مبتعث جديد New Member
وليد7788 , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى أستراليا
, تخصصى ..بايوتكنولوجي
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- ..بايوتكنولوجي
- ذكر
- كانبرا, السعودية
- السعودية
- Mar 2008
المزيدl August 14th, 2008, 10:13 PM
August 14th, 2008, 10:13 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخواني ياليت احد يساعدني ويعلمني وش اكتب في هذي الخانات
بس باقي هي
وربي تعبت 24 ساعه اعبي هالابليكيشنات
ولاحس ولا خبر
لارد ولا شي
ادعولي احد يرد علي
ومشكورين مقدما
وله دعوه بظهر الغيب
Proposed Research
*Proposed Research
1- *Provide up to 5 research areas (select research area & group) or 40 words if a text field;
2- You may provide additional information on the ranking of your research areas (Up to 100 words).
3- Provide a statement of your research interests (maximum of 400 words):
4-- *Provide up to three faculty members with whom you would like to work as a graduate student.
The graduate program to which you are applying requires that you must have identified a faculty member who is willing to supervise you as a graduate student. For each academic advisor selected below, indicate whether the faculty member has agreed to supervise you by checking the Agreed to supervise you check box
5- Definite plans:
If you have definite plans to study in a particular area and/or under a particular faculty member and a different choice might affect your decision to attend our program, provide details here (maximum of 100 words):
الله يوسع لكم بالدنيا والاخرة
August 14th, 2008, 10:13 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهاخواني ياليت احد يساعدني ويعلمني وش اكتب في هذي الخانات
بس باقي هي
وربي تعبت 24 ساعه اعبي هالابليكيشنات
ولاحس ولا خبر
لارد ولا شي
ادعولي احد يرد علي
ومشكورين مقدما
وله دعوه بظهر الغيب
1- *Provide up to 5 research areas (select research area & group) or 40 words if a text field;
2- You may provide additional information on the ranking of your research areas (Up to 100 words).
3- Provide a statement of your research interests (maximum of 400 words):
4-- *Provide up to three faculty members with whom you would like to work as a graduate student.
The graduate program to which you are applying requires that you must have identified a faculty member who is willing to supervise you as a graduate student. For each academic advisor selected below, indicate whether the faculty member has agreed to supervise you by checking the Agreed to supervise you check box
5- Definite plans:
If you have definite plans to study in a particular area and/or under a particular faculty member and a different choice might affect your decision to attend our program, provide details here (maximum of 100 words):
الله يوسع لكم بالدنيا والاخرة