الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


بس ابغى اعرف وش يبون بالضبط

بس ابغى اعرف وش يبون بالضبط


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5452 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ياسمينـــه

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    ياسمينـــه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    ياسمينـــه , أنثى. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى ممرضه , بجامعة خل اكمل جامعه اول
    • خل اكمل جامعه اول
    • ممرضه
    • أنثى
    • يووووهـ مو قلنا نكمل علشان نعرف, لحووووول خل اكمل يانااااااااااس
    • السعودية
    • Nov 2008

    March 6th, 2010, 08:00 PM

    هلا صبايا وشبآب

    انا وصلني ذا لايميل وابغى اعرف بس وش يبون بالضبط

    كلام دش وهذرهـ

    في شي مهم والا خرابيط ؟

    الايميل جاني من هالعنوان ... مدري العنوان حسيته مهم

    U.S. Department of State ... usagc-state.gov @ hawaii.com


    U.S. Department of State
    Bureau of Consular Affairs, National Visa Center
    63 Rochester Ave-Portsmouth (NH) 3874

    والايميل يقول ...

    Dear Winner.
    Congratulations! You are among the lucky-selected winners-of the U.S. Green Card lottery program which was-conducted-under the terms-of Section 203 of the Immigration and-Nationality-Act (INA) Section-131 of the Immigration-Act of 2006 (Pub.L.101-649)

    (5.8-million-email addresses were randomly extracted during the 66 days extraction-period. The-email addresses were assigned to different-ticket-numbers for representation for final selection, and your email address-attached to N0. (KK978) drew the numbers that put you on the winner's lists .

    Notification is through the selected e-mail addresses (undisclosed) App
    roximately 575 winners had been notified through their email addresses including you today (01/03/2010)

    Your Green-Card winning details falls within the Asia pacific region as indicated and we have forwarded your winning details to our Asia-Pacific representative office for the-processing of your application documents for the issuance of your immigrant visa through the U.S. Embassy nearest to you.

    Please read and follow all the enclosed instructions carefully.
    The filing of an immigrant visa petition is the initial step required to receive the "green card" the visas have been apportioned among the six geographic regions. T herefore, for the immigrant visa issuance application guidelines, G-845S application forms and requirements, contact our Asia-pacific office with the below contact details:

    Contact-Person: Mr. Mark-Howard.
    Addr: Diethelm-Towers Building 2nd Floor, 28 North Wireless Road Bangkok, Thailand
    Tel: +66 835 619 209 +66 833 078 270
    Fax: +66 2251 9977

    If it should be necessary to contact our Asia-Pacific office by telephone, you must always refer to your Case Number as they appear below. Your Case Number is clearly written at the lower left corner of your notification letter and should be well noted for the filling of the claim applications.

    Please complete and return Green-Card application form for yourself and all accompanying family members. Complete G-845S form with your Case Number.

    Prior to the submission of the completed forms, please note the followings: All forms and correspondencies should be directed to our Asia-Pacific office where your case has been assigned and it is important that you complete and return the forms listed above as quickly as possible to enhance your chances of early visa issuance before the total numbers of immigrant visas for the fiscal year will be issued.

    U.S Laws limits the numbers of immigrant-visas that are available every year and once the total numbers of visas is issued, selected winners and accompanying family member's who do not receive visas by that time (5th of April 2010) will derive no further benefits from their Green Card winning status.

    Selected winners living legally in the United States who wish to pursue their Green-Card status should contact any of our regional offices where their winning details falls for information's on the requirements and procedures.

    Application documents processed by United-States officers abroad require a visa application (machine-readable visa - MRV) fee that recovers for the United States the costs associated with manufacturing, processing and printing the documents.

    Therefore, those selected in the random drawing should be prepared to pay the processing fees connected with immigration to the U.S. which are as follows.

    Single application processing fee: $970.
    Dual/family: $1,490.

    Your documents will be post to you once the processing is completed and the copies forwarded to the U.S. Embassy nearest to you for the scheduling of your visa interview appointment for the issuance of your visa.

    You will be notified of your visa interview appointment once scheduled and should go to the Embassy on your appointment date with the required documents and visa interview appointment letter for the issuance of your visa.

    Case Number: WAC2010383157
    Preferences-Categories: DV DIVERSITY
    Foreign State charge-ability: Asia-Pacific
    Click> Green Card Application

    Mrs. Roselyn-Williams.
    Kentucky Consular Center

  2. رسايل ترسل بشكل عشوائي. شغلة نصب واحتيال لا تدفع لهم شي انتبه. أكيد مرت عليك رسايل زي كذا اللي يقولون مبروك ايميلك طلع معنا من ضمن الأيميلات اللي ربحت سيارة مثلاً ولا مليون دولار بس ادفع رسوم الأبلكيشن. هذي نفسة الطريقة بس يقولون ربحت القرين كارد والرسوم زي ما انت شايف 970 دولار. وترا الرسالة ماهي من السفارة.
    7 "
  3. اهااااا

    انا ادري ان في رسايل نصب للجرين كارد بس لما شفت العنوان حسيته مهم

    قلت يمكن البيت الابيض يبغاني والا جورج بوش عازمني عالعشا هههههههه

    وبصراحه شدني اللي نهااااااااية الرساله اللي فيها تذكره مجانيه خخخخخ

    اجل جرين كارد ؟!

    خل الجرين كارد بدبتهم وينفعهم انا عندي الجواز الكحلي بكبره ..

    7 "

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الانضمام لمبتعث

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