الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


أخي/اختي المتمكنين من اللغة الإنجليزية ,أضف ملاحظاتك وتعديلاتك على خطاب الغرض

أخي/اختي المتمكنين من اللغة الإنجليزية ,أضف ملاحظاتك وتعديلاتك على خطاب الغرض


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6029 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية A.A.A.w

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    A.A.A.w غير معرف

    A.A.A.w , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. , تخصصى معيد , بجامعة الملك سعود
    • الملك سعود
    • معيد
    • ذكر
    • الرياض, مستقبلا بإذن الله
    • غير معرف
    • Jul 2008

    August 23rd, 2008, 04:44 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    أخواني وأخواتي ...
    هذا خطاب الغرض من الدراسة كنت أبحث عمن يترجمه لفترة اسبوعين وقد ترجمه مشكورا احد الطلاب حديثي العهد باللغة الإنجليزية ...

    وحقيقة لاأعرف مدى الصحة او الخطأ فيه وقد طلب مني ان يراجعه أحد المتمكنين من هذه اللغة...

    فأرجوا من كانت لغته الإنجليزية جيدة ان يتكرم ويضيف ملاحاظاته على هذا الخطاب لإظهارة بشكل صحيح تماما ...
    ارجوا السرعة لاتمكن من ارساله مع بقية الاوراق حيث أن الوقت ضيق...
    وهذا نص الخطاب:
    The university education policy in my country Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on caring of those students who have finished their educational study with superiority by employing them under the name of a lecturer and then sending them to known and old universities to continue their postgraduate studies .
    I want to tell you that I am one of those students whom have been employed as a lecturer at King Sa'ud University and I have been told by the officials of King Sa'ud University to search for a university with my field (special upbringing " mental retardation" ) to complete my study and they gave me the freedom of choice amongst many universities and countries and among these universities is yours where I wish to continue my MA study in the same field of mine to reach the doctorate degree later .
    The main reason for the choice of your university that it is in The United States of America which is considered the strongest country in all of the scientific fields including my study field. Also the policy of the special upbringing in your country is very advanced and I want to recognize it , and coexist with it to tell the people in my country about it, and consequently asking for the imitation of it, to help all those with special needs in different countries on adaptation and production as much as possible.
    As I like this specialization and this category, and therefore I want strongly the continuation of my study in this field, and getting the biggest amount of information related to the field of the special upbringing,
    Also I do not hide you that I want through this experience ( studying MA in your country ) to get knowledge on the culture of American society and the life style there.
    I would like to tell you that I have received some aid in the translation of this speech because I am not very well in English , and that what makes me send an attachment of a paper shows my desire for getting a conditional acceptance as I will complete the MA study after finishing the study of English language in an institute belonging to your university.

    شاكر لكم حسن تعاونكم سلفا
  2. السلام عليكم
    الترجمه حلوه بس عدلت فييها بعض الاشيااء ممكن تقرأها واذا عندك اي تعديييل

    The Education Policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is caring of those students who have graduated with a Bachelor's degree with superiority by employing them under the name of a lecturer and then offering them scholarships to continue their postgraduate studies abroad .
    Fortunately, I am one of those students whom have been employed as a lecturer at King Sa'ud University and I have been asked by the officials to have an admission in my major which is (Special Upbringing " Mental Retardation" ) and I wish to get my master degree in the same field to reach the doctorate degree later .
    I hope to pursue graduate study in The United States of America because it is a world leader in most scientific fields including my major . Moreover, the Policy of Special Education and Upbringing in the USA is very advanced .Therefore, I
    want to recognize it , and coexist with it to get benefit of it, and consequently asking for the imitation of it, to help all those with special needs in different countries on adaptation and production as much as possible.
    As well as I like this specialization and this category, I want strongly to complete my study in this field, and getting the most amount of information about Special Upbringing. Furthermore, I want to know about American culture and attitudes.
    Frankly, I would like to tell you that I have received some aid in the translation of this speech because I am not very well in English , therefore, I have sent an attachment of a paper shows my desire to get a conditional acceptance to study in The English language Institute .
    7 "
  3. اخوي انا عدلت لك الامالاء والجرامر

    لكن فيه جملتين انا مو عارفة انت ايش تبغى تقول لهم فما عرفت الصياغة المناسبة وسويت لونها اورنج
    ياليت ترسل لي ايش تبغى تقول عشان اصلحها لك

    The Education Policy in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cares for students who have graduated with a Bachelor's degree with superiority. This interest is clear by employing them under the name of a lecturer and then offers them scholarships to continue their postgraduate studies abroad.
    Fortunately, I am one of those students whom have been employed as a lecturer at King Sa'ud University. I have been asked by the officials to have an admission in my major which is (Special Upbringing “Mental Retardation”) and I wish to get my master degree in the same field to reach the doctorate degree later.
    I hope to pursue my graduate study in United States of America because it is a world leader in most scientific fields including my major. Moreover, the Policy of Special Education and Upbringing in the USA is very advanced .Therefore, I
    Want to recognize it, coexist with it to get benefit from it, and consequently asking for the imitation of it, to help all those with special needs in different countries on adaptation and production as much as possible.
    As well I like this specialization and this category; I want strongly to complete my study in this field, and get the most amount of information about Special Upbringing. Furthermore, I want to know about American culture and attitudes.
    In the end, I would like to tell you that I have received some aid in translating my letter because I am not a very well English writer , therefore, I have sent an attachment of a paper shows my desire to get a conditional acceptance to study in The English language Institute .

    وانت تبغى ترسلها للمعهد لازم قبل نكتب
    Dear Sir\Madam:

    7 "

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