مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
هنويه الحلوه , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى احياء
, بجامعة university of oregon
- university of oregon
- احياء
- أنثى
- eugene, oregon
- السعودية
- Sep 2011
المزيدl November 26th, 2011, 04:17 AM
November 26th, 2011, 04:17 AM
مرحبااا ..
قبل ايام وصلني الضمان المالي لمعد جامعه اوريغيون في مدينه يوجين
عبيت الصفحه ولما ارسلتها اطلعت لي صفحه ثانيه احترت كيف اعبيها لانه تعلق بالكفيل الي راح يدفع وتوقيعه والله بالضبط موفاهمه واخترت دفع الرسوم عن طريق فيزا كارد بس موعارفه كيف ادفع
وهذي هي الصفحه وياااريت تساعدوني عشان ارسلها بالبريد ونخلص
This is Part 2. Please print out this page and fill out all of the information.
Name (Family Name, First Name) _______________________________________
Applying to AEI for: ____________________________________ (which term/s)
Date of Birth (month/day/year) _________________________
APPLICATION FEE: 110 U.S. DollarsPlease send a cashier's check, money order or credit card information for the required fee.
- Credit Card Number:_____________________________
Card Security Code (3 or 4 digits, usually on back of card): _______
Expiration Date:_______________________
FINANCIAL STATEMENTThe American English Institute is required by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service to obtain evidence that each applicant has adequate funds to pay for educational and living expenses during the period of study.
Please indicate the source(s) of your funds and the amount of money guaranteed. Send the documentation required.
Mark all that apply with "X" | Source of Funds for Period of Study | Amount Guaranteed | Documentation Required
(You must send) |
| Personal Funds | | Bank statement, signed by a bank official, stating exact amount of funds available. |
| Guarantor | | Bank statement, signed by a bank official, stating exact amount of funds available. Signature of the guarantor on this form. |
| Scholarship | | Copy of Scholarship or fellowship award letter, a government authorized letter of support. |
| Other | | Document, such as a loan agreement, signed by a responsible official, stating exact amount of funds available. |
Guarantor SignatureIf a guarantor will provide your funds, please have him or her complete the following:
I guarantee to provide ___________________________________ (name of applicant) with U.S. $____________ for _______ year(s) of study abroad. - Signature of the Guarantor ___________________________
Date _______________________
Relationship to Applicant ________________________________
CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATUREI certify that the information provided on this application and financial statement is correct and complete and that I will notify the American English Institute of any changes in my financial situation or academic status.
Signature ____________________________ Date _______________
Return this form, the AEI application fee, original financial statement, and original school transcripts to:
- Admissions Coordinator
American English Institute
5212 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5212
الجزء الاول اسمك
الثاني بيانات البطاقه اللي راح تدفعي منها
الاخير اكتفي باارسال الضمان المالي لان يسال من راح يدفع لك تكاليف الدراسه
وبالتوفيق ياعسل
غلاهم November 26th, 2011, 04:29 AM
7 "
November 26th, 2011, 04:17 AM
مرحبااا ..قبل ايام وصلني الضمان المالي لمعد جامعه اوريغيون في مدينه يوجين
عبيت الصفحه ولما ارسلتها اطلعت لي صفحه ثانيه احترت كيف اعبيها لانه تعلق بالكفيل الي راح يدفع وتوقيعه والله بالضبط موفاهمه واخترت دفع الرسوم عن طريق فيزا كارد بس موعارفه كيف ادفع
وهذي هي الصفحه وياااريت تساعدوني عشان ارسلها بالبريد ونخلص
This is Part 2. Please print out this page and fill out all of the information.
Name (Family Name, First Name) _______________________________________
Applying to AEI for: ____________________________________ (which term/s)
Date of Birth (month/day/year) _________________________
Please send a cashier's check, money order or credit card information for the required fee.
- Credit Card Number:_____________________________
FINANCIAL STATEMENTCard Security Code (3 or 4 digits, usually on back of card): _______
Expiration Date:_______________________
The American English Institute is required by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service to obtain evidence that each applicant has adequate funds to pay for educational and living expenses during the period of study.
Please indicate the source(s) of your funds and the amount of money guaranteed. Send the documentation required.
(You must send)
Guarantor Signature
If a guarantor will provide your funds, please have him or her complete the following:
I guarantee to provide ___________________________________ (name of applicant) with U.S. $____________ for _______ year(s) of study abroad.
Date _______________________
Relationship to Applicant ________________________________
I certify that the information provided on this application and financial statement is correct and complete and that I will notify the American English Institute of any changes in my financial situation or academic status.
Signature ____________________________ Date _______________
Return this form, the AEI application fee, original financial statement, and original school transcripts to:
American English Institute
5212 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5212