by the regulations and to pay promptly, all fees due to INTO Oregon State University. I understand that the deposit is only refundable in the event that I am unable to meet the visa entry requirements, subject to the receipt of an official visa rejection letter. Fees are non-refundable except where I have acted in accordance with the INTO cancellation policy in the terms and conditions.
Please read the following. By signing this form, I agree and acknowledge:
I have checked all of the details on my offer letter and confirm that the details are correct.
I agree to all of the terms and conditions as laid out in the INTO Oregon State University brochure and have read and understood them.
I am aware that my English language level will be reassessed on arrival at INTO Oregon State University and if I do not meet the minimum English language criteria, I may be required to revise my program of study accordingly.
I have paid the deposit amount as indicated on my statement of fees.
Select method: □ Wire transfer (a copy of the transfer is attached) □ Credit Card (authorization attached)
Signed (by student) __________________________________________________ ___
Print Name _________________________________________________ Date______________________
Please note that your place will not be reserved until INTO OSU has received your full deposit payment