مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Andrew , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى Astronomy
, بجامعة University of Pittsburgh
- University of Pittsburgh
- Astronomy
- ذكر
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
- Mar 2012
المزيدl March 12th, 2012, 01:46 PM
March 12th, 2012, 01:46 PM
1) Don’t practice speaking in a quiet room free of distractions! If you want realistic TOEFL Speaking practice, then get your laptop or recording device and sit in a busy room with lots of audio distractions, and practice making your responses with plenty of distractions around you.Why? It’s simple. On test day, TOEFL test takers are all speaking their responses at the same time in one big hall or classroom. You may be very distracted by the other students making their responses on all sides of you, if you are not prepared for this. Some people are literally paralyzed by it! Instead of complaining about distractions at the exam center (which so many people do), why not prepare for it, and make your practice Speaking responses in a busy room instead of a quiet place?
Being able to filter your intake of information is actually agreat skill for TOEFL and beyond!
2) Don’t write out your TOEFL Speaking Section answers – EVER. Just begin practicing for the Speaking Section with real, natural spoken responses. Remember – REALISTIC pracitce is best. Practice using the 15, 20, or 30 seconds to prepare, along with the real 45 or 60 second response time.
3) Never give yourself a few extra seconds to prepare a TOEFL Speaking response. This takes discipline. It’s honest and realistic preparation that pays off, not cheating and bending the rules during practice. Keep to the letter of the time limits in all sections of the TOEFL.
4) Never think about the Speaking questions before beginning preparation. Realistic practice means getting the topic and then starting your preparation time immediately, just like on the real TOEFL.
5) Don’t select the questions you like from a list of practice TOEFL Speaking questions. If you have such a list, then cover it up, and only uncover one question at a time. FORCE YOURSELF to answer each one, and do not select only the ones you like. This gives you real practice, since the TOEFL Speaking questions will hit you as they are, and you will not have the option to choose this one or that one.
يا الله
متى أقدر اقرأ هذا الكلام كله وأفهمه كأني اقرأ مكونات عصير الربيع
الله يعطيك العافيه أخوي مع أني والله ماني فاهم شي مررررررره *_^
أنت ويني March 12th, 2012, 09:22 PM
7 " أنا كتبت في العنوان أنه مقال إنجليزي فهو لمن يرغب في قراءة مقال متميز بالإنجليزية، وغالبا الطلاب الذين يختبرون التوفل يقرؤون مثل هذا
Andrew March 12th, 2012, 11:08 PM
7 " نبي ترجمه نستفيد
ماني فاهمة ولاشيء
@دمعه فرح@ March 13th, 2012, 12:02 AM
7 " قبل جميع ما ذكر في المقال
لا تستعد لاختبار التوفل في غير لغة التوفل
فليكن استعدادك فعال - استعداد حقيقي تبدأ تحاول أن تقرأ المقالات الإنجليزية
الاختبار فيه نصوص إنجليزية تقرأها وتسأل عنها أسئلة يظهر من إجاباتك فهمك أو عدم فهمك
والنصوص من كتب العلوم المختلفة في السنة الأولى الجامعية - المقدمات للعلوم
ليس التوفل لمن يقول لا أقرأ الإنجليزية ولا أفهم شيئًا معذرة
وللفائدة : من قال لا أفهم لن يفهم. (( مَن يتحرَّ الخير يُعطه ))
وفق الله الجميع
Andrew March 13th, 2012, 04:44 PM
7 "
March 12th, 2012, 01:46 PM
Being able to filter your intake of information is actually agreat skill for TOEFL and beyond!
2) Don’t write out your TOEFL Speaking Section answers – EVER. Just begin practicing for the Speaking Section with real, natural spoken responses. Remember – REALISTIC pracitce is best. Practice using the 15, 20, or 30 seconds to prepare, along with the real 45 or 60 second response time.
3) Never give yourself a few extra seconds to prepare a TOEFL Speaking response. This takes discipline. It’s honest and realistic preparation that pays off, not cheating and bending the rules during practice. Keep to the letter of the time limits in all sections of the TOEFL.
4) Never think about the Speaking questions before beginning preparation. Realistic practice means getting the topic and then starting your preparation time immediately, just like on the real TOEFL.
5) Don’t select the questions you like from a list of practice TOEFL Speaking questions. If you have such a list, then cover it up, and only uncover one question at a time. FORCE YOURSELF to answer each one, and do not select only the ones you like. This gives you real practice, since the TOEFL Speaking questions will hit you as they are, and you will not have the option to choose this one or that one.