الله يعطيك العافية ..........
7 " من تجربتي , احصل على قبول دراسات عليا .. في شهر
من تجربتي , احصل على قبول دراسات عليا .. في شهر
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5785 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- حبيب البي ابو غلا7 "
انا معبي الابليكيشن من فترة لانهم قالوا يعطون قبول مشروط
لكن هل يجبروني بدراسة اللغة في معهدهم ؟؟
على العموم هم ارسلوا لي هذة الرسالة المطولة عن الطلبات وامكانية انهم يعطوني قبول مشروط اذا مافي توفل:
Thank you for your interest in Ball State University!
We are happy to know that you wish to enroll here in the near future.
This email is to acknowledge receipt of your application for admission to Ball State University. Your application has been processed and has been assigned the following application number: 81750. Our records show that you wish to apply for the Fall semester of 2010 semester in Computer Science for a Master’s Degree.
Your application is not yet complete. So please review the checklist below to determine the additional materials that you need to send to us. Your application will not be reviewed for admission until we have received all of your application materials.
Please be sure to read through all information contained in this message. We have recently updated our authorization forms and financial documentation requirements.
Please note that all transcripts and diplomas must be official and submitted in both English and in your native language. You must submit an official TOEFL score direct to us from Educational Testing Service. Our school code is 1051. If you’re TOEFL score is below IBT 79 or PBT 550, you will be considered for conditional admission.
We look forward to receiving the rest of your application materials as soon as possible. If you need to call, write, or email us about your application, please refer to your Applicant ID # at the beginning of this letter.
Your file will be considered complete for our office once the below documents are submitted. You may need to submit other documents directly to the department you are applying for. You are encouraged to visit the website for your intended department to view their requirements for your specific program. The department may contact you if they require any other items.
Due to privacy concerns, we are not able to give out information to 3rd parties regarding the status of your application. However, if you wish for application information to be given to a third party, you will need to complete the Student Authorization to Disclose Information to Third Parties form. You can reply to this message and request a form or find it on our website. The form needs to be completed signed, dated by you, and faxed directly from you. Our fax number is 765-285-3710.
Below is a list of items we will need to receive as part of your application:
- Academic records (original, official, or attested true copies in both native language and English). The Registrar or Controller of Exams must attest your academic records. Please submit attested true copies of transcripts and diplomas.
- An official TOEFL score less than two years old sent to us by ETS. (Photocopies are not acceptable.) Our school code is 1051. If you have earned a degree from the United States or have over one full year of academic study at a U.S. institution then you can be waived from submitting a TOEFL score. Please email us if you feel you meet this requirement.
- Copy of your current passport, and any dependants passports that you plan to bring with you. (If no passport is available please submit a copy of a government issued id). If you are planning on bringing your spouse you will also need to submit copy of your marriage certificate. If you do not have a marriage certificate please provide documented proof of marriage.
- Financial Documentation. The current estimated financial expenses of attending Ball State University for one academic year are $36,886 (subject to change). These estimated expenses include tuition, housing, food, medical insurance, books, and supplies. If you are applying for a Graduate Assistantship you should still be prepared to show proof of funds and pay the full expenses in the event you are not awarded an assistantship. If you wish to bring family members with you the proof of the funds you need to show will be an additional $6,000 for each dependent.In order for Ball State University to accept a checking account statement you must submit six months of statements or one statement showing six months of activity. If you are submitting a Certificate of Deposit (CD) it must state that the funds can be withdrawn at any time with/without a penalty. For savings deposits we need to see that a balance of $36,886 has been maintained for six months. Applicants are allowed to have a maximum of three sponsors for their education. If you are government sponsored a financial guarantee letter is all that is needed. Financial documentation must be original, official, on letterhead, dated, and be attested by a bank official. Notary attestation is not acceptable.
- Financial Avadavat of Support. This form must be completed by your sponsor and signed by both you and them. If you are sponsoring yourself please complete and send back in. If you are sponsored by your government then your governmental sponsorship letter is all that is needed. If the form is not attached to this message, please reply to this email and request a form, or find it on our website.
Please remember that ALL admission documents should be sent to our address below; sending them directly to a department will delay your admission.
Rinker Center for International Programs
Attn: International Admissions
Ball State University
2000 W. University Ave.
Muncie, IN 47306
We look forward to receiving your application materials soon. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Lindsey Dorshorst
International Recruitment Assistant
انا مبدئياً ارسلت لهم كل الاوراق اللي طالبينها عبر الايميل من 3 اسابيع تقريباً لكنهم بعدها ماردوا علي للان!! - السلام عليكم7 "
ابو غلا ما قصرت والله لا يحرمك اجر ولا دعوه صالحه موضوعك شجعني على التسجيل بالجامعه ،وعندي استفسار الله لايهينك
انا لغتي معقوله بس ما عندي توفل واذا بختبر ممكن ايلتس فهل هو مقبول لدى الجامعه وهل لازم درجه معينه والا تحديد مستوى وبس انا شفت تخصصات الماستر وكان منها احياء Biology بس انا ودي تخصص دقيق الي هو تقنيه ولما سويت بحث من موقع للجامعات الامريكيه لقيت التخصص بهذي الجامعه اقصد Biotechnology او التقنيه الحيويه
الاستفسار الثاني عن معهد اللغه تبع الجامعه وقوته
الله يجزاك كل خير ويوفقك الجميع - فيه ناس حولوا .. لكن انصح تشيكي مع الوزارة و الملحقية ..7 "
والله الموفق - اخي عازف الليل .. طالما ارسلت لهم الاوراق انتظر شوي ..7 "
تعرف الايام هذي اجازة كريسمس ورأس السنة .. والاجراءات صارت تطول رغم انهم حريصين على الطلاب السعوديين بالذات
اقترح عليك ترسل لهم ايميل بعد اسبوعين تقريبا تشوف ايش صار على اوراقك ..
والله الموفق .. -
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
اذا كان التخصص مناسب وموجود فجميل جدا أني الجامعه ممتازة ومعهدها ممتاز .. هم ممكن يقبلوا ايلتس لتحديد المستوى وللقبول لكن لو تختبري توفل برضه جربي معهم لأنه اسهل - في نظري - من الايلتيس على القليل مافيه اسلبينق - عدونا الاول - ولا سؤال ture , false - not given وهو السؤال اللي جنن العالم في الريدنيق
بكل الاحوال ممكن تاخذي قبول مشروط .. وتجي عندهم تختبري وتحددي مستوى ..
معهد الجامعه جيد وفيه تفاصيل بقسم ولايات امريكا الوسطى موضوع الان تجيده عن الجامعه ومعهدها فيه تفاصيل كثيرة ..
والله الموفق.. - الف شكر يالغالي ..........صراحة مجهود رائع7 "
- الله يعطيك العافيه7 "
اخوي ابو غلا
انا ارسلت لهم صور عبر الايميل (ما ادري اذا كانوا يطلبوا الاصل) لانهم ماردوا علي بعدها
بعض الجامعات تمشي امورك بالصور الى قبل اصدار القبول ثم تطالبك بالاصل .
لكن هل يجبروني على الدراسة في معهدهم والا يعطوني قبول مشروط واجيب التوفل لهم من معهد ثاني ؟ - مرحبا7 "
يعطيك العافيه ابو غلا على الرد ، انا فعلا ابي قبول مشروط انا عبيت الابلكيشن الاون لاين وجاني رساله انتظر الرد خلال 3-5 ايام
يعني لو طلبت قبول مشروط وقلت لهم ابي ادرس اللغه بمعهد الجامعه يعفوني من تقديم درجه التوفل ؟؟؟
وجزاك الله الف خير