انا اساتذتي قالوا عبي توصيه وجيبيها لنا نختمها وفعلا جمعت من النت ورحت لها وصححتلي الاخطاء وكذا وجبتها لها النسخ النهاىيه ووقعوها ..
To Whom it May Concern..
"Full Name " was one of my students in College of Education of University of Dammam . She showed above average performance plus excellent preparation and participation . In class she showed great understanding and enthusiasm . She was a hard-working student who was consistent in her classes and home works . She was eager to gain new knowledge .
From my academic experience with Ms. "Name" , I believe that she has the capability , willingness and dedication to continue her postgraduate studies . I strongly recommend Ms."Eman" to pursue graduate studies and wish the best for her future and dreams..
اسم الاستاذه
اسم الجامعه
ايميل الاستاذه او الجامعه او رقمها
Emaaan September 17th, 2011, 03:17 PM
7 " To Whom it May Concern ..
I am Writing to you in support of Ms."Name" and her desire to pursue graduate studies . I strongly recommend that she be given the opportunity to attend your university .
I have known Ms."Name" in University of Dammam for 4 years of study . Ms."Name" has consistently shown such a strong desire to learn that I simply could not turn down her request for recommendation .
Ms."Name" also impressed me with her knowledge , skill and dedication to her work . I hope that you will accept her admission to your university . Please feel free to contact me if you require further information .
Sincerely ,
Emaaan September 17th, 2011, 03:21 PM
7 " التوصية الثالثه ما حصلتها .. بس بالنسبة للورق اللي طبعت عليه دخلت ع موقع جامعتي وفتحت النماذج واخذت اللوقو شعار الجامعه والكلام اللي يجي مكتوب على الجنب اللي فيه اسم الجامعه والكليه وكذا وحطيته بورقة جديده وكتبت التوصيه تحت وعدت على خير محد قال شي..
Emaaan September 17th, 2011, 03:24 PM
7 "
حتى اوراقهم اللي فيها شعارهم قلت عطيني اوراق عشان اعطي الدكتورات يكتبون خطاب رفضت
او على الاقل اطبع عليها
كل شيء عندهم لا وممنوع ومسؤولية
انا بصراحه ابي قسم الرجال عشان كذا شيء
اول شي التوصيات
ثاني شيء عشان يترجمون الوثيقة والسجل
بس كل هذا شكله بالاحلام
ما عندي احد يروح لهم
تتوقعون المعقبين او اللي يروحون يسون المعاملات
ينفعوني بذا الشغله ؟